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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. Many thanks for all the responses, advise & good will - and the other guys.... Result: no problem wth IO. Brought a basket of fruit, as I arrived mind afternoon, since I had to get the bank cert and certified 12 month statement first. The officer was incredibly helpful, as we've been going there for 17 years and over those years, he's watched the side effects of how tsunami damaged my wife's back, I got my extension and of course, new 90 day slip. he asked that my wife come as soon as she can, preferably the day after. No med cert needed. I could add that during the past week, I needed to track down the landlady and get a copy of the new lease & receipt for the rent paid, having mislaid my signed copies, plus her up to date ID card. Wishing goodwill & a happy new year to all at these forums.
  2. the unfortunate thing is, I did not get a desk top calendar for 2022. the retirement visa extension (and 90 day) expire today. Bottom line - for the first time ever, I forgot. My wife is unable to travel 200-300 km today. is the majority advice that I go alone today and take her tomorrow, when she will be able. ? I dont mid the fine. I just dont want to lose our retirement status.
  3. wife and I are retired. her back went into spazm today, unabale to be driven to NST IO. do not have a med. cert in simple Thai/english. we'll go tomorrow.
  4. this relates to my friend's mum; she has her 3 shots, while in UK. was quarantined for one day, on arrival. Needs to know, if she flies from Suratthani to Bangkok, does she need any thing (eg a sinus test) other than her original vax cert from the UK.? flying out tomorrow, so she' pretty worried, as the airline call centre is busy. tia
  5. Take 5 stars. thanks for reminding me - why the ....dickens....was I reading this thread ????
  6. my god! he could be Raymond Redington. Can't wait for Season 10...
  7. what I want to know is, where does all the paperwork go to? maybe they use it to prop up Bangkok from sinking ????
  8. what next due date does your new 90 day confirmation slip show? or are you on a different topic to the original OP. ? I always make a copy of our 90 day slips, (wife and I) before mailing them to IO with the new TM47. been here 25 years now, never had any of the problems described by some posters here. (The KISS principle).
  9. Good response. I mean, its not that bad,, is it? Try living on an immigrant visa in India or Guatemala. ????My list of paperwork: TM47, Photo page of passport, first entry stamp on arrival, showing my retirement status, most recent visa extension, arrival card, arrival stamp in passport (our IO officer is picky), and SAE, pre-stamped self addressed envelope for EMS service (35 baht, i think). again, we deal with one pickly m/f . Not a big deal. you could be living in Baghdad. ????
  10. I plain forgot to post our 2 reports, in time. So, I drove down to NST, yesterday. In and out in 5 minutes. Brought a red pomelo fruit for jai dee. jeez those are expensive, atm, Must be the flooding. met some friends last evening. same question as so many ask here, why did you not do it online?. my answer, as always, is: do i really want to rely on Thailand minus 3.0 government internet reporting system?. nope! life is too short.
  11. well - i did not do that, as I didn't have enough in my accounts to worry about. However, any time I get a decent sized transfer in to my savings account, I use the broker account I have at Maybank KE. MKE have a function where you can transfer the money from bank to your account the same day. Not only do I feel my funds are safe - they pay slightly better interest rate than the banks. If I need funds, I can make a transfer request and I have those funds back in my bank within 24 hours. I'm not suggesting this is practical to most - but I am posting, as an anecdote.
  12. whats the story on insurance? Aren't bank deposits insured, up to a fairly decent amount, but definitely in excess of 500k.?
  13. Good info. Thanks . this is probably off-topic, but I will try anyway. Wife and I are in our late 70's. We are non-residents for tax purposes and file the necessary forms.. We get quite a few messages from Revenue Canada, along these lines: (quote) Dear Paddy O' Furniture: The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) sent you new mail online called: Notice of Assessment letter/NR5 etc. If you have My Account, sign in and click on "Mail" to read your mail. If you signed up to receive mail online but don't have My Account, go to the CRA web page to register. I have forgotten if we have My Accounts. The CRA says that we can register. But, we need to do a 2 level verification. That requires a text message. But, they say that they do not issue text messages to mobiles outside of North America. What should we do? I am thinking of writing a hard copy letter asking them to change our wish, from online to receiving hard copy notices and letters by mail. This is a bit stressful, at times. e.g. we filed our NR5 forms on timerecently. But now we each have a letter referring to the NR5 - and we do not know what they are asking for. thanks in advance.
  14. I read the sample Servitude Agreement, at the website you referred to (it is very short) . To clarify what i understand, I will need a lease between us and the company to lease the land and a Servitude Agreement as well, which will get registered on the Chanoet title. Is that correct? tia.
  15. thanks again. you might be interested to know that we bought an apartment under a 30+30 in 2003. Lost the title entirely, in Court where it was deemed to be a sale, without being registered as such. Although the lease was registered against the project building, in Phuket, the Lease declared invalid. When we arrived in 1996, that was a very common type of lease and was allowed to be registered. I wonder what will happen, for anyone else unfortunate to end up in a legal dispute with the land owning company.
  16. wow! that's a zinger, a great find. I don't know what my buddy did. I did offer to check it out - but nah. You know, some people will jump into a swimming pool full of sharks and assume that they can swim faster. My situation is straightforward: we are an ex pat couple, who want to register a lease against the chanoet, which is held by a 100% Thai owned company. I maintain pre-signed share transfer forms and up to date ID cards. I will structure it so that the lease expires after we both die. If an expat wants to buy it, he/she will buy the company and our estate will avoid the majority of capital gains taxes. If a Thai national wants to buy, they will want the land, not the company. In that event, the company will bite the bullet on corporate taxes (which are incredibly low here, by comparison with other countries). This is all a bit off the cuff thinking. I will spend more time doing my due diligence, once I have a sample lease to work with. Also, we are blessed with having a superb company/personal tax accountant.
  17. there is some really basic information missing from the OP. Without it, I would hesitate to offer any advice. Assuming he has filed company audited financial, tax returns and SBD filings, he mush have an capable accountant. He/she is the person to seek advice from, not here at Aseannow. My 25 years' experience in holding and/selling property in Thailand, is to have the company hold the land and have the house owned personally, to take advantage of the residency tax rules (assuming that they are applicable). Get professional advice, for heavens sake.
  18. that's a good point: i am getting 25k right now, for a house that has a 10 year history of renting for 45-50k/month, on an annual basis. 'New Normal' .
  19. 6% rental yield in Samui? Not any more, I suspect. Altho' you may not like it, I suspect a realtor may be of use to you, unless you know how present value discounting works. In the end, the price you will get is what a willing buyer and seller agree on; not just what you think. Also, you do have to consider that you have a deadline, which will become more of a motivating factor, for you, as time passes by.
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