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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. "Please don't lecture me because I am old , sick , homeless and just a victim of this system trying to survive out of Australia on my poor savings until I will get my age pension ....if still available in 2 years or I will be still alive."

    gigman, are you aware that recent changes to the old age pension qualification rules mean that you must be in australia on the day you apply BUT you must also have been in Australia for the previous 2 years.

    A friend of mine had to return from Thailand 4 months ago to make sure he will qualify. Check the web site for more info

    You do not have to reside in Oz for two years prior to applying for Age Pension. If you return to Oz at retirement age, currently, you must wait two years to be granted portability.


  2. It seems like the French are not doing enough,as I suppose they

    would be very happy to see them cross the channel,if the migrants

    are supposedly fleeing their home countries because of persecution,

    and safety issues,then why do they not just stay in the first European

    country they land in,not safe enough ?or is the real reason,financial.

    regards worgeordie

    yes more money to be had in the UK.and the french have always loved to cause trouble with the UK.If the french were serious they would n't let them get as far as Calais.However france is almost a muslim country maybe the authorities are scared if they crack down too hard then the muslim community will rise up?I dont know just a thought.

  3. It actually isn't that funny.

    These idiots are playing with the livelihoods of mostly decent folk here without thinking it through or looking at the big picture.

    Off the cuff decisions like the one announced on the 23rd July should have consequences to the committees that made them IMO.

    they never think before they speak,hear it time and time again same as TAT do.

  4. Best to ignore,yes he's being cheeky,taking the piss even.Depends how old your daughter is,if she's a young teenager with confidence you could tell her to explain to the car park guy that 'my dad is in fact quite young but is run ragged by mama who is much younger than papa",also papa drives a crap heap of a car cos mama insists on driving the merc.biggrin.png

  5. Reading between the lines, it seems that the consensus is that $5m is insufficient.

    At age 60, working? I doubt it.

    May need to adjust expectations until there is equilibrium?

    Say expected life is 80yo - 20 years for $5m.

    5 million US dollars at today's exchange rate =175 million baht!..are you telling me you cannot live off that for 20 years?

    Now of course if the amount you have suggested is not true and all you have is 5 million baht then the answer is yes you cannot.

    this whole topic is non sensical.

  6. The op is obviously not retired special forces unlike me!!

    I'd have taken the gang out swiftly & retreated to my erv.

    Wouldn't have broken a sweat & had a nice tea while discussing the small skirmish with my other SF best friends I'd just met.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Love itlaugh.png

  7. Strike ISIS ... then appease ISIS with Kurdish strikes.

    Is there any doubt Turkey has been assisting ISIS? .... leaky borders going both directions .... inaction .... never any condemnation ... foreign fighters and teenage girls crossing the border with ease...

    I do not think supplies and ammunition have been getting to ISIS over the Iranian or Jordanian border.

    I am no rocket scientist but I do know 1+1=2.

    H-E-L-L-O NATO! Are you awake?

    Nato are pussies..............and they know it.

  8. At risk of being spat on by many members here:

    Like it or not, - problems of Middle East will not be solved without Russia joining efforts of

    NATO, US, Turkey etc. even Israel... Believe it or not!

    Actually I can not see why it is so far excluded? Just because it will make some Obama look piss weak?

    I dont think Obama is piss weak,he got elected to keep the USA out of more conflicts.Let the middle east burn,let them sort out their own problems...boots on the ground did n't work before,why should it this time.

    And burn it will...they have all forgotten Israel for the moment but i think at some stage it will be Israel's turn.

    Getting rid of sadaam hussein,assad,ghadaffi was a mistake,but it would have happened eventually anyway as the arab youth through the internet and social media see what they are missing out on(freedom from religion through education and opportunity) and it will render the koran obsolete.ISIS is mullah's last hurrah.

  9. these threads are allways good for a laugh,

    who paid this, i paid this, i paid that, i didnt pay anything,, i give this, they dont ask for more, she wasnt a bar girl, her perents are rich,,

    bloody hell,

    how did men go on with girls before they came here,

    did they have to ask a forum who to date,?

    no but if this guy is serious it would be good to have some understanding of thai culture,because the questions asked will also apply to a thai man in the same situation.

  10. You marrying her or her mother?

    I have come to understand when dealing with a poor thai family(materially speaking)that there is an expectation from the daughter for you to give something,a show of respect if you like.I see no problem with this(jai naam)...but only give what you can afford either in cash or if you see their home is poor maybe spend a little to improve it,showing generosity in thailand is part of their culture and it would be expected if their daughter was involves with a thai man too.

  11. I too feel fortunate to be living in Thailand and yes, luck does have something to do with it... Yes, I have worked hard my entire life, been smart enough to avoid manual labor and wise enough to have the funds so I can enjoy retirement here... The luck comes into play in that I was born into a good family in a 1st world nation, providing opportunities not available to most Thais... As the saying goes, there by the grace of God go I...

    yes we dont chose where we are born or who we are born to.poverty can come down to laziness,poor education and also poor parenting,in the west all these things can be overcome through government education programs that are usually free if you are unemployed,but in thailand there is little encouragement from the thai establishment.Quite simply they are happy to keep the poor poor,that is why there is little effort to raise the educational standards here.

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