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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Yeah, the 30 baht health scheme was good for people with little money, although a lot of private practices in the country side had to close down because they couldn't live of that and doctors migrated to bigger cities to work for government hospitals, which meant that the lines in hospitals in the countryside got even longer than they were before, Let's face it, the 30 Baht scheme was such a blatantly desperate move to get votes!!!
  2. So delusional! The real sad part about it though, that people actually fall for that BS!
  3. I never said that! I said Thaksin is guilty and needs to pay for it and you guys were the ones who brought the current guys into this. I never said anything about them either way, apart from that I'm not familiar with the current situation! And again, putting words in my mouth won't fly! And yes, you guys won't change my mind about Thaksin being guilty one iota! Amd lastly, and I don't know how to express this any simpler than this: How does the current guys not being brought to justice, yet, from your point or view, justify Thaksin not having to pay for what he did?! And don't give me that <deleted> "fair trial" line. He's as guilty as they come and you know it, but somehow you don't seem to have a problem with that at all. You probably also think that Pablo Escobar was a great guy, because you know, he built hospitals and schools and <deleted>.
  4. ???????????????? keep sticking your head in the sand, mate! No skin off my nose!
  5. Why do people keep bringing that up???? Just because the current one or anyone else for that matter might be corrupt, doesn't mean that Thaksin should go free!!! The one has nothing to do with the other whatsoever!!! Every criminal needs to pay for their crimes. End of story!
  6. Mate, he's a criminal. End of story and you can twist and turn that for as long as you want, it doesn't change the fact. In regards to your childish counting, if you think Thaksin is innocent then you were never even in the game! ????
  7. Just because the trial didn't go his way doesn't mean that it wasn't fair! That's just your opinion. He's a convicted criminal who needs to go to prison, regardless of what your opinion is on the subject matter. End of story!
  8. You missed the point. The guy I was replying to always brings up the "coups are illegal in Thailand" line and thinks that justifies Thaksin not being prosecuted. In my book everyone who gets lawfully convicted needs to pay the price regardless of what other people did.
  9. Putting words in my mouth won't work! Apparently I need to spell it out for you: Any criminal needs to pay for what they did, regardless of what anyone else did! Just because no one went after the perpetrators of what, 17 coups in Thailand in total now, doesn't mean Thaksin should walk free. If anyone has a problem with any of the coups they can take the resonsible parties to court and see what happens. Since you seem to be the leading authority in the case, at least in your mind, why don't you do that and see how far you'll get?! If they get convicted they need to go to jail, just like Thaksin needs to go to jail for what he did! But apparently no one gives a rat's behind about your "coups are illegal in Thailand" line and that's why nothing happened so far and that's also why there WILL NEVER be anything happening in that regard!
  10. In your head maybe, not in the real world, though!
  11. He's just prolonging the inevitable with his empty nuclear threats, he's gonna lose that war!
  12. Like 25 people could overthrow a government and take control of a country... Doomed to fail from the getgo!
  13. Have you even read the article in the link you provided? Everything I've stated is in that article. I got the 100 million wrong. It's been awhile since I've read that article in the Bangkok post. So the land went for 2.3 billion Baht initially when it was sold by the previous owner. Then the value got reevaluated and brought down the price to 1.3 billion and Thaksin's wife bought it at "auction" for 772 million, nonetheless as the only bidder in the second round because to be eligible to bid on the land they had to pay a fee, or something along the lines of a fee, of 100 million Baht, which the two other bidders of the first round didn't have or didnt want to spend otherwise she wouldn't have been the only bidder. That's 600 million less than what the agency of the Bank of Thailand paid for it and Thaksin did sign a letter of consent to make the deal go through and since he was the defacto leader of the agency this was illegal and therefore he caught 2 years! It's all in the link you provided. But I got it completely wrong!
  14. Well, just because the current situation is essentially front and center doesn't mean that my comments about Thaksin are pointless, since he is also front and center of the debate! And especially because it is about him coming back to Thailand which makes my comments more than relevant to the current situation! The reason of Thaksin being ousted had absolutely nothing to do with an election coming up. He went up against someone publicly and paid the price, whether that was legal is not for me to decide and besides the point! The point is, Thaksin is a convicted criminal on the run and he needs to go to prison and that's all there is to it from my point of view.
  15. The one has absolutely nothing to do with the other!
  16. I lived in Thailand from 2003 until 2014 and therefore was in Thailand while the Thaksin episode went down and I didn't follow up on the situation after I've left. In regards to coups being illegal, that's obviously not how it works, regardless of what the law says. Nonetheless, he's a convicted criminal and should pay for it!
  17. I'm sorry, but if the guy you're beating up is already at the point where he can't walk or run but has to CRAWL away from you and you're still kicking him then this is excessive force and that's punishable in most countries.
  18. I'm not familiar with the current situation, therefore I can't speak on that. In my opinion he needs to stand trial for what he did regardless of what someone else did or didn't do!
  19. Trumped up charges??? He did sell AIS for 2 billion dollars and didn't pay taxes on that by gifting it first to his housekeeper, who then in turn gifted the money to his children. He also ordered a government owned plot of land in Bangkok to be sold to his wife for 100 million, which was bought by the government just a few years earlier for two or three times the price, which was illegal because family members of politicians are not allowed to buy land from the government while their family member is an active politician! The guy who was responsible for the sale notified Thaksin and told him it is illegal and if he wants the sale to go through, he needs a signed letter from Thaksin, which he gave him. These are just two examples of many. He's as corrupt as they come and he needs to pay for it! He's a typical megalomaniac who though he could do whatever he wants and even go up against the king and he paid the price, only not in full, yet!
  20. Why? Because he's as corrupt as they come and he needs to pay for what he did, just like everyone else!
  21. Let him come home, so he can go to prison and rot there until the end of his days to set an example!!!
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