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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. You should see Crispin's latest at AT.Can't link for the usual reasons.

    That article reminded me of that Churchill quote. " An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last." Interesting times.

    "Appeaser. Is that something like a sycophant? Lots of them in this country. Got lots of phrases for that. Yes man. Kiss as@, etc. Yep got lots of them here.

    But, the underlying problem s that no one in the politics of Thailand is willing to educate the public.

    God forbid, if the masses were educated they would know what the pols were up to. Like stealing their money.

  2. Just an observation from one who was here before and since.

    Thailand entered a dark age when Thaksin was overthrown in the military coup.

    The entire spirit and heart of the country was ripped out.

    It's now the Land of Frightened Frowns.

    What a festive and happier place it was before that day.

    Look at it now.

    Blockading the airport was far more damaging to tourism and the economy than anyone seems to imagine.

    Thousands of tourists were trapped here or couldn't come....

    But the real cost is the thousands will never come to Thailand again because of it.


    Thailand lost face before the world (and untold billions of Bt) with that escapade, and the inaction of the military and police to do anything about it

    They will never live that down.

    I really don't care much about Thai politics. It's not my country. I have no vote....It's just an observation.

    Somehow this seems an observation from someone who might have been here but didn't learn a bloody thing.

    Ignore the fact that 'things' really started when k. Thaksin sold his family stakes in Shinawatra Holdings the day a law allowing that came in action. Managed to avoid paying tax as well. Still of course blame the yellow shirts from blockading the airport and ruining the country. Thailand lost face. Slightly ignoring the disaster when UDD leader Arisman with his supporters stormed the ASIAN convention and caused National Leaders to flee.

    I do care about Thailand and it people, although less about it's funny politics. Still IMHO a much more valid observation.

    Dear beelzabub666:

    You said ".....What a festive and happier place it was before that day......" (meaning before the coup)

    How can you possibly say that. Thailand was in the grasp of a highly corrupt / openly highly corrupt man who changed the laws for his own massive benefit, a man who intimidated the judiciary, intimidated the civil servants, intimidated the press, intimidated the electoral commission, intimidated anybody who was in his way, the rural poor were getting into deeper debt, he was promoting his own realtives into numerous high powerful positions, he instructed Thai banks to loan massive amounts to the thug generals in Burms so that his family companies who gain enormous sales, he very seriously violated the human rights of thousands of Thais, many died, and more.

    So how can you state 'happier place'?

    Or as you perhaps suggesting that all of the above points should have been ignored? And do you have any rationale to support a case to ignore all these points?

    Well, you could ignore them and wait for a darker age.

  3. Dont forget, Thaksin was declared a fugitive by a government that illegally siezed power. Thaksin was the duly elected PM at the time and with the constitution that was in place. Of course the military coup has tossed out the constitution. That makes the idea of a constitution meaningless if people can ignore it and re-write it without due process. Even in the far from perfect United States, the constitution is the law of the land but there are provisions for changing it.

    My point is that even if the coup against Thaksin was not legal, he was tried for the crimes brought against him and his convictions still stand.

  4. Yingluck is NOT qualified to run the government....anyone who thinks she is not in collaboration with her brother Thaksin to reenter the country and retrieve his billion or so baht needs to wake up.

    Lets not forget he is a fugitve for a reason and literally hiding in another country. There are some countries that will not even allow him entry.

    He is a criminal, eventhough a very rich one, he is still a criminal. - and his sister is not qualified to be prime minister, might as well just elect a noodle vendor.

    You should be more cautious! Mr Thaksin was in fact a legally elected (by a vast majority) Prime Minister ousted by a coup, and yes he has been denied entry by many countries. Bizarre really considering most of them are run by legally elected Governments! There then followed a period of out of control "mob rule" in Thailand the damage to Thailand caused was clear for all to see!

    You might wish to consider how he will be feeling about the residents from those countries (that turned their backs on him ) living in Thailand if his interests return to power.

    Think about that before you let your mouth run away with you.

    Before you come back with the "corruption" argument, start forming a list of S E Asian premiers that did not in some way benefit financially from being in power.

