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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. from a seeder at Pirate Bay: Reefer Madness - 1936 - Anti Cannabis propoganda - Colourized and restored Reefer Madness (originally released as Tell Your Children and sometimes titled as The Burning Question, Dope Addict, Doped Youth and Love Madness) is a well-known 1936 American propaganda exploitation film revolving around the melodramatic events that ensue when high school students are lured by pushers to try "marijuana" — from a hit and run accident, to manslaughter, suicide, attempted rape, and descent into madness. The film was directed by Louis Gasnier and starred a cast composed of mostly unknown bit actors. Originally financed by a church group under the title Tell Your Children, the film was intended to be shown to parents as a morality tale attempting to teach them about the dangers of cannabis use.[1] However, soon after the film was shot, it was purchased by producer Dwain Esper, who re-cut the film for distribution on the exploitation film circuit.[1] The film was then reissued under several titles in addition to Reefer Madness, including Dope Addict, Doped Youth, Love Madness, and The Burning Question.[1][2] The film did not gain an audience until it was rediscovered in the 1970s and gained new life as a piece of unintentional comedy among advocates of cannabis policy reform.[1][3] Today, it is in the public domain in the United States and is considered a cult film.[3] It inspired a musical satire, which premiered off-Broadway in 2001, and a film based on the musical in 2005.
  2. Air is a gateway. I started, next thing I know, I'm inhaling the stuff. I fear for my future.
  3. I suggest: 5 Our fathers, 5 Hail Mary's and 5 Holy Ghosts. would you accept that as an alternative to ''putting them down'' ?
  4. well said...that's why we retired to Thailand. Great country. lots of laws and uniforms - but not much gets enforced.
  5. agree 100%. but that applies to all deadly accidents here. agreed? without a doubt, one rarely reads of police having done drug/alcohol tests on drivers who cause accidents. then again, news outlets rarely report the follow-up details. anyone on drugs/alcahol causing deaths should be locked up, for double time. yet we see the Mercedes killer and others get off scott free, not to mention our favourite in that category Mr Red Bull.
  6. like another poster said ''there is a middle ground'' . please leave your Western attitudes (it has to be either black or white) behind, when living in Thailand. Have you not learned the Thai art of compromise?
  7. let us try and help you re-write your post, again: in general, educated people (confusingly referred to as 'the left') regard QAnon, stolen elections and questioning Obama's birth place as daft. Right wingers (occasionally referred to as dumb and dumber's) soak up this stuff up and send all their money to a con man. Have I straightened out your thinking. ?
  8. he's wrong. and wasting time. Far better if he had commented on people trafficking.
  9. as an expat couple, retired here 20+ years, we've always made sure to stay on the right side of the immigration regulations.. 99% of overstayers are losers. but they are small fish. The big fish are the Chinese ''grey business'' operators. Nor does this news release address the racket where student/educational visas get issued, where what I understand to be mostly Chinese, obtaining such visas illegally.
  10. Which rock did you hide your compassion under? what is the source of your comment that she was 'into a bit of rough'. ?Dear god, there sure are some sick puppies on this thread.
  11. Sarg. Somchai - get me a plastic bag - and turn off the cam recorder on you way out.
  12. Agree 100%. He should try to think positive. Legalizing means regular testing and so on, as in EU.
  13. hahaha. I live i a small village, in NST., moved from Kamala, after the tsunami. No street girls here. when I visit Kamala or Patong,, I am always prepared to banter a little bit with the massage parlour ladies. Young or past their prime. They still have to make a living, usually it is day to day. You can light up a whole day for a Thai, with a smile.
  14. if you haven't learned to smile and, maybe make a little joke in Thai, with all the different social levels of ordinary Thais, there is no hope for you here.
  15. what a shame, shes was a pretty lady, well educated and all set up to enjoy life. Although against my general belief system, I do agree/hope he gets the death sentence. Thinking of how this would go in the West, a free public defender claiming he was not sane.
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