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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. The first article said he sustained a head injury in a fall.
  2. America has acknowledged 2 years ago in an official statement that there are in fact UFOs out there that perform aerial maneuvers that are impossible for anything man-made. So has France and the UK. Backed up by military radar, infrared and thermal video footage of them.
  3. Says the fat $&#*$&$@ *!@# who spent the first hour and a half of each of his workdays getting his carrot spray tan applied and the mop styled he calls hairdo while he was in power!
  4. Wrong! If he had had the gun on him when the other guy came after him with the axe then it would've been self-defense, but if you go into your own house to get the gun then it's not self-defense because you managed to evade the danger by getting away. All he had to do was lock the door behind him and call the cops. If the guy would've broken into his house with the axe it would've been self-defense. He'll go down for that. Trust me.
  5. If I was an actor I would definitely check any gun beforehand myself, but again, it's not your job as an actor for the same reason why an actor doesn't check the lighting, camera angles, extras etc. They specifically hire people for these jobs.
  6. Baldwin was told the gun was COLD when it was handed to him. It's not the actors job to check the guns, thats why they hire gun/prop masters.
  7. If you mean the woman who was the prop master and the guy who handed the gun to Baldwin, who said it was cold then yes, they're both at fault.
  8. Doesn't change the fact that she should've done her job and check the gun!
  9. And that's precisely why they have a gun master on the set, who's job it is to make sure the gun is cold and she said the gun is cold when she handed it to Baldwin! I'd be extremely surprised if Baldwin goes down for this!!!
  10. I highly doubt that this had anything to do with religion apart from the fact that the mosque is the one place where a lot of the cops, that were the target, came together!
  11. One of the biggest mistakes Australia has ever made was to introduce cane toads to their wildlife. Fortunately some species, like monitor lizards have learned to not eat them. Hopefully other species will follow.
  12. Ridiculous! I hope she wins the trial and a nice lump sum!!!
  13. They hired that woman to take care of all the gun stuff and she didn't do her job. I don't see how Baldwin can be held resposnsible for her negligence. He was there to act and although he was the producer as well, he can't do everything and he was told the gun is cold. The one thing for an actor/actress to take away from this is to check the prop gun regardless of what the gun master tells you.
  14. What? It wasn't the cops who opened fire first and if they had had to sign in their weapons then there would've been most likely a lot more people who would've died!
  15. That's like asking if there are any fish in the sea. Also there's a nifty little invention called pregnancy test that can be bought at any pharmacy, duh!!!
  16. First of all, the price the Russian government gets for its oil has zero impact on the wages of average Joe in Russia!!! Secondly, there's more than enough Russians that have money to go on holiday. Your argument doesn't make any sense at all!
  17. Surprise, surprise!!!
  18. My money is on a yellow submarine!
  19. Well, a lot of people who get raped just can't talk about it initially because of the trauma. On top of that you'd have to go through intense police "interrogations" and medical examinations when you press charges. Not everyone is capable of dealing with that right after a rape.
  20. Eye for an eye comes to mind!
  21. Mate, take your Thaksin Fanboy blinders off and do some objective research on the 30 Baht health scheme and find the truth yourself! It's a fact, that the number of doctors decreased in the countryside after the implementation of the 30 Bahtl health scheme. But it's alright, keep your head in the sand about it! By the way, you're allowing your blind love for Thaksin to totally and utterly cloud your judgement! He's not the MESSIAH, he's not the SAVIOR and he is most definitely NOT innocent! He's a criminal, corrupt, manipulative megalomaniac! That's a fact and nothing you can say and no matter how much you gonna try to twist and turn that, will change that! That's all im gonna have to say to you! Enjoy the rest of your life!
  22. The 30 Baht health scheme resulted in a lot of private doctors having to close shop because they couldnt live of that. The lines at hospitals became even longer after that. The 30 Baht health thing was a blatantly obvious scheme to get votes.
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