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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. Its me who is slow ???? . last time I did it in person. The paper work to be submitted will include tenants passport, visa extension, housemasters ID, house registration and lease. are you describing uploading those documents and, if so can I ask for the website? thanks ????
  2. That sounds very useful info. When you uploaded the TM30, did you attach your passport visa extension, housemasters ID, lease?
  3. postscript - to answer one question: I qualify on the 800k in the bank and my (expat) wife ''piggy-backs'' on my retirement extension.
  4. Many thanks for all the responses, advise & good will - and the other guys.... Result: no problem wth IO. Brought a basket of fruit, as I arrived mind afternoon, since I had to get the bank cert and certified 12 month statement first. The officer was incredibly helpful, as we've been going there for 17 years and over those years, he's watched the side effects of how tsunami damaged my wife's back, I got my extension and of course, new 90 day slip. he asked that my wife come as soon as she can, preferably the day after. No med cert needed. I could add that during the past week, I needed to track down the landlady and get a copy of the new lease & receipt for the rent paid, having mislaid my signed copies, plus her up to date ID card. Wishing goodwill & a happy new year to all at these forums.
  5. the unfortunate thing is, I did not get a desk top calendar for 2022. the retirement visa extension (and 90 day) expire today. Bottom line - for the first time ever, I forgot. My wife is unable to travel 200-300 km today. is the majority advice that I go alone today and take her tomorrow, when she will be able. ? I dont mid the fine. I just dont want to lose our retirement status.
  6. wife and I are retired. her back went into spazm today, unabale to be driven to NST IO. do not have a med. cert in simple Thai/english. we'll go tomorrow.
  7. this relates to my friend's mum; she has her 3 shots, while in UK. was quarantined for one day, on arrival. Needs to know, if she flies from Suratthani to Bangkok, does she need any thing (eg a sinus test) other than her original vax cert from the UK.? flying out tomorrow, so she' pretty worried, as the airline call centre is busy. tia
  8. my model is the Pro 6. and, most unfortunately, it slipped out of my hands, cracking the screen. I also need a new battery, which does not hold its charge. The warranty is invalid. need help - love my Surface ????
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