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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. It's funny that the great Thai government, which is so great in the eyes of the locals, yet again has no answer!!!! I wonder how hard it was to throw out their books???? Maybe weather forecasting software would be more appropriate? In my country, I've never seen them stupefied and throwing away books because of two days of cold. We call it a weather front that is unseasonal and just moving through.

    Jeez!!!! .....I hate this freakin' Phrase, "in my country" blah blah blah blah.:jap:


  2. Not every where, same as I have not traveled the whole of my home country, but most of the places that interest me.

    Problem is that I started about 25 years ago, when Koh PhiPhi was still a natural park with a couple of bungalows and 1 (one) restaurant, Ao Nang in Krabi had 3 hotels and a couple of restaurants, etc. etc.

    Agree about the Khmer temples in south Isaan except Pimai (too commercialized) and indeed the friendly locals.

    Have however come to the age where comfort standards are more important than the scenery so now restrict myself to higher end hotels, and these are usually found in the tourist areas.

    Shame really, but at 75 my adventure days are long gone.


    Jeez, I thought by your pic you weren't older than 25! ;)

    You had a great time to visit Thailand. Most places are over developed and over run with tourists. I've only been traveling here for 10 years, but even in that time frame, I've see big changes all over the country.

    Wifey and I were in Panama 3 years ago. During our transit of the canal, we met with a group of 25 travelers who were also on our boat. None were younger than 65 and several were in their 80's. All were doing a 2 week tour of Panama. Great stuff!!!!!

    I started 33 years ago. Patong had 1 hotel.

  3. Not every where, same as I have not traveled the whole of my home country, but most of the places that interest me.

    Problem is that I started about 25 years ago, when Koh PhiPhi was still a natural park with a couple of bungalows and 1 (one) restaurant, Ao Nang in Krabi had 3 hotels and a couple of restaurants, etc. etc.

    Agree about the Khmer temples in south Isaan except Pimai (too commercialized) and indeed the friendly locals.

    Have however come to the age where comfort standards are more important than the scenery so now restrict myself to higher end hotels, and these are usually found in the tourist areas.

    Shame really, but at 75 my adventure days are long gone.


    Jeez, I thought by your pic you weren't older than 25! ;)

    You had a great time to visit Thailand. Most places are over developed and over run with tourists. I've only been traveling here for 10 years, but even in that time frame, I've see big changes all over the country.

    Wifey and I were in Panama 3 years ago. During our transit of the canal, we met with a group of 25 travelers who were also on our boat. None were younger than 65 and several were in their 80's. All were doing a 2 week tour of Panama. Great stuff!!!!!

    I started 33 years ago. Patong had 1 hotel.

  4. I doubt many people have been everywhere (all 77 provinces?)

    I've been to all the regions of Thailand and have basically visited every place that I'm interested in visiting, but I have by no means been everywhere. The only places that I have not been that I really have a strong desire to visit, are the andaman islands off the coast of Trang and Khao Sok Park north of Phuket. I would also like to visit Nan or the Mae Sot sometime if I'm in the area, but these aren't huge priorities.

    I'll echo the other posters and say that the Issan region is a great place to travel, especially if you do it by motorcycle or car. The Khmer temple ruins in south Issan blow away anything you will see in Ayutthaya or Sukothai.

    I haven't mad it to all 77 or is it 78? I am trying though. By that time it might be 79 or 80.

  5. To be perfectly frank and upfront, except for the very few that are close to me, it would not bother me if I never saw another farang again.

    I would much prefer to live a among the Thais. They are a most polite, inviting people and providing we respect them, in most cases they will respect us.

    Many of the farangs in Thailand are the complete opposite and with some having such low opinions of the Thais; I often wonder why these farangs are here at all?

    My question is: if you are a farang and consider yourself far superior to the Thais, dislike the Thais and Thailand for whatever reasons, why are you here?


  6. Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

    no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

    As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

    Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

    i cannot tell if they are joking, winding us up or stupid. I mean i have parked my bike out side a motorbike taxi stop. walked about 5 steps towards the family mart. they shout out. " Taxi " whilst on my way in then " taxi" when i walking back to my bike.

    i don't even give them a response any more. they don't deserve one. you grow a thicker skin here after a while. i don't even notice suite shop people, flower sellers or taxis' well i always need a taxi when there isn't one avalable. funny that.

    I don't know if a thicker skin is required. My wife (Thai) is a very pleasant woman that you would think could never be rude. But she can walk away from a conversation acting like nothing was ever going on. I think it is sort of expected here.

