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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. I am in the process of buying a replacement Surface tablet - a Pro 9 from Commercebuys.com . They offer what is probably the best prices, from a reliable Thai online source, other than MS or Banana. Has any one ever bought from this seller? they are very helpful online. I have a major concerns with their pre-payment system. They advertise on Lazada, but do not use their payment system. thanks in advance.
  2. a fool and his money are soon parted. (id include myself for sending some solid money to a few girls during covid)
  3. excellent summary of the disease affecting Thailand. if Pita (MFP), is disbarred from politics - he and his fellow disbarred party executives , together with his predecessor (FFP) should take their case to the World Court of Human Rights, it probably has zero chance. but at least it would rattle a few cages.
  4. the 'old man' took in stray dogs and said 112 was evil. he was an ok guy in my book, compared to the substitute
  5. despite looting everything, gone soon and then a whole different ball game, because of the unbelievable wealth involved ( for clarity, i'm referring to a private citizen)
  6. Trump hasn't had a real job, since his racist slum landlord Dad gave him a couple of hundred million and sent him on his way.
  7. roger that. and as Trump continues to display his undisciplined ways, by straying off script, he's alienating a lot of voters, including i imagine, even some of the MAGA's
  8. that is already stale, old 'news' . try catching up - every day is a new day. In my opinion, all the facts point in one direction - The American Empire is in decline. both candidates plan to increase the nation debt by $ 5 trillion. anyone living here, off US$ social welfare/benefits is screwed.
  9. the Daily Mail? you must be REALLY hard up for news sources. that is Britain's version of the National Enquirer. You know - 'status of Elvis discovered on Mars' ?
  10. at least 500 ,000 members of the US National Organization for Women will not be voting for Trump, after he wrote on his Social Truth platform that Harris, Pelosi etc. earned their political success due to giving blow jobs. he's the dirtiest con man since that Mormon guy spoke into his hat in the Nevada dessert and God gave him a new Bible. Oh, i forgot, Trump is selling his personalized version of the Bible right now for $59.99
  11. try to remember that this tactic is straight out of the GOP's political smear tactics playbook, exemplified by the GOP's successful 'Swiftboating' campaign against 2004 Presidential candidate l (and genuine hero) John Kerry <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiftboating>. Personally, I prefer Joy and Hope over Nastiness. Is it not time for Americans to stop electing people who tell them it's ok to $hid on each other. ?
  12. wow - you actually wasted several valuable minutes of your allotted space in time to watch that loony being interviewed?
  13. a little known fact - if it wasn't for Canada being where it is located, China would be able to invade Ireland.
  14. I'm sure Project 25 has a spot for you on their Euthunics Council.
  15. 3 rules of life: 1. there will be taxes, always; 2. the only person who wins in court (especially a Thai court) is the lawyer; 3. the business model of insurance companies is to collect premiums. The honest ones are good. the dishonest ones are there to avoid paying out claims. ....almost forgot there is #4. '' goodbye darling, I will wait for you ''
  16. you must be the life and soul of any parties you manage to slip into, unnoticed πŸ™‚ Oxford dictionary of English quote ' used in titles of learned journals. plural noun: Annals "Annals of Internal Medicine" end quote
  17. living in a smallish village (NST) my SCB branch needs a days notice of what I want. then, if i pop in at 8.30, it's ready for me to take the trip to the IO in NST town, the same morning.
  18. you have a gf treasure there, if your only risk to your anatomy, under such circumstances, is a complaint.
  19. Then Thailand must be very popular with space aliens. + a lot of 'probing' done at some of the temples. Gosh, I do love living at the circus, full time.
  20. very curious with how you are treated, under those conditions. where is your IO.? my IO seems to freak out at anything other than a 800k cert, (+ for the first time this year, a 12 month detailed statement of the term deposit account ''in case i was cheating'' (ffs ! ) + all the other paper work, including 12 months savings account (more paranoia -'' to make sure i spend the money in Thailand''. if only they spend more of their time chasing down illegal non-resident Asian businesses/land holding cos. TIT πŸ™‚
  21. a question, please? - does Bualuang (bangkok bank) still have an online app which you can use on your PC? some additional background: I agree, as to SCB. I do use their mobile app. - which is great. but one negative is, you cannot transfer funds TO Canada! (that stunned me a bit, maybe they don't like Trudeau?) . i also have accounts with several other banks. One of which is Bualuang (BBank). they have a good feature - they do allow transfers of Thai currency to Canada, online.
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