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Posts posted by featography

  1. Perhaps a little sympathy might be in order here, she was, after all, a 65 year old woman who may have had personal issues with family or health. It certainly wasn't the fault of the crocodile farm. At least she didn't throw herself under a train and cause many people to be upset.

    Rather sad actually.

    ...under a train and cause many people...

    Like there were no people to get upset watching the crocs have lunch?

    • Like 1
  2. "Although the survey’s estimate of just over 1,000 dogs lounging at the nation’s 7,900 7-Eleven stores seems conservative, any effort to control the dog population by getting some of them fixed is welcome."

    "Just over 1000 dogs lounging" What about the thousands of farangs ?whistling.gif cheesy.gif BTW Excellent move by CP.

    I have seen 3-4 times the claim that there are 7,000, now mentioned 7900 7-Elevens in Thailand. 9 years here, travelling all over central and North Thailand, some in N.E. I swear that number has to be a typo. I would find it easier to believe there are 70,000 stores.

  3. I went to Ao Manao bay for the first time recently, lovely spot. Very nice beach just over 1hr south of Hua Hin

    I second that suggestion. A very beautiful bay. If you have a car, there is lots to see driving the road out from the waterfront. If you climb the mountain to the temple, its a long steep climb, probably going to carry the youngest kids, so carry only water and camera. Dont trust the monkeys. Dont leave shoes at the entrance to the temple, the monkeys steal them. It is worth the climb if youre into photography. The view is awesome. Another spot farther down the highway is Ban Krud, spelled 5 different way on the signs. Its a fishing village, the locals are very friendly, and a lot of places to eat. There is an impressive temple on a mountain overlooking the ocean, and you can drive right up to it.

  4. TheMarriage between us has been all about money and how much she can get out of me, I am only relieved I am getting out of it before all my money was gone. I love Thailand and my only worry is I will have problems on entering Thailand, obviously by the sounds of things there is nothing she can sue me for as there are no assets would I be right in saying that.?

    An interesting law in thailand, if she gets no financial aid from you for a period of 3 yrs, she can go to court and have a divorce done. It has to do with abandonment. You dont even need to be there. She WILL do one of 2 things; 1; wait 3 yrs, get the divorce without you, or

    2; find another poor sap to want to marry her, causing her to search for you to get a divorce so she can marry him. In this case, you have the power. No nice girl, no divorce.

    One idea might be, if you can do it, pack up and disappear, while she is not around to catch you packing. Really disappear, so none of your friends know where you are, she and her circle dont know where you are and none will cross paths with you because you got the ''hell out of Dodge''.

    The down side might be, our home countries recognize thai marriages, so you cant get married to anyone else here or back home until she does the divorce. If youre a fast learner, that would be no problem.

  5. Sold all my guns, ammo, reloading equipment, books etc. That hurt but I got good money

    I miss my guns too, ahh the happy hours spent casting bullets and using my progressive press.

    The happy family memories of my children helping me with hand loading.

    Oh you had to bring that up, didnt you. I turned all my reloading gear over to a pair of grandsons. they thought that was better than Christmas. I do miss the hunting and shooting sports, kids and grandkids, and thats all I miss.Oregon and its cold freezing, snowing, long winters is not missed. I.m here for the duration.

  6. I too sold my 560 SM house in the USA, all my "stuff" and left behind a life time of friends. I discovered having lots of possessions including friends has it's obligations and is confining. I now live in a 120 SM condo and consider it huge. I have a lovely Thai girl friend, a few nice Farong friends here and lots of time for myself. I don't think I could ever fit in again in the US. I would just be another old man living alone. I have a grown daughter and a brother that I chat on the phone with each week and visit each year but other than that I have no connections with my past life.

    Same here Buck, with 2 daughters and lots of grandkids. Im from Oregon, now in Chiang Mai. What state used to be home?

  7. How about a savings that account that only she can withdraw from that TV members and others who have a heart can donate to.

    This poor girl can have the life she deserves and the education she dreams of. Or some low life family member will probably sell her off to some abusive drunk for a wife?

    Opinions and criticism are dirt cheap.

    Many small donations can add up to bad life turned good.

    This is a case where good people can really make a difference in a young life that has been hell so far.

    Has anyone heard of an account set up for her yet?

    Let's put some money where our mouths ( keyboards?) are for a change!

    I am far from wealthy, but could find a way to donate something if an avenue to do so if opened.

    It would make a whole new topic if this turns out to be, or, turns into a new con game.

