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Felt 35

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Everything posted by Felt 35

  1. IMO, a middle ground might be a better idea, but once a person is sentenced to a long, or life prison sentence by the court due to cruel criminal acts it should stand⛔ Once a criminal.... Felt
  2. "None is so blind as the one who does not want to see"
  3. We who use income letter from our embassies and transfer most often far more than the (800K) annually required shall pay tax on the remittances annually but they who chose to transfer a lump sum of 800K either once or annually shall not, that's flawed Briggsy. Felt
  4. Ford Escort XR3https://thegarage.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1989-ford-escort-xr3.jpg
  5. Yes, my taxable income transferred to Thailand annually is relatively simple and that with intention for myself and for those who receive the tax filing. The point of my post earlier was only to mention that I use PN 91 and have done so for many years and as previously mentioned the form for last year's tax assessment has been received with completed filled in name and TIN. However, I can follow the local Rd office don't file online even with a TIN but see that as no problem. Felt
  6. You have no other income streams? No Thai sourced interest or dividends? No remittances of capital gains or dividends from outside? Not remitted to Thailand Maybe you can answer some of our questions: I will try Is your pension non-assessable, excluded by DTA? There are a DTA but pension is assesable in Thailand as long as it is remitted but only the part which actually are transferred. If so, if entered on your PN91, how do you deduct it? N/A Do you pay any tax on your pension in your home country? Yes If so, how do you claim a credit for foreign tax paid? Yes, but opposite, I send Certificate of Residence (R.O22) and Income Tax Payment Certificate (R.O.21) home and I pay only tax there on the part of pension which is not remitted to Thailand.
  7. Hmm...I have used PN 91 for 15 years and get the forms it sent to me every year with my name and TIN ready printed and that is tax on pension from abroad, but maybe it's different online? Felt 35
  8. We need to get back big joke...uh no he has run away from court himself, but truth be told it is really strange that we get weird situations when the authorities issue 5 year visas as a participant in a cooking course or boxing course as long as you can prove that you have similar to USD 15K in the bank here or there or can show other investments. This I'm afraid is going to change Thailand completely if it is allowed to continue😟 Felt
  9. With next crisis i.e. 7 good 7 bad 🙂🙃
  10. Only Thb 6000,- per day. And those are luxury seekers.😕 Many expats spend the same per day and more, day after day, month after month. Felt
  11. First, I don't use mobile banking. Nothing wrong with that banks implement measures to protect us but that can be done without limit a person's mobile bank transfers. Smells a bit like controlling peoples use of their own money. Felt
  12. It's terrible that the government here can let this continue year after year Btw, thinking🤔 about the numbers, Thailand has the double of killed in traffic annually than my home country had under second World War 1940-45. Felt
  13. Yes, one can speculate. And if we extend the thought🤔, who owns and controls both the car industry and private hospitals here, could it be someone with a leg related to the go....nt! To stop the carnage would mean less income then, much less. Well, at least it's not Somchai on his way to the New Year celebration in Nakhon Nowhere. Felt
  14. Thailand has relaxed its restrictions on alcohol sales in one tread, and this one in another tread, tougher Drink-Driving Penalties will sure make for a happy new year😏 Felt
  15. I think you should read the thread from the beginning then maybe you will see after "my calm advice" that I have tried naproxen / esomeprazole in 2 different tablets (14 tablets Nexium esomeprazole 20mg Thb 646, - / 10 Naprofazt Naproxen 250mg Thb 120 for a total of Thb 785, - However, at the hospital pharmacy in Malaysia, which is usually more expensive than an independent pharmacy, I paid Thb 996, - for 60 tablets of Vimovo or as I was prescribed 90 tablets Thb 2988, - As a side track, sure, it's a world in difference in medication cost and maybe quality ... the real thing or? You know maybe Voltaren tablets (Nsaid) if so, you also maybe happen to know how many "local made Voltaren" you can get here? And if you were here under Covid you maybe remember "our own brand Vaccine" .......life is full of connections😉 Felt
  16. Thanks for the information and good advice. I am very careful with the use of Vimovo and medicines in general and even avoid paracetamol. As a former athlete and even at this age still try and join in some fun runs etc. annually, I have never really believed that any medicine makes the disease / injury better and perhaps especially so with wear and tear injuries. But, as mentioned, you reach an age and a point in your life after which, in my opinion, it is better to try and keep active inside one's own capacity than to sit down and look at this screen 24/7, even if you sometimes have to have a little help from medicine to avoid greater inflammation and thereby the risk of worsening the injury. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis already 12 years ago and have lived well with it and still manage to jog, cycle etc., (I don't call it running anymore)🙂 The reason I traveled to Malaysia for Vimovo is that the medicine is not available here and its Vimovo my doctor has prescribed and not anything else and the cost include everything is only approx. 15% of the cost of a long trip to my home country and as long as the medicine is available in most of the free world but not here, I have nothing against a trip inside my means for a few days. Felt
  17. Nothing new, but as previously experienced a decade ago plus, when I regularly traveled to Malaysia for extracorporeal shockwave therapy (musculoskeletal conditions) which they at that time didn't have here yet, they are far ahead of the want to be seen as "health utopia here" when it comes to medicine and treatment. I got my prescription and medicine and a nice pre-Christmas🎄 break in KL. Felt
  18. Oh, I have tried that, Naproxen and esomeprazole in two different tablets ,one before and one after meal, but get the same side effects as if use Voltaren. Vimovo is totally another story at least for me. Felt
  19. Thanks Sheryl. I have by now found out that hospitals and pharmacies in Malaysia administer Vimovo when it's a prescription medication and been in contact with a hospital there for an appointment to get a prescription and then bring with me back to Thailand. Feel that is safer. Not sure the amount allowed to bring in when prescription medication but will ask doctor in Malaysia for a prescription for 3 months of consumption. Felt
  20. Do you know if I risk any kind of fine or criminal prosecution if I am sent a month's supply (60 tablets) of Vimovo and the shipment is stopped in the postal customs clearance? Thanks Felt
  21. Perhaps Bangkok Marathon, a lot of overseas runners combine it with a holiday! Felt
  22. The "better half" had an errand to the town's Fascino pharmacy today so I asked if she could check the price of Naproxen and Esomeprazole for me. (Want to add that we usually use a couple of other local pharmacies which are generally cheaper) And she came back with a picture of a box of NaproFazt Mega (Naproxen) 10 pcs softgels and the price quoted was Thb 120, - as well as a picture of a box of Nexium Esomeprazole (AstraZeneca) 14 pcs and the price stated was THB 645, - Do these prices look normal to those who use the equivalents and know more about this medicine? In any case, it seems that with letter post a box of Vimovo with 60 tablets, shipped here that I will come out better with that solution. Now...the customs😟 Felt
  23. Thank you, Sheryl,🙏 Felt
  24. I do not doubt your knowledge of medicine Sheryl and understand that it is possible to take two different types of tablets to get the same effect, but I prefer to use medicines that I know and, at least for me, work as expected. But it is possible that the customs will seize the shipment (even if I am only sent for a month's use at first) and therefore it would be nice if you could give me the name of two brands, one with naproxen and the other with esomeprazole effects, which then basically would be equated with Vimovo! Thanks Felt
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