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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Still doesn't give the other guy the right to damage his car!
  2. It's called punitive damages. ???? But all kidding aside, he might have damaged the paint on the car and the door. Repqinting a car these days is prohibitively expensive.
  3. You mean the guy who broke off the mirror on the other car got boned by the police/court? Yes, that's how it works!
  4. This is precisely the reason why foreign objects shouldn't be removed from wounds! If they had left the glass shard in his throat he wouldn't have lost nearly as much blood, subsequently he most likely wouldn't have died in the ambulance and wouldn't suffer from post cardiac arrest syndrome now.
  5. So what's next, Campbell soups claiming copyright?
  6. Scenarios like this one could be so easily prevented. Get a limousine with black out windows and no one will be able to see or take pictures of you. Case closed! They also need to step up the laws regarding the paparazzi filth!
  7. It's most likely a matter of probably having the legal right in Thailand to apply for bail, which from his point of view was worth a try, despite the non-existent chance of that actually happening. In regards to it being in the news, it's an update on the case.
  8. You really mean guys who kill someone usually don’t want to get caught!
  9. That sounds very much like a made up story to sell to the tabloids. There's no way the guy could've been that stupid!
  10. I hate to say this, but I've expected nothing else, given the history of the perpetrator and the fact that she witnessed him killing her boyfriend.
  11. How difficult is it to not wear expensive jewelry and watches while on holiday in foreign countries?!
  12. The West doesn't have to do that because you're doing an excellent job by yourself! ????????????
  13. All cobras bite, but not all cobras are spitters. I think only about one third of all cobras species spit, if that.
  14. Right! May that as it be, those tanks were built to withstand the weaponry common at the time and they won't stand a chance against modern tanks and weaponry. It's like putting up an almost 80 year old race car against a Formula 1 car.
  15. Of course they can bite, all venomous snakes bite, that's how they kill their prey. There's several spitting cobras species, some in Asia some in Africa. The spitters use spitting only to defend themselves. Wikipedia has all the knowledge you need to know about cobras. There's over 30 different species. Generally speaking, if you see a cobra and you back up to 5 meters then you'll be at a safe distance from a spitter. What I love the most about cobras is the hissing sound they make because it says utterly unmistakingly 'get the f..k away from me!' ???? If you're into cobras, there's quite a few youtubers who keep venomous snakes, Chandlers Wildlife, Tyler Nolan, Dingo Dinkelman and N.E.R.D. would be a few worthy ones to check out.
  16. Yeah, that’s definitely possible, especially when one comes from a temperate country and isn’t used to the heat in Thailand!
  17. Depends on the species, some are fairly accurate up to 3 meters. The one that got the guy in this article produces more of a mist than a “beam” of venom and therefore its effective range is roughly 1 meter.
  18. You could definitely potentially go blind from spitting cobra venom, and even if it’s just to secondary infection, but for that to happen you’d have to have no access to water to clean your eyes, as you’ve already pointed out. The much bigger issue with spitting cobra venom is and this applies only to people who either keep them or have to look after them like in a zoo or at a venom lab, most spitting cobras species spit a lot and it doesn’t take much for them to do so. This means that some of the venom will be inhaled by the people who care for them and this can eventually cause an allergy to the venom over time. If that happens you will go into anaphylactic shock next time you’re exposed to the venom and that has a fairly high chance of killing you, if left untreated. That’s the reason why a lot of keepers skip the spitters and go for a monocled or spectacled cobra instead.
  19. Their bodies are usually a bit more slender than that of other naja species. Depending on the locality coloration can be useful to identify them, too. But in both cases you have to be familiar with cobra species. To average Joe it looks like all the other cobras. One tell tale sign is if it spits at you! ???? Naja kaouthia, that would be the monocled cobra, can spit as well, but since that one isn’t a true spitter they’re really bad at it. It would be enough to hit your face from a close distance, but true spitters are fairly accurate up to several meters, although the species in question produces more of a mist than a spray, therefore its effective range is about only one meter.
  20. Dying from just one ecstacy seems somewhat unlikely to me, because like any other illegal drug that comes as a powder or a tablet is usually cut to maximize profit. Either way, needless death.
  21. The death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent, whether executed publicly or behind closed doors because murders are either planned and in that case the murderer to be plans it so they hopefully won't get caught or the murder happens in the heat of the moment, in which case the perpetrator is so far gone into the red zone in that particular moment that they're incapable of thinking about the consequneces. Plus death row inmates cost a lot more than regular prisoners, due to special housing and lots of appeals. The only way this would work cost efficiently is, if you were to go the Chinese way, which is trial, conviction and then execution immediately afterwards, but that's not how it works in the western world.
  22. 3 meters straight onto your head will be more than enough to do the deed.
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