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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. for sure the farmers work hard . My wife's father who is 87 years old worked hard all his life and can even now can outwork me anyday. The wife's family look down on anyone who doesnot work hard.

    It's called false pride, any bumpkin can sweat in the sun all day for nothing.

    Lucky for me, I've always been smart enough to not have to work hard.

    come on mate that's just not true of thailand,maybe in the west.many poor in Isaan had to leave school at 12 years to help with the farm,no education(mind you you stay on at school here till your 18 and still be dumb)there only choice,work in a factory or on a building site.try and dig yourself out of a hole on 10,000 baht a month.

  2. As grown men it is our responsibility to look after those kids regardless of what damage they have or what we may think of them. It is not their responsibility to stay clear of us or of danger. It is up to us to not be a danger but rather protection.

    I really don't know what the Hell some people are thinking when they make certain comments...


    totally agree

  3. When are you an Oldtimer?

    When people start giving you a seat on the Bus,or let you on first,when you was going to let some other Old timer on first!

    "old timer" is in the eye of the beholder.Inside us we still think of ourselves as young,denying the reality.And how often do we look at another old person and think they are old,yet we are the same age perhaps.

    You are as young as you feel and on bad days as old as methuseleh! welcome to the aging process it does n't get any better.Everyone,have a good day.

  4. "I read somewhere that..."

    The above really cannot justify what follows after...

    Seems most bashings are after I read/heard somewhere...or also after one too many a beer!


    the trouble is you see it as "bashing"...just like people like to throw around words like "discrimination" "racist" etc.

    This is a forum where we can air our views, my opinion is i think china is a dangerous country run by authoritarian people.You call this "bashing" i call it forthright opinion.

  5. I sure hope I never have to live in one of these Chinese hellholes. Beijing and Shanghai are bad enough. With over 5 million Chinese people per year dying from pollution related respiratory issues, you would think the authorities would catch on by now. But, they are not a government that is particularly concerned about the well being of their population. One might say, it is all about the money.

    I read somewhere that the chinese have laid more concrete since 2008 than the USA laid in the entire 20th century.

  6. So much China bashing yet no peep from any TV moderator condemning the behavior. Guess it's ok to bash non-farang cultures and countries but not vice versa. One can only hope the China haters on TV are the last of their generation and will die off soon.

    fyi...China has been the only thing keeping the global economy from crashing since the 2008 real estate fiasco created by US.

    your last paragraph is not true,the world would be fine.china is just catching up.It was left behind for 200 years,so figures like 10% annual growth is coming from no growth for years.

    China bashing,muslim bashing,thai bashing?....so what? praise where praise is due and criticsim where its due also.

  7. Am not a fan of the chinese,i hope they completely decimate their own country.Any chinaman with any sense has already left and taken his billions with him.Yes i feel sorry for mr. average chinaman but i cant be taking the whole world on my shouldersfacepalm.gif

    That's a bad thing to hope for. Once they have decimated the land within their borders, where do you think they'll be heading? South and West. Thailand being one of those places. And before that, you can say goodbye to ALL the Mekong water.

    I just think they are a destructive force and i believe they will cross borders going west,but it maybe for a different reason than we think.

  8. I don't see a trap although their could be one later on. If you're 60 or more then watch out but I suspect you're much younger. So go to Sisaket with her and enjoy yourself.

    I'm 22

    bar girls are clever,just like a fisherman catching a fish the bait is added(short time),no mention of money after,she may even buy you little inexpensive things to dull your senses.Beware the "hit" will come later.

    You can do better,university girls,girls working in shops,girls that have real jobs still want to be taken care of with someone that has some money to support them.Going to sisaket is a bad idea in my opinion.Just keep shagging and smiling,by all means pay your dues and move on to the next one.You will soon understand everything because it will all be repeated to you over and over again like a broken record.

    Not great advice at 22. May be better to take a shot at the real thing when your young and don't have that much cash.

    Things don't get easier as you get older.

    * Nice to know you learned to read. Hope my post is not too advanced intellectually for your small brain.

    I thought it was great advice,at 22 i was in bangkok at the height of the vietnam war being taken care by a bar girl(i had no money) and i dont remember asking her to show me her monthly stipend!tongue.png

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