    I for one was disappointed with the way Mr Thaksin was treated by the gutless British Government of the time and I look forward to hearing their bumbling rants if his interests return to power again.

    You are very correct about the other SE Asian premiers. But none of them have been convicted. Before you let your mouth run away with you, It would be wise to note that the activities of Thaksin are duly noted in several branches of the government. The courts even went lenient on him and did not take all the money that was asked for.

    While corruption is rampant in Thailand and the rest of SE Asia, I will not believe that all the branches of the government are completely corrupt.

  5. I think that Puea Thai will get a lot less votes than they should due to the fact that the font size of the Puea Thai candidate on the voting form is considerably smaller than the other candidates.

    I wonder how that happened..........:o

    I would think that PTP voters will be able to read the number "1".

    As far as I am aware the Puea Thai candidates are not in first position at the top of the list (which you would have through they would be).

    Another piece of suspect foul play. But we all knew that anyway.

    The parties are shown in numerical order.

    It seems that some people like conspiracy theories. But we all knew that anyway.

    As I have said on numerous occasions. Google is amazing.

    It seems to me that It is PT that used an overly large long logo. And there they are right at the top. Beside the number 1


  6. Since most on this forum can't vote (or drink alcohol during election times), or even have a full depth of knowledge of Thai politics, it is unlikely that we have a real political stand. My stand is that Thaksin is a crook and a criminal. The only part of that, that is political is his political influence.

    I think you would be suprised at how little the average Thai worker knows or cares about Thai politics. Of the more than 40 Thai people in my department, only one has an in depth understanding of Thai politics. The rest know as little as is provided to them on Channels 3 or 7 between soap operas. Having said that, many of my colleagues are worried about potential violence after the elections and the impact it will have on them and their ability to make a living. They really haven't given the future of the country a thought.

    I have my likes and dislikes in terms of political parties and candidates, but to be honest about it, like my colleagues, I too am only really concerned about the impact any post election violence will have on my ability to provide for my family.

    I would not be surprised at all. Read my other posts. Since we are supposed to keep on topic, it my dearest hope that it does not happen again but with the MAN in charge, I am expecting it.

  7. Well here is another lot of opinion, who started the violence, if you were not standing next to the person who gave the order or next to the person who made a shot, then it is all your opinion who started it, that makes it bigoted opinion and that is the worst kind, for it is not open to debate. I wasn't there I do not know, even though I followed it on T.V and seen the U-Tube, but I was not there

    As I stated I have no political stance at all in Thailand, its not my country, but I have noted as an impartial observer, that Farang supporters of the Yellow (camp may we say) far accede the supporters of the (red camp) But the supporters of the red (camp) seem to be a lot more open minded and less prejudice.

    Before you make your comment: read what I have written as your comment will probably show I am right.

    I live in the heart of the Red Camp, as you say. While I have to say, I see things from their perspective, I believe they spend so much time working that they have little idea about any form the government might be taking. This is why the vote buying is so prevalent and works so well.

    It is my opinion that all political parties in Thailand (and the rest of the world) are corrupt. Some more than others so that corruption becomes relative. I will not try to influence who they vote for but I will say that the 'Red Shirt camp" has been influence by the most corrupt of the corrupt (in Thailand) and they should have figured that out from the violence that ensued. Some actually did but it did little to soften their disdain for the BKK elite. They have no clue that Thaksin is of the same ilk. They only know that he buys their vote but they think it is normal.

    I cannot support any political faction in this country. I refuse to garner any support for either. You have one party that is going to give a Tablet PC to every student that they don't educate. You have another party that is going to raise wages by 25% in 2 years. Both are ridiculous thoughts. Completely out of scope with the situation of the country. Although I have to admit any wage increase (if it were true) be much more practical than a Notebook PC for every student. With a wage increase maybe a few more students could get educated.

    You are correct about the Farang supporters of the 'Red Shirt camp' but that can go no where unless there were a political party worth voting for.

  8. Why does ignorance prevail more in the educated, than the uneducated?

    Chiang mai tourism has been abysmal for 3 years now. What happened 3 years ago?

