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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Take some reading comprehension classes, will you, because you’re continuously missing the point of my original post, which I’m gonna spell out now again and for the final time: the Spaniard completely and utterly failed his mission of keeping his and his family’s “reputation” intact. As a matter of fact, he ruined it way worse than what the murder victim could’ve done, AND he should’ve gone to the cops after the blackmail attempt instead of taking matters into his own hands and by that <deleted> up his own and his family members’ lives in the process! If that is jumping to conclusions in your book, then hey, I guess I’ve jumped to conclusions! SMH!!!
  2. Right, how dare they to defend themselves after they got hit first! And by the way, when someone attacks you you have the right to take them out so they can’t continue to attack you, it’s called self-defense, which is exactly what they did! The Brit’s should’ve kept their hands to themselves and accept the fact that they were asked to leave and that’s all there is to it!
  3. How am I jumping to conclusions? He said it himself, the guy was trying to blackmail him, he didn’t want to be found out and he wanted to keep his and his family’s reputation intact and that’s why he killed him. If that was really the case then the way to go would’ve been to go to the cops and press charges against him for blackmail instead of killing him. Obviously he achieved the exact opposite of what he wanted to achieve, keeping his homosexuality hidden and his and his family’s reputation intact! On the other hand it’s also quite possible that he just made that up as an excuse and the real reason is the stolen money.
  4. I think you missed the bit at the beginning where the younger Brit slapped the Thai guy first and then got a minor beating. It’s not like they were kicking and beating them to a pulp. Also, this is Thailand, the land of Thai boxing, where they use arms and legs, plus they were bouncers. What did you expect, a friendly sit down and a peace pipe to hush it out? By the way, the way this article is written is so biased towards the “poor” Brits when in reality it’s the fault of the younger Brit that it came to this. They could’ve just walked away!
  5. Who writes the headlines? Why is the word overnight in there? It doesn't make sense in this context at all!
  6. OK, so you had the choice between the world finding out you're gay, maybe "ruining" your and your family's reputation (like anyone actually gives a <deleted> about your sexual orientation in this day and age) and killing someone, the world still finding out you're gay, definitely ruining your and your family's reputation and spending at least 25 years in prison for murder and you went for the latter one?! Wow!
  7. You're missing the point! Murder in the first degree in Thailand always gets you the death penalty, BUT if you admit your guilt and work with the authorities to solve the case, they usually convert it to 25 years, which is most likely what he will get, since he seems to be corroborating.
  8. Well, what did he expect? You can’t just expose yourself in front of the missus and the kids and then take a leak in their front yard like that and expect no retaliation! ???? But all kidding aside, these monkey attacks are nasty because of their ginormous fangs!
  9. For whatever he’s up to politically those days!
  10. Sounds like it’s time for the Russian public to start a revolution and get rid of Putin internally!
  11. First of all, the vast majority of Germans doesn’t vote right wing, Secondly, the AFD will never be in control because all of the other parties refuse to coalesce with them. And lastly the Reichsbürger are a joke and they can start as many coups as they want, they’ll never succeed!
  12. Can’t wait! I hope it’s not just a ploy to gain sympathy and votes!
  13. Sounds tempting, but the triangle might become an issue! ???? Can the visa in Bermuda be renewed annually indefinitely?
  14. I guess the word politicial suicide doesn't exist in the vocabulary of Move Foward because that's exactly what they're doing with insisting on changing the Lese Majeste law.
  15. You mean like a tourist visa? I'd like to stay permanently and do my digital thing. I'd even be willing to pay taxes, but that's unfortunately not possible and therefore Thailand can't be the best for digital nomads in my book.
  16. Those ladyboys in Pattaya are a fricking pain in the ass. They always come onto people and when they get rejected because most people are NOT into them, they can't handle it, freak out and get nasty!
  17. How can it be the best when you can’t get a work permit as a digital nomad?!
  18. Yeah, could've been dehydration from amphetamines or an overdose, but it could've just as well been a multitude of medical issues completely unlrelated to any potantial drug use.
  19. Why does it paint Thailand in a bad light? Unfortunately stuff like this goes down every day in pretty much every country in the world. So it's not any given nation's problem, it's a mankind problem and therefore to judge an entire country based on the actions of a few of its citizens is just stupid! Most Thais will be just as much aghast about it as people elsewhere in the world when they hear about it!
  20. As long as there's massive amounts of money to be made and as long as there is a demand for drugs there will always be people willing to take the risk and sell drugs regardless of potential punishment. By the way, the death penalty in Singapore can be circumvented by staying below a certain amount of any given drug. I think it's 15 grams for heroin. The woman in question was caught with twice as much, so she clearly didn't care about the death penalty. Either way, I'm not saying it won't deter some people, but it's not the major anti-drug weapon many people think it is! Not even close!
  21. Well, technically speaking they only decriminalized personal possession of small amounts. They will still prosecute if they catch you with larger amounts. But it definitely solved the major drug problem they had there!
  22. Well, Singapore ranks 53rd out of 195 countries in the world when it comes to drugs. So how much does it really deter?
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