  8. Sure love to find a gooood Chiropractor in Chiang Mai. Tried that English fellow that works in one of the hospitals here but not to happy with his technique.

    Yes, I find his technique and attitude a bit off-putting. Playing golf regularly has eased all of my previous problems so I probably won't go to see him again but I shall definitely continue with my annual visits to trusted guys in Australia.Things have changed - I was flying to Bangkok just to see chiropractors, and not being satisfied with any of them I was going to Pattaya where I was equally disappointed. Apparently there is someone else now in Chiang Mai but I don't know the details.

    I agree about the English Chiro. Didnt do a bit of good for me, other than lightening my wallet. I found the other Chiro yesterday, a French man. I had a consultation, which didnt get me an adjustment due to my not jumping fast enough to commit to a 10 session contract for 35,000B. Wife and I saw no other patients in his clinic which is on a small hospital on Hwy 11 near the Big Tesco. 4 women had a long sales pitch with the wife, which took a long time to get us out of there. If by chance youre forced to fly back to Bkk for an adjustment, I highly recommend Dr. Smith at the Dspine Clinic. There are 2 clinics so call to find which one he is in. He treated me 4 times in 2 yrs with great success. I wish he would relocate to Chaing Mai.

  9. He is the best chiropractor I have been to in Pattaya, and better than all but ne I have been to in Saudi Arabia and England.

    Big loss to the community.

    No, you don't need to go so far: There is well known and high recommended English DOCTOR in Chiang Mai: DR. PERRY,

    look http://www.rajavejchiangmai.com/

    I would strongly advise not following that advice Chasntong. I went to this Dr. Perry once. NEVER AGAIN. A waste of 1000B. I have a long history of using Chiro's and now living in Chiang Mai, I have only found 2 here, in 18 mos. The other, well, I had a consultation with him, and walked out when he wanted 35,000b for 10 sessions and wouldnt adjust me at the time of consultation. He wanted a commitment for the 10 sessions first. The best Chiro I have found in Thailand is Dr. Smith at the Dspine clinic in Bangkok. He did wonders for me over a 2 yr period and I only saw him 4 times at 1000b each. In Chiang Mai, my search for a good one continues. Dr. Smith is my only regret to leaving that area.

  10. He is the best chiropractor I have been to in Pattaya, and better than all but ne I have been to in Saudi Arabia and England.

    Big loss to the community.

    No, you don't need to go so far: There is well known and high recommended English DOCTOR in Chiang Mai: DR. PERRY,

    look http://www.rajavejchiangmai.com/

    I would strongly advise not following that advice Chasntong. I went to this Dr. Perry once. NEVER AGAIN. A waste of 1000B. I have a long history of using Chiro's and now living in Chiang Mai, I have only found 2 here, in 18 mos. The other, well, I had a consultation with him, and walked out when he wanted 35,000b for 10 sessions and wouldnt adjust me at the time of consultation. He wanted a commitment for the 10 sessions first. The best Chiro I have found in Thailand is Dr. Smith at the Dspine clinic in Bangkok. He did wonders for me over a 2 yr period and I only saw him 4 times at 1000b each. In Chiang Mai, my search for a good one continues. Dr. Smith is my only regret to leaving that area.

  11. If it helps, the Isuzu and Chevy are the same car, (same as Mazda and Ford) the D-Max is rebadged here and the middle east as the Chevy Colarado and in Oz as the Holden Colarado (used to be the Rodeo) so it basically comes down to asthetics!

    2nd hand up to around 2012 yes, but not the new latest models

    Correct Ignis. Before 2012 GM shared the same assembly plant as Isuzu. AFter that, GM opened their own plant. If you do 1 walk around you might still see lots of similarities between the 2, but take them out test drive them, crawl under and look. I had a 2006 Isuzu 4 door pickup, loved it, but knowing GM trucks most of my life, I longed for the Chev. only for the reputation GM has. If you can wait, I would hold off for the 2015 models to come out, then buy a 2014 if you want to buy new and save money. I can say either Isuzu or Chev are typically good quality rigs. In Central Th where I spent most of my life in thailand, the Toyota was the more popular truck, and the more expensive, with rigid truck like suspension in the ones I rode in. Chev and Isuzu more like car suspension rides.



    Very sad, the thought of people still alive under it right now as we sit here typing, in agony with crushed limbs and bones, trapped, struggling to breath, drowning on concrete dust, unable to move, dying, an awful experience.