  7. Despite the doom and gloom, there is a strong likelihood the girls will receive some help. Strong clues are the fact that the tip off came from the Paveena Hongsakul Foundation and the involvement of the special human trafficing taskforce from the Children, Juvenile and Women's Division (CWD),

    The task force doesn't screw around. They take their jobs seriously and have not been implicated in any significant wrongdoing, The task force has a good professional relationship with the groups that help people like these girls.

    I believe Mrs. Paveena Hongsakil is a Bangkok MP of and general secretary of the Chart Pattana Party. She is a trained social worker and has a pretty good reputation. Back in 2006, the Nation said she was voted the female politicain with the best moral image. (The same poll said PM Abhisit was the politician with the best moral image.) Anyway, this woman is one heavy duty hitter and if her foundation is involved, you can be assured something will happen. For you trivia lovers she's chairwoman of Thailand's Fire & Rescue Association. (What woman doesn't like a fireman? B) )

    Have some faith. Not every Thai public official is corrupt. Some really do have a heart and do care about people.

    Not the ones that count. In any country.

  8. I went to the US consulate and got roped into their scam. They told me I had to get the Passport certified by the Foreign ministry (around $50 through an agency) and then have them certify that the guy at the foreign ministry was indeed qualified to certify such document. Another $50.

    I read the ITIN handbook and i am sure that this is really what you have to do even though it does seem like a scam.

  9. I have been told by many visa agents that it is nearly impossible to get a tourist visa after you are married. In fact a tourist visa is almost impossible without extensive paperwork.

    My wife has a car, motor bike and land in her name. She was working at a 5 star resort that supplied her with a letter that she would be taking leave and had arranged a return to work date. To no avail. Visa denied.

    It seems a fiance or immigrant visa are the choices.

    She was told by the consulate to return on a date this month to pick up her passport with an immigrant visa. Of course that took well over a year.

  10. Well, this is the way it worked out. I had to pay ฿300,000 to run single phase 2 Km to my building site but this includes a transformer that is mine alone.

    The alternative for 3 phase would have been to run a line for 3.5 Km at a cost of ฿ 2.5 million.

    I was studying the electrical system they have in my area and it is amazing that anything electric works in Thailand. Entire villages run off of a single transformer that is miles away. My wife's parents village transformer is at least 200 meters away from the nearest house and 1 km from the last house in the village. Then people have strung wires for Kms away to power their houses, rubber presses, etc. :blink:

  11. Ampol also claimed the BOI offer could adversely affect health services for Thais.

    Not, but will as Thailand's free market approach means that physicians will move to more profitable "Hub" facilities. The end result is a deterioration of care for all.

    The same happens in the UK's NHS system.

    The Ethical doctors stay and help, whereas the money conscientious doctors leave and go to private medicine

    So we have to fill the vacancies from overseas trained doctors, mainly from third world countries, who in turn lose their doctors.

    India is a great source for Medical Staff. While many are very good, there are others who we wonder how they got through the exams.

    Currently TAT is targeting Indian Tourists as an expanding market. Next, Thai hospitals will target India as a supply source of Doctors for their state hospitals.

    You also have to consider the fact that the doctors staying in the public health system may not have the outstanding qualities it takes to be a qualified private physician. The US military and VA are prime areas for these types.

  12. Well it would seem a private citizen came to his aid.

    Here in Chiang Mia the British consulate is next to useless also. I personally know of two cases where a British citizen needed help and was turned away. Thankfully a Christian organization helped them out.:(

    If you are American I wouldn't expect any help from the American consulate. In my many years of travel, I have always been told to contact the British or Canadian consulates.

    Now days, it seems there is an exhorbitant fee for everything so you would probably have to arrange payment for them to even consider thinking about you.

  13. 1. Non immigrant visa entry required - extra 2k charge to convert from a tourist entry.

    2. Vientiane. Single entry non immigrant O.

    3. Apply after one year extension of stay has been approved (there is a 30 day or more wait after application). It is a re-entry permit.

    4. Incorrect. You use re-entry permit to return and permitted to stay will remain the same extension of stay date as you had.

    I see now that what I had read applied to multi entry Non O visa but that was only going to work for 2 years.


  14. I am sure I have read these things before but after so many times I need to get it straight in a single answer.

    In a few months I plan on applying for a 1 year extension based on marriage.

    My questions are:

    1. Do I need to start with an O visa or can it be a tourist visa?

    2. If it is an O visa, where is the easiest place to obtain one? It will have to be a country near Thailand. Laos, Malaysia etc. I am near Udorn Thani.

    3. Is the multi-entry visa obtained at the same time as the extension?

    4. Lastly, did I read correctly that the extension begins again for 1 year each time you re-enter the country?

    As far as the fees, paperwork and bank deposits required, I am fairly sure I have that understood except for the odd requirements at some immigration offices.

    Thanks for your non-boorish answers. :D

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