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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. You've got it a little wrong here - the lorry driver who ran a red light at the Tesco Lotus crossroads going towards Big C didn't flee, although the Phuket Gazette initially reported he did. He was the person soberly talking to the police about how his brakes failed forcing him to run the 'yellow' light. The cameraman ran past the front of my car, he seemed awfully happy to have the opportunity to photograph a dead body :coffee1:

    Thais run because they're embarrassed about being in an accident and don't want other Thai people to see them faced with a demand for an explanation. That's what I think anyway.

    From my interpretation, the motorbike was at fault here. Maybe the pickup driver ran because... 1) he was from Udon Thani and didn't want to deal with southern police; 2) he was driving the larger vehicle and didn't want to accept fault (doesn't explain him running away, but is common here); 3) he was drunk; 4) he could have avoided the motorbike but chose not to because of Thai highway big-car-trumps-motorbike road traffic manners; 5) he didn't want to lose face in public; 6) any of all of the above; 7) some other reason that I haven't thought of or wouldn't understand.

    Nonetheless, blame is one thing - but the simple fact is that there were two more people killed on the road again, so condolences are due. Traffic accidents happen all the time everywhere, but they're still tragic.

    They run from the scene usually because they will be blamed by the locals for killing people and possibly killed themselves. The police usually find them at home or a temple.

  2. tuberous rather than round?

    So, it wont' be yam bean/Jicama or man gaeo?


    Is it Cassava?


    No not cassava. Now the plot thickens. I've just been told that its attached to a vine that comes out of the ground.

    Well The 'mun" I have seen come from a vine out of the ground but they have not been very big. Perhaps these grew long enough to get big.

  3. [

    Property is over-priced because the sellers don't realise that they're asking too much and are determined to make a profit - even when nobody's buying....

    The wealthy Thais that have built houses for Westerners aren't prepared to accept less than they originally thought they would get. Instead they put the price UP to make up for the loss of bank interest on the money....

    The Westerners looking to sell their house look at those house prices and think that's the 'going price'. So nobody sells anything, except the lucky few who either have beach-front property or are prepared to accept a price someone is prepared to pay.

    HUH???? where in phuket are there ANY houses that are beach front. I have been here for 20++ years and the only beachfront properties that i know of are in Kalim and many of them have been sold, knocked down and rebuilt more than once

    Plenty of very nice developments in Kathu around the Golf course for 9-12 mil. U wont find anything value for money that has a water view east or west coast. Unless you go back into the hills.

    Have seen houses here in Kamala for sale for over 4 years and the price keeps dropping. I am so glad i sold my house here 2+ years ago.

    Rent is the best deal in this country than when the shit hits the fan ( and it will) u pack ur bags and go.

    What amazes me is the amount of condos being built and the 49% sells but the rest doesn't . So come 4-5 years when they need work on the exterior Only the Farangs are there to pay for it. Bad investment.

    If u must buy look at buying land here in Kamala. They will soon pave the road between Kamala and Kahtu weaterfall so easy access to Town and schools and kamala is one of the best places on the island as it has a mix of Farang and thais (unlike Karaon/Kata)

    About 5 years ago I looked at a 1 rai plot on a hill with a horrendous road. The lot had no access unless you call 3 meters of clay wall access. Asking price18 Mn baht. But it had a seaview and Chanote.

  4. Off topic,

    I drove at a comfortable pace on Tuesday morning to the airport and made it in 38 minutes. Granted it was 6:15 when I started, but 1.5 hours is not the normal travel time.

    Sorry, but another whatever. I have to make sure I am on time or early for a flight. And I have been caught in traffic, especially on the way home when my flight arrives at 4:30 PM.... Lets see if you can make it at that time of day in December in 38 minutes...

    He can do it, i have seen his car :)

    Is it a Toyota Fortuner driven by a wild Chinese woman?:D

  5. I am expecting my 2 adopted daughters (100% Thai) to do bta. Next year they will be starting private school in Thailand and some sort of university education before they are turned out to the world.

  6. I think they will affect Thailand as they affected the rest of the planet. The strong come from the widened gene pool. Sure, many of them will be born into difficult circumstances - for obvious reasons, but genetically they will be strong and make Thailand a culturally and genetically richer and more diverse, hence evolved society.

    I'm sure there's something in this widened Gene Pool thing.

    I was always a 'Could do better' student. possibly a 'B' student but certainly not an 'A' student.

    naturally I'm proud of my daughters but I don't pressure them educationally, I'm more concerned that they have a happy Childhood. Saying that my eldest is 'top of the Class' in all her subjects, all of them. She certainly didn't get it from me and although her mother is intelligent, she's certainly not an 'A' student either.

    some of her peers are under enormous pressure to excel at school. Some of the parents will spend a lot more on education than I do/Will.

    I suspect there will become a time when they are seen as just Thai, and not luk Kreung.

    My 3 went through college for free based on their grades in high school. They certainly didn't get it all from me.

  7. You can have dual.

    I'm still open to be told I'm wrong, but I thought that "officially", you should choose one or the other at age 20? ie up to 20, they'd allow a person to have dual, but after 20, you make your choice.

    (Clearly, I do know that's it's not actively enforced.)

    It is not enforced. I keep both American and Thai passports, show both at immigration. They hassle me, but only because my Thai passport doesn't have a departure stamp from the US when arriving in BKK.

    Nobody gets a departure stamp from the good ole USA. They don't know how long anybody stays.

  8. Kasikorn also have a visa 'virtual credit card' - which acts more as a debit card because the amount is deducted immediately from your savings account. The card is never physically issued and you cannot use it in shops etc. but you are given all the relevant numbers, even the security code normally found on the signature strip, and I have used it often for Internet purchases. It even registers and validates purchases through the verfiy-by-visa (?) system. My name (as given when I opened the saving account with ATM card) is associated with it.

    Personally I like being "Privileged Member".

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