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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Thanks for the well wishes. I know there are a lot of villages in the North of Thailand that don't have power yet, lots of tribes. They arent contaminated by the soap operas

    can i come....sounds interesting,thai soaps have contaminated every walk of thai life,like its ok to shoot each other,its ok to attack each other,and its ok to have a bit on the side.I might like the hill tribes and no soap!

  2. I really get the feeling that this is revenge for the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

    Well, whatever beef I may have with the Ruskies here and elsewhere, it's a pretty disgusting thing if somebody took revenge by killing a planeload of innocent people who had nothing to do with the Malaysia Air shootdown.

    nothing to do with M17.....just payback for russia's attacks in syria.However one could say what goes round comes round in regards to M17

  3. What a sad waste of life. This lady might have kids or dependant family members. Absolutely senseless, barbaric behaviour.

    Very difficult to figure out why exactly the male population in this country has such a disproportionately high amount of complete nutters in it. I hope the man gets his just desserts down the line somewhere. Very deserving

    I have found thai people to be incredibly jealous.

  4. Just give the palestinians a proper homeland,give them some hope of a future that they can determine themselves.

    Most of them want that "homeland" to include Tel Aviv, etc. and have been brainwashed from babies to think Jews don't have a right to any state in the middle east.

    Therein lies the problem.

    many arabs live in peace side by side with israelis,in tel aviv...i grant you jerusalem is a different matter because each claim it as their religious birth place

  5. The USA is beyond fixing......................interest rates cannot be raised cos everyone owes too much already.The USA is in debt to the tune of 19 trillion dollars.QE 4 is on its way,you print money to keep the stock market afloat and to pay debt,there's no growth to pay it down.And the only business in town is the financial sector and technologies.In the US people are able to borrow money at zero interest,no deposit to buy 2nd hand cars over 7 years,the loans are packaged as investments with insurance default for 35% of the money owed.And no one says anything like 'this is crazy economics"

  6. This too seems a bit harsh...it's hard to know which is worse, the Indian guy who gets life in prison for raping a woman or the woman who is stoned for adultery...both punishments seem inordinate to the crimes committed.

    there is a world wide hatred towards women and it has to stop...........unfortunately it seems that "respect" has to be a subject brought in to everyone's education system.And that old but wise saying "love thy neighbour as thyself."

  7. It's interesting how over just a few short years religious extremism is taking hold in so many "hot spots " around the world.

    The united nations would dearly love a one world government(them) a one world religion,and a one world financial system.The one world religion would have to be "money" so what would they like to do to all the false religions around the world?................get rid of them i would think.But how to do?

    Communist russia banned religion but it survived,even thrived underground.

  8. just your perception in my opinion. It's true that people have more money given that the middle class has more disposable income. But not much of a change in terms of culture in my opinion. What's changed is more the trends, i.e. interest into Korean bands etc.

    Do some research, easy enough, people's attitudes have changed all over the world in the last 10 years 5 years and before, especially younger people. The 'entitled / ME generation'.

    There are 30 young foreigners (I guess 25 to 30 years old), mostly female, staying in my small BKK hotel, on a training course, 99% have never before been outside of their home country (all western countries).

    They have no respect for anybody, they just talk over the top of whatever is going on and are shocked when they don't get instant service or answers. They stand right in the way of other guests trying to carry food from the breakfast buffet and it's obvious to anybody they are blocking the path of others, polite request to other people to pass receive no attention at all.

    Perhaps 20 of them arrived in one group and got annoyed when they had to stand in line for check-in. One girl "I don't have to do this at home and I don't give copies of my passport to anybody." Another foreign regular guest tried to explain that the hotel is required by Thai law to have a copy of the passport. New guest rudely responded that it's not required in her home country so the hotel has no right...

    They ask ridiculous and demanding questions to the hotel reception staff. One exxample, 'Where can I buy some size xxx dresses New York latest fashion for under US$30?". This is whilst the 2 receptionists are in the process of trying to check-in 20 guests. When the staff respond politely that they don't really know, the response is "why not, can't you do some research?"

    One complained the next morning that the coffee is not to her liking and insisted that the hotel send out NOW for Starbucks for her. In reality it's very nice hill tribe coffee blend and certainly not cheap coffee.

    It's pretty much the same all over the world

    Man, that's pretty bad. And this is the future of western civilization?

    well scorecard you are witnessing 30 years of femail rights,the femail nazi's............bolshy young western women who want to be like men...males that have come after the baby boomers have become conditioned to this to.

  9. Although it seems that the OP is just worrying about getting a free ride, i think his perception is right.

    Not only Thailand, but the whole world is changing faster and faster, and not only because we are getting older.

    People are more self-centered, i mostly blame the abuse of technology, and the bad quality of the food.

    I understand about technology making people more self centred,but your comment about bad quality food? making more people self centred.

  10. IKE-president eisenhower-said as he was leaving office, "...beware of the military-industrial complex"..thanks a bunch, general....Currently we can amend that to say, "beware of the government-media-military-corporate complex".....555. The military cannot hack together a coup; the U.S. military is still functioning as a provider of cannon fodder for the Euro bankers wars....suck it up.

    Locking up goldman sachs would be a good start,they are evil,greedy conniving b..stards who have infiltrated most western governments for their own greedy aims.

  11. Would you trust Thailand and its people with your retirement savings i sure wouldnt.

    I am sorry but I don't understand why people think young women marry us old geezzzzers for love.

    Are old men so devoid of reality or is it just imagined pride and self esteem which blinds us.

    Everywhere in the world it is only about money when we reach a certain age,

    the only difference is some women will wait for us to die instead of defrauding us. In Thailand they don't wait because they know the

    police will be on their side for some cash which used to be ours.

    Hormones and wishful thinking can lead to a bitch.


    they were together nine years with 3 children,he said he had no inkling.

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