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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. To Obama: Post a picture or it didn't happen

    Al Queda is already admitting it did happen. That is good enough for me.

    An anonymous post on an Islamic message board is good enough for you?

    YUP. Those twits would never admit he was dead if he wasn't. I am amazed they haven't been putting together faked vids to prove to the world that the infidels haven't gotten him yet.

  2. Dear friends,

    And with that money they have to pay for their accommodation, food, clothes, shoes, educate their children and have some fun once a week.

    Good idea but I can't make the right calculation.

    On the other side, no one will give them a rise if they do not fight.

    If they don't fight they will live worse and worse.

    If they lift the boycott on KFC food I am gonna support them.

    Try imagine being on BHT 27 a week.

    A bottle of Leo beer is 48 baht.

    So sad :(

    If they will fight, they will loose their jobs and will end up sleeping on the streets.

    This is conditions in the country, they are NOT any worse off the any other person working in Thailand.

    Now the managers who created the problem(providing this is all out in Thai media) may find themselves little unemployable for a while.

    First, they will end up on streets. They are already there with that money.

    What kind of accommodation can you pay for 1000 B?

    Someone may let you sleep in his yard with rats, snakes etc.

    Second, the managers created a problem.

    In the 21st century we call it fighting for human rights.

    People in New Zealand earn $13 per hour because they fought for their rights or as you say they were causing problems.

    Third, try to imagine yourself working for 27 B per hour. (read: first, really imagine yourself being there and then answer this post)

    I support boycott on KFC food.


    I do not know how to boycott someplace I have never been not intend to go. Too much goo Thai food around.

  3. I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

    Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

    Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

    Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

    Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

    There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

    If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

    KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

    Aye says captain Bly, Thank God you don't own a business here or maybe you do which in that case I would feel sorry for your employees.

    It's Captain Bligh.

  4. Price of KFC in Bangkok about 130 baht

    Price is KFC in New Zealand 140 Baht

    Wages for staff in New Zealand $13 hour = 290 baht an hour

    Wages for staff in Bangkok 27 baht an hour

    KFC, restaurant brands in New Zealand still make a profit when they pay 10 times more in wages than thailand and charge the same price

    Also the chicken is no doubt sourced cheaper here too

    I am a capitalist but when I see the disgusting super profits these businessmen make while paying their staff nothing so they can buy their latest merc to show their friends

    it makes me want to be a socialist

    Same goes for McD.

    As long as their is cheap supply of labour in Thailand the chinese will continue to make massive profits

    Chinese explains it all. Although if they could get Chinese to work at these places they would pay them the same.

    And I do not go to 7-11 for the same reason. I would much rather pay the local shops a few extra than to pay a multi national.

    Western food in Thailand is a waste of time and money. Fast food is faster and better if it is Thai food and it is cheaper.

  5. When I left Thailand in April, I was informed that no liquids are allowed under any circumstances on any flight to the USA.

    Now maybe I am paranoid about my own country but it has to be that this was pushed by DUTY FREE merchants in the USA.

    This has to be the largest scam ever perpetrated on the earth and somehow no one has fought this.

    Can anyone explain this to me? Maybe I am just a simple f&&k but how can this not increase sales in the USA on booze and perfumes? Only the two largest sellers in the duty free market.

  6. Ask your wife if she has the book for your bike.

    Does the bike have a plate on it ?

    Don't need to ask my wife. It has a plate installed from BKK I have the green book and the Tax disc. I think they were just trolling for money.

  7. I've bought one from Globalhouse but they do have it at Homepro and probably the others also . It was just below the 6000 baht mark and has 10kw power . The brand name is Mazuma model , i do not remember . 10 kw is plenty for a hot tub and a shower at the same time ( or very cold water ) . Normal water heaters are 3500 watt , a bathtub heater is 6 to 8 kw ( elec models ) .

    Homepro did have it on display while Globalhouse i did have to ask if they had it . Any big store like those 2 ( Homemart , Boonthavorn , Homeworks ...) will more then probably have it .

    I was looking for a gas model but may have to opt for electric.

  8. The tragic thing is that if you applied this seemingly correct proceedure to driving, their mentality would be the same there too..

    For the record, i have never stepped foot on a Country where such a high % of the local people are so incredibly oblivious to their surroundings in the same situation that the OP mentions.

    & i'm on 49 Countries now..

    Must have skipped right over Malaysia.

  9. I am looking for a gas instant water heater. I have found 1 but am skeptical of the capacity. 5 litres/ min. The same company (I am not sure of) used to have a 7 litre model but it is no longer available.

    I am planning on having to fill a jacuzzi and occasionally a possibility of 2 showers running at the same time.

    Does anyone know what capacity would be sufficient and if I need a larger model, where would I look?

