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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. i have a surface pro 6. one thing you do have to check out first, is what is the max. mem. card the tablet will accept. Mine is min 32 GB max 2 TB. It might be also worth reading up on the differences between SDXC and SDHC cards; altho' you'll probably never buy a SDHC card, which has max. storage of 32BG. there is a nice little site which displays the different ''look'' of the 2 cards at <https://www.coolblue.nl/en/advice/compare-sdhc-to-sdxc-cards.html>
  2. The nearest Banana store (in Surathani) does not carry these. I googled Sandisk - but got transferred to a site with prices too good to be true <https://speedcom.co.th/brand/PKK/sandisk?sort=discount&sort_type=0&per_page=20> any advice, besides the obvious (Lazada) ? TIA
  3. I hope the scorpion is with him, on that piece of wood he is paddling..
  4. you cant take any ''announcements seriously, any more. just read the daily headlines from the Bangkok Post about MFP. back to the SCB screen capture that you so kindly posted above. what does it mean? new customers are unable to use the service, effective June 9. to quote: 'Existing customers may continue to use the service - period. '. then at the same sceeen, they're announcing that existing customers will NOT be able to use the service after July 14. Kinda shows me ''East will never meet West''. 555
  5. thats unfortunate. i hope that if enough customers complain, there might be a better end result.
  6. lets all complain. i'll phone the service centre and i will write up a complaint letter in Thai language, for my bank manager,
  7. Is the screenshot app on a mobile a standalone app or is it part of the online banking app, I use Win 11 on my pc., so my screeshot is Snip, which is a separate Win 11 app.
  8. ok, i remember that. An all time low for the Can. govt.
  9. thanks, i will do the same. i pay merchants, TOT, 3BB, AIS and so on. Its wise to have a ahard copy, ofi need to refer back to an entry in my passbook that I cant remember whats it for. .
  10. whatever about the tax laws, Thailand certainly lost out, as the satellite frequencies BY LAW, could not be were owned by Thai individuals or companies - but where held in trust by the Thai military, the same way they ''own'' or manage other media. Somehow, these frequencies ended up in Thaksin's hands so that he could sell them to Telemask. we may not be able to discuss it here - but it was a sad day for Thailand. I am not suggesting anything negative about the Military. Thaksin was the con artist and a very talented man. . The nature of this post is intended to be of good intent, and in the best interests of the public good.
  11. Probably a conspiracy by 711 to get you to visit their stores more often, to pay your bills. 555
  12. thanks I'll use your post as a complaint to SCB, with a notice that I am closing out my accounts, as a consequence. I also bank (minimally) with the 3 other major banks (mostly for IPO's). So I do have a choice.
  13. at the risk of sounding helpless (Im in my late 70's) how do I transfer the screen capture from my phone to my pc. I am thinking - maybe Line or Whats App work, or email would work?
  14. 'No tax laws broken'. that is not exactly true. Thaksin argument that the sale was a tax free capital gain was based on the share sale supposedly having gone through the SET (Stock Exchange of Thailand), as a normal transaction. After he scarpered with the money, Thai Revenue Dept and SET filed complaints on 2 issues. First, it was determined by Thai courts that the tax free arguments was not legal, because the shares in the Thai company (Shin), were sold to a Singaporean company. Second, Thaksin had his government pass a change in the Thai law a few days before his sale, which would have restricted the % investment by a foreign investor (Telemask, via nominee companies) in the telecom sector. Maybe Wilki and how the Thai press reported it at the time got it wrong. Come on, accept that this was probably the biggest example of Thai corruption in history.
  15. still does snot resolve the question of how, in your example, someone could make hard copies of the screen capture (assumming that option is not going to be taken away). I will just switch banks. To heck with SCB, I have been with them since 1994. It's time to move on.
  16. thanks. I believe Canadian authorities are now chasing laundered monies, (mostly Chinese mainland) flowing through casinos and otehr illegal sources (as Canuck banks will not touch money coming in from a questionable source). of course, they are about 15 year behind, with that, just like Thailand.
  17. I believe that they will coordinate with the CBD and the tax dept. its not a matter that 'the accounting' gets done. I lease ''my'' land and house from a Thai company. I pay rent and the company pays tax on that income. Guess how many of these scams go through that process? and no, my accountant's staff do not act as nominees.
  18. exactly and now the genius' at SBC have come up with the idea of forcing you to use your phone, to make bill payments, which is easy to misplace or get hacked. whereas the app on my pc is protected by not only my vpn, but also the fact that it never leaves my home desk. i think I'll switch banks ( I have 4).
  19. ''The SCB mobile app asks you to screenshot every bill payment and if you agree stores that on your phone'' that's a really useless option on your phone app. adds another 2 steps to transfer the screen capture to my pc, so I can print it.
  20. '' just waiting on a friend'' (Move Forward Party.................fingers crossed that we will see a real change)
  21. latest opportunity will be for the XXXX to buy Swedish jets.
  22. never do my banking or investments using an outside network. ALWAYS use your personal hotspot as well as using your vpn.
  23. Canada freezing bank accounts ??? source for that bit of news, please
  24. average Thai does not understand that concept. I once explained how much in taxes Thaksin ripped off the country, on his sale of shares to Telemask. Blank response, feed them $hit and keep gthem in the dark. Don't get me wrong, wife and I love living in a regulation-free, corrupt country for the past 25 years.
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