    Do you suffer so graphically for all the people in the world who are suffering as much, or more than these trapped workers? Your life must be hell. Do you believe your empathy helps them in any way? The ONLY positive thing you can do in a situation like this is send money for taking care of the families who lost their breadwinners or for covering medical bills. 'Feeling bad', or even sad, does NOTHING.


    Makes me 'shudder' when i see such crap along with the RIP brigade all trying to sound so pious



    For God's sake dont tell him about the thousands of children and babies being beheaded in the middle east. He.ll lose it for sure


    • Like 2
  13. First thing I would do is get a powerful magnifying glass or a cheap microscope. Look at the ''dust'' to make sure its dust from ceiling and not body parts of dead ants. Ants when they die, are dismembered by the live ones and deposited in their version of a cemetary, which can and do drop to the floor, counters, etc. If it is ant remnants than treat the attic area, if you can get above the ceiling, with a good ant poison food. I had this issue in the last place I lived. Going online and doing lots of researching I found an awesome bait that kills the entire nest, including eggs in 3 days.




    Then again if its ceiling particles falling, find out what is causing it. If its not ants, has the place had a regular schedule of termite treatment?

    Good luck.

  14. Will a PCX be big enough for you? I just bought a new one for my wife, who is of small frame, 100 pounds soaking wet with clothes on, and it fits her perfectly. I would think the Forza more suited for men of normal to large stature.

    My plan for her bike is to find chain or cable that takes 2 men and a gorilla to cut and get the stainless security padlock you see on gates and vehicle pedal lock systems.I will research to find the top brand names of this type locks. I like some of the good ideas posted so far; cable/chain around both wheels, chaining it to my cruiser when we are both out and about...


    I have read this thread with some interest and amazed at some of the responses. Don't get me wrong when on the scooter I ride with flip flops, tee shirt and shorts but always a helmet. I was unlucky enough to have a hard impact whilst touring in Thailand a few years back and although I had protected my upper body my lower section was left quite bare with jeans and ankle boots. My quality full face helmet was smashed to buggery and textile armored jacket scuffed severely. I suffered no upper body injuries what so ever except sore hands from pathetic gloves. I was left by the hit and run driver with my right leg almost severed and hanging off between the ankle and knee, total destruction to the tib and fib which became complicated through massive infection and Thai medical negligence. Had I not returned to the UK when I was able 6 months after the accident to get fixed up proper I would have lost the lower leg for sure. Main thing nobody is considering here is impact injury and tissue loss. Had I been wearing armoured trousers and especially full length boots my injuries would have been far less. Smashed leg yes tissue loss minimal or none. Kevlar jeans and ankle boots might work in a slide to stop situation but most of us know that when it happens its going to incur some sort of impact. Impact often results in smashed bones but also insufficiently protected areas can can be vunerable to ripped flesh which also in impact situations can rip flesh away from the body and this area never properly regenerates. Most of us would never consider riding in our home countries without the proper gear but we come to Thailand and leave something behind called common sense. I know its cool and the sun is shinning and the police don't give a damned. I was lucky and whenever going on a ride out on the big bike now I get suited and booted. After having to dedicate 2 years of my life through quite miserable times getting well I now chose to wear desert style ventilated textile jacket and trousers, full face kevlar/carbon helmet armoured cloves and and full length quality boots. Yes its hot sometimes but mainly when your stopped in traffic. I do not ride in Bangkok or big cities often so stops aren't that much of an issue. I always wore leather in the UK but that's to hot and heavy to spend a long day in with this heat and how the hell do you wash it out after because for sure it will stink after sweating in it all day especially after a weeks tour.

    Your probable thinking I ride like a granny now also! Not the case, except when riding the scooter in flip flops, tee shirt and shorts & HELMET!         


    Respect man, I dread to think what pain you went through.


    I've crashed 5 times in my life, sometimes without even a helmet(young and foolish on the islands) and the rest with minimal gear. Luckily I never even broke a bone, but I still have a couple of road rash scars. Nowadays, helmet is a must and nearly always wear a jacket etc.



    My wife owned and operated a pharmacy outside of BKK and forever left in my mind, were the countless people that came into her shop, for whatever medicines, that were sporting road rash scars on legs, feet, arms and hands. It amazed me how common it is, and how ''mai pen rai'' the attitude was. It really  baffled me to see the really attractive young ladies, with good shapes, tight clothes to show off in, with 8-18 inch, 4 inch wide street scars on a leg/foot. Forever inplanted in my mind is, ''If thats what you get at typical thai traffic speeds on a puny little motorbike...............''


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