  10. Violence spirals into ever decreasing circles of violence. Now someone will avenge the death of bin Laden. Then the US and/or her allies will avenge that, and we continue spiraling on, out of control. Had anyone considered WHY the Twin Towers were attacked? They didn't do it because they were bored one Sunday.

    I'm reminded of the Good Friday agreement. To try to end the spiraling of violence, both sides stood up and said ENOUGH! Enough of killing, revenge, killing again, more revenge. ENOUGH! It doesn't work. There must be another way. And there was. And after 80 years of 'live by the bomb, die by the bomb' they stopped. And there is peace. And isn't that a much nicer way to live our lives?

    You apparently live in a parallel universe. When the Soviet union collapsed it set forth a new line of violence. The cold war war just that.

    The American response to the soviet presence in Afghanistan should have been to help them.

  11. Thaksin to me sounds like a smart man. I don't know the details about his "conviction".....could it be that he was railroaded?

    Training workers, raise min wage, more rail, crack down on corruption....who can argue against that?

    Anyone that seriously goes after corruption won't live long. But that is the #1 thing they need to do to get rid of their third-world status. It is a shame more Thais don't get a chance to see how civilized countries conduct business !

    He is a smart man. That is why he is trying to BS people into believing he can fix things so fast. That is why he got caught taking that 30% bribe that he speaks about. He's a regular genius.

    He also has abandoned the red shirts that he incited into violence.

  12. An earlier notice...


    9 yrs to catch him.... very efficient , the process

    a couple of things I didn't get from these articles.

    Where about in Thailand he was?

    why did it take that long to capture him?

    how the guy with to kids was killed?..............i read the 1st article that the police, Western Australia didn't want to reveal it.

    10 + for Bin Laden.

  13. Correct me if I am wrong, but Citi and BofA have branches in BKK. Should be possible to have the checks E-deposited in the US and then transferred to the branch in BKK?

    March 28, 2011 was the day I was at the embassy waiting when the older lady at the counter was quite adamant in telling the person she was helping Bangkok Bank was the only bank he could have his Social Security payment direct deposited to. When he tried to tell her okay he'll take care of it later, she was quite persistent that he was required to update his address with them to Thailand and once he did he must set this up at Bangkok Bank. Now she could have been misinformed and there are other banks it is possible, or maybe she owns stock in Bangkok Bank, but just passing on here while i wasn't paying attention to the conversation, I am positive that what she told the man she is helping is that Bangkok Bank was the only option,

    Probably the only one she knows.

  14. On my Phetchabun map the town of Nam Nao น้ำหนาว is on route 2216, it out in the sticks but still in Phetchabun province, which is not in Isan!.

    I have never heard of it but we have some chaps from Lom Sak at the golf club so will ask around.

    Ok, so I missed by a province. Bet money they still speak Isan.

  15. I was stopped and eating Gai Yang and Som Tam in Nong Bua Lamphu at a roadside 'restaurant' when a pick up from some revenue department drove by and made a u turn to come back and check to see if my bike was legal.

    My Q is, Does this happen often?

  16. If you are talking about Nam Nao the town, how far north are you speaking? Also in that area is Phu Kradung (mountain) I believe it is around 1300 meters high and is very cooling with waterfalls and camping.

    I tried to attach the video but the file is too lagre.

  17. There is a town of 2 or 3 thousand people about 5 miles away from Nom Nao National park. Close to Phetchabun.

    Have you ever been to the town? As far as I know there is a mini mart there, a Thai buffet owned by a German guy, a market three days a week, an INTERNET SHOP, copy shop and police station,

    I have probably passed through the town on my motorcycle but do not recall stopping. I just thought you may be looking for general information about the area.

    By the way it is Nam Nao. cold water not cold milk.

    Of course you are correct but the milk conjured up a better image in my mind must have been a Freudian typo. I was after information to give me a feel for the place. I realize it is a micro climate and cooler than Phetchabun. I was wondering about the look of the town, mountains, flat? What kind of houses? Is it in the middle of farms or they a ways away? Is there any tourist potential because of the cool weather? I am going to look myself in a month or so but wanted some advance information on what to expect. I have lived on a farm before but in this case my house is in the town.

    The whole area is rather rural. Farms are everywhere except in the National park. Tourism is probably limited to the National Park and Homestays. I will try to upload a vid taken from the motorcycle on Hiway 12 through the are. At the moment my wife is hurrying me along.

    I also understand the Freudian slip. But I would prefer warm.

  18. There is a town of 2 or 3 thousand people about 5 miles away from Nom Nao National park. Close to Phetchabun.

    Have you ever been to the town? As far as I know there is a mini mart there, a Thai buffet owned by a German guy, a market three days a week, an INTERNET SHOP, copy shop and police station,

    I have probably passed through the town on my motorcycle but do not recall stopping. I just thought you may be looking for general information about the area.

    By the way it is Nam Nao. cold water not cold milk.

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