    What happened about 3 years ago? Hmmmmmmmm the Global Financial Crisis?


    Global Financial Crisis

    Author and Page information

    * by Anup Shah

    * This Page Last Updated Saturday, December 11, 2010

    * This page: http://www.globaliss...nancial-crisis.

    * To print all information e.g. expanded side notes, shows alternative links, use the print version:

    o http://www.globaliss...int/article/768

    The global financial crisis, brewing for a while, really started to show its effects in the middle of 2007 and into 2008. Around the world stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed or been bought out, and governments in even the wealthiest nations have had to come up with rescue packages to bail out their financial systems.

    I could give you scads more links showing that it started in 2007 but was really felt in the latter 1/2 of 2008 ....

    I do not dispute, the World financial crash had an enormous effect on tourism, But others would dispute that the Airport seizure had any contribution towards failing tourism or in fact that there is any decline in tourism, You can not go on Government figures, that is just believing what someone wants you to believe.

    If you are or were in the tourist sector industry, you will know without published figures that tourism is down considerably from 3 years ago. Yes agree 2 factors. Financial crash and Airport seizure..

    I have no political stand in Thailand, I do not favor any against any other party, I just try to see things as they are and not how I wished they were

    Since most on this forum can't vote (or drink alcohol during election times), or even have a full depth of knowledge of Thai politics, it is unlikely that we have a real political stand. My stand is that Thaksin is a crook and a criminal. The only part of that, that is political is his political influence.

  9. Quote: "Last year the Reds brought Bangkok to a standstill with a two month-long demonstration that drew an estimated 100,000 people at its peak, and ended in an army crackdown that left more than 90 people dead."

    Shame that the reporter did not mention how the PAD brought THE COUNTRY to a standstill with it's occupation of the airport. Thailand tourism is still suffering today due to this.

    I think it much more likely tourism was damaged by the images broadcast around the world of Bangkok burning and the deaths in the streets, all at the hands of the redshits, than the two week closure of the airport by the yellows.

    Yes, the airport closure was not good, but at least it was non-violent.

    Sorry to break your bubble mate.

    I had several of my compatriots ask me about the RIOTS in Bangkok. I told them that there were just places to steer clear of. Not one ever mentioned the Yellow shirt deal at the airport.

  10. Overall numbers are up? Perhaps the 'islands', but certainly not in BKK or Patts!

    Yes, overall numbers are up. I am not sure that your assumption regarding where is correct. As to Sotsira's post ---- I think the political violence of the reds cost the country the most both in the short-term and in the longer term. It certainly cost the most in terms of damage. The image of Thailand got dinged by both but days and days of reporting about violence in the capitol certainly hurt worse than passengers stranded for about a week. Other countries have had similar results from airport strikes etc.

    The SET has taken a beating lately due to the fear of more political violence that would probably account for more loss than the rally at the airport did, all on its own.

    Not to provoke an argument but where did you get your data from, regarding the numbers of toursits? I work in hotels and my partner in tourism and we both have 'felt' a distinct drop in business. Perhaps this is our geographical location or out respective demongraphics????

    Maybe the local and Asian tourist are up but foreigners are not. Like it or not they are the money spenders. My wife's shop has seen the decline.

  11. If an understanding can be reached whereby, the military and protestors will give Peua Thai the chance to govern, provided they don't overstep their mark or bring Thaksin back, I'm sure we can navigate our way out of this crisis. They are welcome to work within the framework of the law to explore avenues for his rehabilitation (they should not imagine that he will be able to get off scott free), but anything manipulate should expect a protest.

    Thaksin might necessary take revenge (except against Newin perhaps) but rather use it from a position of strength to strike a deal with the military. He's never going to go away, and unfortunately he has the masses behind him, so ultimately a deal needs to be struck, but this isn't the final round, they will throw the law book at him and probably be able to legitimately pull it off (after PT isn't a proper political party), so that will be their negotiating position. If Thaksin can find it in himself to admit some guilt and take some punishment we can finally move towards reconciliation.

    The seizure of 49 billion baht seems to be a fair punishment to me.

