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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. the 2 comments are not connected. 20 years ago, I used to live in Kamala and only drove to Patong to buy dvd's. The expats I'm describing I have met in more recent years - on Phuket Island, Surat, NST.
  2. my bad. I meant that poor families put cooked rice out to dry in the sun, then save it for tomorrow. big difference.
  3. This will bore you to tears. But Its true. Thailand is rated in the ''medium'' range of low birthweight in an ASEAN study in 2021. Unfortunately, this ''marker'' relates to poor maternal and foetal health and nutrition. Babies born with low birthweight are more likely to die in the first 28 days of life, and those that survive often suffer from stunted growth, lower IQ and an increased risk of adult-onset and chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes. I was a bit shocked to hear, when chatting to Isaan ladies (and husbands) - stories of families being so poor that they recycle their uneaten cooked rice.
  4. the other thing which both my wife and i sometimes get embarrassed about is when an expat complained about most things Thai, in front of native Thais. Thais seem to be very polite and forgiving, excepting when you feel driven to give the finger to a tuktuk driver in Patong.
  5. that makes sense. it does take quite a bit of time to realize what a limited education (also possibly poor diet) has on someone. I suppose that's what rose tinted glasses are for.
  6. Thank you for letting me know. I wish you and your family well, especially your daughter,
  7. '' that's only a 5 foot put, it's a gimme ????
  8. what strikes me about your post is, what are you doing in Thailand? Nothing wrong with choosing a new country from the one you were born in?. This is the 3rd country my wife and I moved to. Simple reasons: fell in love with the people, the food, the lack of regulations (compared to Canada). One country we choose was Mexico, learned the basic language, loved the culture and food. But instinctively, we knew that our personal safely would always be at risk (especially if one got mistaken for an American). it was But there has got to be a number of compelling reasons reasons to move. One think I never understand, is, if you choose to live with a Thai girlfriend, or marry, it is difficult to understand why you wouldn't bother to learn Thai and integrate.? what is the point of planning a life for a life long relationship, if you cannot communicate properly. ?
  9. Thanks. Ironically, scb did not know how to process our 2 ins premium payment - despite it saying on the payment form ''go to any bank counter''. I had a similar experience attempting to get a pension form witnessed, last month. I'll withdraw the cash and walk across the street where, luckily, I have an account at Krung Thai. after 30 years banking here - I'm immune to this sort of thing. You just have to take these things in your stride. Just another reason to move away from SCB.
  10. my sympathies. we went through the same process, literally 3 months after arriving on retirement non-o visa extension. i got diagnosed with a serious condition. flew back to Canada, for treatment, forgetting to obtain the reentry, just like the OP. the advice you are receiving here is correct. hope your health improves.
  11. i know this is outside the parameters of what the OP describes. Like you , I had a Miracle model - lasted an amazing 15 years, replaced it with an Electolux model EMB3035. It's a 3000 watt model & a bit pricey. but it had what I wanted - a 4 blade grinder,
  12. whats it like, up there in your ivory tower ????
  13. that answer is a big help. i'll have 2 large ins. premium payments due this month. so i had better do that sooner rather than later.
  14. thats right. I am in the process of switching away from scb, to Bangkok Bank ( wont repeat the features and advantages which being able to use both a mobile app and a pc app, which this bank allows. I'll keep the sbcEASY app, as I have money coming in and going out of several scb accounts regularly. but i have a question - scb just sent me a message to say that in a weeks time they would be updating/upgrading their facial recognition software. anyone know what that will mean to an EASY user?
  15. i guess few few of you lives in Phuket. major rains all week, high seas, which are washing up to to my beach front sea wall ...have not seen that happening for quite a number of years.
  16. 2 Wong's dont make it right.
  17. Donald Trump vows to lock up political enemies if he returns to White House Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have ‘no choice’ but to lock up opponents ‘because they’re doing it to us’ . Crazy like a fox.
  18. that's a response from a 12 year old.
  19. please go to the top of the class. (excellent unbiased legal analysis at <https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55640437>
  20. that is a very selective memory you have. first, it's only in Trump's delusional mind, that there were these imagined ''voting irregularities''. he refused to accept that he was a loser. he filed 60+ Court actions and lost all of them, including many rejected by Trump appointed Judges. Trump also said: there would be no concession.He went on: "You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore. If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore''. At one point, Mr Trump said the Biden presidency had to be challenged. "You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can't let that happen." then he said '' we're going to walk down to the Capitol. this is all water under the bridge. you and all MAGA's should start worrying about Georgia, which will kill his chances of being reelected.
  21. lighten up and respect the character we all love. To quote The Big Lebowski : ''Is it being prepared to do the right thing, whatever the cost? Isn't that what makes a man? The Dude : Hmmm... Sure, that and a pair of testicles''. which is questionable for Trump, the man who cannot lose.
  22. do you really want to go down that rabbit hole? Trump escaped being impeached for 'incitement of insurrection' for having given a speech in which he encouraged a large crowd of his supporters near the White House to march to the Capitol, on Jan 6 and violently resist Congress’s certification of Biden’s victory—which many in the crowd then did. Yet to be decided judicially in Trump's other treasonous activities will be a ruling on his phone call to the Governor Georgia. '' I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than [the 11,779-vote margin of defeat] we have, because we won the state." During the call, Trump falsely suggested that Raffensperger could have committed a criminal offense by refusing to overturn the state's election results.
  23. in amazing Thailand, you never know for sure...except, maybe the shoe size.
  24. Look like he's a cut-and-paste pest, sorry, I mean doctor.
  25. there is a big difference, as a young Thai friend put it to me yesterday. Thaksin is a brilliant, corrupt businessman. The other gang are just corrupt incompetent military generals, who have cost Thailand 9 years of potential growth & development. I'd swap an royal amnesty for Thaksin in exchange for jailing the coup makers.
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