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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. Thanks, good advice about picking up their version of a power of attorney form. Now, I just need to find that Certificate. My Director friend downloaded it. But is unable to re-identify the website, nor can she forward it to me as an attachment. (she never texts ???? )
  2. Land is owned by a Thai company. I rent it One of the directors and I went to the Land Office at Sichon (NST) to apply for the replacement of the 2 posts which were lost. Big fuss over this. Land Officer says he needs a Certificate (unknown name/ref#) signed by the 3 Directors, plus their ID cards and Tambien baans, all signed and Company Minutes. Anyone know where I can download this Certificate? Also, he was ambivalent about whether he needed the 3 Directors to appear in person (not very accommodating, as it will be complicated for all 3 to travel to Sichon on the same day ). tia.
  3. what a pos. you know, you can report them now, to Bangkok. It worked here in NST and the IO has been perfectly polite ever since he got his attitude adjustment course. ????
  4. Need help, for the first time, in 25 years, I have mislaid my Thai drivers licence. It was issued in 2019. Unfortunately, I did not take a copy. Can anyone advise what paperwork do I need and do I need to do the test again? I do know, I will need to report it lost, with the police. also, prob. a medical report (piece of cake). what about the Residence letter from IO.? that would be a pain, as its a 250 km trip. Oddly enough, I have a colour photo copy of the IO letter issued in 2019. Maybe I can fudge the date.
  5. can you ref. me, please. Ive had 800k ins. package for each of wife and I - for years and never considered this an issue. Is it?
  6. this may be a dup. post, if so sorry about that - haven't seen any responses. I have a land lease, which I built a house on. There is no land title. (I know how unwise that was) . The land 'owner' offered to sell the land to me - but I refused, due to its illegal status. He then sold the house papers to a 3rd party Thai. I have rented out the house. I need to submit a TM28, supported by my original lease and by the sublease. The house master doesn't want to submit the TM30. Any suggestions on how best to approach Immigration?
  7. In 50 years of investing, I have never bought oil nor tobacco. Of course, over the years,, I have invested heavily in Guinness and Midleton (premiums and Paddy blended) whiskeys. I am open to investing in one of these Canadian or US hemp farms ????
  8. This will ensure that everybody gets home more quickly without having an accident.
  9. that is listed on the LSE. 5.2 million quid total capitalized value, as I read it. The gereral 'rule of thumb' is to invest in nothing below a cap value of 10 milion quid/usd. and that is the bottom of the barrel. (no pun intended) . you've done well - good luck.
  10. amazed you didn't get any thumbs up. that is a good piece of well written well thought writing. off the grid for a lot of posters here, including ''Captain America <deleted>''
  11. that does make much sense, does it. ? assuming your US citizen, you have to pay tax on your world income. That's not exactly fair, either is it? The way the US is going down the crapper (who'd want to live there? ) 13 yr old black kid shot dead by police, while lying on the ground, unarmed.
  12. My Surface battery drains, quite rapidly (2hours on sleep mode). , despite my checking all of the suggested ''fixes''. I don't want to power 'on' and 'off' all the time. Anyone know of a reputable shop where I can have the battery replaced? tia.
  13. pity about the panties. always a nice place to visit. ????
  14. I have tracked my EMS at Thailand Post. IT was delivered March 23 and there is a receipt signature. IO says I must speak with 'the postman'. which I will do. After that, I'll send a print of the screen capture to IO and let them do their thing. In summary: I do not need any help with this. Thanks ................
  15. Have a bit of a problem here. some years ago, i could not register my wife online, for the 90 day report, as she had not been outside of Thailand fore many years. So, we used Thailand Post, by EMS, with a SAE. Worked a charm, until this year. What are the requirements, where IO says they have not received our 2 forms, posted March 23 and due April 10. ? I have the EMS receipt. IO wants me to drive a round trip of 250 km. could I ask him to grant us a favour, where by we post new forms, together with a copy of proof of the original EMS ? I do have copies of the previous notification slips.
  16. agree,, absolutely. All my other insurance is with an independent broker, from back when I lived on Phuket. and there has never been a conflict between my interests and those of the ins company. It just slipped my mind, in this instance, when I moved to NST, I changed Ins cos. for my car.
  17. Thanks for the details of how the 'system' works. I know my thinking was rather simplistic. Part of my questing the new premium is that my agent is a body shop. The owner recommended that i not claim for damages caused by a 3rd party (who rode off before I could identify his licence plate). so I didn't, assuming I would get a no claim discount. That has not happened. My opinion is, the 'agent' is not looking out for my interests.
  18. I've been insuring with Viriyai for a number of years. Never submitted a claim, i pay for repairs, eg in 2021, when a motor bike hit the car. I bought my 2014 Ford Escape for 550,000 baht, in 2017. The company has the insured value at 400,000 baht, for 2020, 2021 and 2022;. This valuation is now overvalued, according to the market (and the Red book, if I could access it). Ins. is Comp. type 1. Premium was 16,900 in 2020 and 14,450 in 2021. This year's renewal will cost 14,250. My question is - can I insist that they reduce the value of the car to say 300,000 baht?. The agent simply cannot understand why I want to do that. He says Viriyai has given me all the discounts they can give (whatever that means). Surely I can insure the car for what it is worth?
  19. Very useful information thanks. for me, i cant go to Roojai, because i am 76. (that's their age upper limit).
  20. Kudos and thanks for being alive to the world at large - a rarity on Aseannow, which seems to have its own village mentality. My Phuket rental villa is earning 50% less, due to 2 years of Covid restrictions. I think you'll find that this war has and will continue to affect the Phuket tourist market - and your next petrol top-up bill, even if you live on a farm.
  21. It must be the greatest of ironies for Putin to read reports which suggest that it is the ''neo-Nazi'' element (the elite Azov Special Ops Battalion) of the Ukrainian Military which is responsible for targeting the top Russian commanders - with deadly success. 'Eliminating' this element is his stated reason for the invasion. Independent sources (e.g. Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies - CEES) say that whereas in 2014 this battalion had indeed a far-right background, these were far-right racists that founded the battalion, which was founded to fight Russian backed separatists in the Donbas region. The CEES reports that it has since become "de-ideologised" and a regular fighting unit. Its recruits now join not because of ideology but because "it has the reputation of being a particularly tough fighting unit.
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