    Until he gets it back everyone might think so. He is on the track for recovering that money. He will do so if PT wins the election. Do you know what you can get away with in Thailand for 49 Million Baht. Buy yourself out of murder, drug trafficking and other things a few times.

  12. Thaksin doesn't impress me as someone you can actually have GOOD FAITH negotiations with. Sorry about that, but isn't that obviously true based on his past words and actions?

    I do feel he is a tragic figure and totally linked to the probably grim near term future of Thailand. I feel this is going to end badly somehow probably for both Thaksin AND Thailand, that Black Songkran and Bangkok Burning were precursors of something even more tragic.

    You can count on that. He is after his money and he is not going to stop with that. He wants more.

  13. Unless your hotel is near the station, I don't see the point.

    I go out the hotel, never use a hotel limo. Just get in a taxi say you need to go to the airport and NO MORE THINKING.. Not like taxis are expensive. I can go from the airport to Bang Pa In for 500 Baht less toll fees or vice versa. Even hotel limos are note expensive. The transport seems more suited for backpackers. I didn't use the one in K.L. either for the same reason and that airport is FAR more out of town.

    People we are not talking New York or London or Paris, etc.

  14. Big Cycle is in Udon Thani. They have parts. 8,000 baht for a FLH battery. 360 baht for oil.

    I found a local brand of oil that meets all of Harley specs for 800 or 850 Baht for 6 litres.

    Parts are here but it depends on what you need. It is expensive compared to the states but if you are from Scandinavia I doubt it is too bad compared to what you pay there.

  15. She added that her brother, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra had nothing do to with the red-shirt group

    Ahhhh, back to Thaksin's own feeble denials... "I don't know them"

    The PTP must have a very low opinion of their constituents to feed them this much manure.

    All these comments show the actual ideology of PTP=Red Shirts is to follow where the "wind blows". If it's convenient and suit them, that's what they will say.

    In my opinion, it's spineless. How can anyone trust these jellyfish to run a country?

    All the policies are more likely to be empty promises it they don't suit PTP at that time. To me, that is "good at only talking"!jap.gif

    Careful, that applies to politicians everywhere.

    I am still trying to figure why a platform of giving a "notebook PC' to every student is supposed to help the poor farmers of the northeast, etc when there is an almost total lack of formal education at all.

    At the same time it would create economic havoc to raise workers wages 25% over 2 years. Still does not help the farmers and realistically cannot happen.

  16. One Son flew in from Switzerland on Sunday, the other Son flew in from Taiwan on Wednesday which means neither were in the Country at the time of the Mother's death, therefore are not suspects in the case. What does concern me is that it would appear the Thai Police did not do a full forensic examination of the late Lady's Accommodation and whilst I am no medic, can a body sustain bruising after death? Rest in Peace dear Lady.

    Same here, I cant imagine bruising after death. Scrapes and cut on the rocks but bruising I doubt.

  17. i'm ok with people around here not wearing helmets, so many darwin award candidates here that putting helmets delays the inevitable a bit more than necessary.


    That sentence is so stupid i think even you must think so. That is like saying that seat belts encourage crashes. If people are stupid enough to think that helmets make them invisable. then they would probably wear them all the time.

    The truth is that they reduce your risk of death by about 80 %. Your head is a very improtant part of the body. you cannot brake your head like u can brake an arm or a leg and wait for it to heal.

    you fall a few feet onto bear concrete and you can kiss your releatives behinde while u r floating up to the sky.

    The alternative is wearing a hemet and haveing a smashed bike and a few scratch marks on you.

    Samui has a really bad rep. for death on the roads. do we really need the police to nanny us. can't we just use our own loafs.

    I hate England the govement telling us what we can and can't do but people are just like a bunch of lemons. unless there is a force telling what we can and can't do we just become lemons...

    i never thought i would saying or write something like that. must be age getting to me

    Or you can break all your arms and legs and your spine and live happily ever after.:whistling:

  18. Probably more road blocks because of elections. So if u hit a road block even though they are looking for trouble makers they'll still do u for helmets whilst they are there and all set up

    Really, I though they could only be checking for 1 violation per day.:whistling:

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