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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. Canada freezing bank accounts ??? source for that bit of news, please
  2. average Thai does not understand that concept. I once explained how much in taxes Thaksin ripped off the country, on his sale of shares to Telemask. Blank response, feed them $hit and keep gthem in the dark. Don't get me wrong, wife and I love living in a regulation-free, corrupt country for the past 25 years.
  3. Not sure what they mean about tax - the land tax has to get paid, upon registration, even if the ''owner'' is a Thai national. The bigger issue is income tax avoided by all these companies - it is payable every year. There's gonna be some unhappy Russians., not to mention the Brit who facilitated 15 years of scemeing.
  4. simple. its marked on the Chanoet, as to whether it is freehold to foreiegners (49%). if it isnt then anyone who bought without that protection is deaf, dumb and blind ????
  5. really?, ''Didn't you read the news today, oh boy?''. The Thai army shot lots of demonstrators, a few years back, and again before that and again, many years back (1973) .
  6. there is more to finding a woman than just learning to speak Thai. Just assume for a minute that you want to approach a younger Thai, away from the bar scene, with a proposition - in essence, either a short term or long term ''girlfriend''. what motivates a woman most? politeness, good looks, age, gifts (which to me is an immediate turn off).
  7. yes, my first choice, too. But maybe being stick in with the rest of the prison poputaion would be a better punishment?
  8. no. a life time in the worst Thai prison would be better. if shes judged to be crazy, the add electric shock treatment to the sentence.
  9. try growing a pair of Canadian cojones. You share responsible for which political party is running the affairs of Canada. (in fact it is a loose coalition of NDP and Liberal parties). I have no time for people who do nothing and still blame their nation's state of affairs on others. Canadians are like their southern neighbours, except they are too polite to change the status quo. Ireland is special, because it rose up in rebellion and caste off the yoke of the British Empire, around abut 1916. What did your forebears do, around the same time, except run whiskey down to Prohibition USA? ????
  10. can i go offtopic, sort of? Our most recent 90 day filing deadline for our TM47 was May 9. I sent in our 90 day reports, with attachments, by Thai Post EMS, on April 18. I included a SAE, pre-stamped for EMS post back to my PO Box. As of today, nothing received back. Called IO last week, they said no problem, they have both wife and I in the computer, with a new expiry day July 9. They could not explain why we had not received back the new Receipt slips. This is the 3rd time this has happened, in 18 months. The most recent time this happened before, we never received the Receipt slips. I had Thai Post do a tracer. They copied me the signature of the IO staff who signed for the forms. I had a Thai friend call IO with that name. I got nowhere. my question is: without a current 90 day Receipt and not knowing for sure when the next one is due, what do we do? IO is in NST town and is a 250km roundway trip and my wife is unable to travel. tia.
  11. deranged Trudeau syndrome? not sure why you would post off topic in order to bash your home country. ? I was born in Ireland and emmigrated to Canada. So, I am Canadian by choice. It seems that people lucky to be born in a decent country are often the first to bash it.
  12. i assume you have switched topics and are now advising about relationships with Thai women? as a barfly once said to me 'why buy a book? you can always rent one from the library and return it when finished'
  13. an east London boy. I don't think so ???? you know the other expression about revenge - dig 2 graves. 555
  14. plus: shopping, eating, walking the mall. over here in NST, they walk the beach whilst glued to their phones.
  15. for nomads from other countries, you're correct. except for US citizens of which there are many nomads who like to settle here, temporarily, i think you are forgetting that US tax law requires their citizens to report world income, no mater which country their employer is paying them from. . of course, in reality, nobody does that, do they?
  16. But.......... you have forgotten about Infernal Revenue tax rates on your US investment income. Not sure where you get a guaranteed 7% return, after US tax ???
  17. there's a quote from County Tipperary, about that: ''bring a shotgun and a shovel''. ???? Unfortunately, the Brit scarpered off back to England, leaving many Phuket investors behind, empty handed. The other problem is that, in Thailand, it is all about not losing face. There are many reports about property scams/crooks. But, ask yourself - when has the Bangkok Post ever done an expose?
  18. you cannot stop someone from stealing from you. In most countries, you have recourse to the law - and a decent chance of recovering your investment monies. In Thailand there is no such thing as ''legal precedent''. as a result, of which, if the Judge and your opponent are golfing buddies, you lose. In my case 5 mill.
  19. moral of the story (I and a group of 12 of us foreigners made this mistake). do not waste your time hiring a foreign lawyer, expecting better competence than a Thai lawyer. In your case, you could have sued the lawyer for negligence, but you are never going to win, in any court in Thailand, for 2 reasons: (i) you're a farang and (ii) suing a lawyer is like (deleted) against the wind. in our case, developer sold the land twice to us and to a loan shark. we went all the way to the Supreme Court and they licked the can down the road with a decision that it was not in the public interest to give a ruling. someone should publish details of some of these situations where foreign investors lose 100% on You Tube.
  20. excuse off-topic post: Wick 4 is a terrific movie. Keanu reprises his role as the 'yeah' man, with relish. amazing stunts and the sets are astonishing, esp. the fight scenes against Caine (the blind assassin) .
  21. truly one of the most cruel ways to kill an animal. can take days of agony . although we're a smallish village (in NST) we have contact with Soi Dog and, we have a facebook group that tried to find homes for strays. before you move here - its boring.
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