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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Sad to say.....but I guess your "so-called" friends weren't really your friends then whistling.gif

    I went back to australia 3 years ago,i asked my oldest son if i could possibly stay with him and his wife.Was asked for "how long"...i said 1 week.The response i got was 3 days would be ok!bah.gif

    You see that is the big problem with blokes in thailand you sell it all to live in a 3 rd place like thailand and you can't go back home

    I think you are missing the point,some of us dont want to "go home"...sometimes we have to visit for various reasons and the place we once called home does n't feel the same anymore.

  2. why 800k bahts when I can live with 1/3 of that?

    A "VIP" living on 22 k Baht per month tongue.png (800'000/12/3 = 22222)

    Or do you have a math problem?

    that's 747 baht a day...can be done i guess,if you dont have to pay rent,live on your own,only have a couple of beers a day,eat at the local thai road stall.If that's what is happening.

  3. Good lord ! I hope that is a temporary fix, surely they will be putting a proper pole in. TIT

    dont bet on it!

    A thai lady shop owner i know got sick and tired of a slab of pavement that had caved in leaving a pot hole big enough to fall in.Nothing was done about repairing it for months so she decided to do the job herself.Along came someone from the local authorities who told her to stop and wait for the council to do it,otherwise she would receive a fine.

    Everything takes a long time to get done here.

  4. The Australian government, through DFAT, had made representations to Thai authorities on Morison's behalf without success.

    I wish him and his colleague, all the best, both brave people.

    yes very brave.To live a peaceful life here you have to keep your mouth shut and your head down,same in Laos and Cambodia.and keep an ample amount of local currency in your pocket for the eventual bribe to keep you out of the lockup!

  5. wonder how long it will take for ISIS to gather in western china?and russia too.Neither of these countries will tolerant them and will be merciless in their eradication...i cant wait for this to happen.

    I have no doubt the uigars are persecuted in western china and did flee to thailand.If they are muslims and are under the chinese spotlight they could very easily solve the problem by quietly going about practicing their religion behind closed doors inside each others houses.This way they can remain true to their beliefs without pissing on everybody else.

    Why should they?

    They have lived that way of life for centuries. It is the Chinese state that is forcing them to change their way of life.

    The Uighur culture is being eradicated by the Chinese state, the people are persecuted for trying to maintain it and are being economically marginalised.

    Now if I recall correctly I often read posts complaining that Muslims expect everyone to change to suit their needs. Generally BS but there you go.

    Yet here we have a case where an Islamic culture is being destroyed and suddenly it's ok to force change on a way of life centuries old.

    Strange days indeed.

    If this is the case then yes it is very sad.The chinese have never shown any tolerance to other religions,and maybe the uigars are now coming onto the radar because of whats going on around the world regarding muslims.

    No good going to thailand,they respect no one.

  6. I don't see a trap although their could be one later on. If you're 60 or more then watch out but I suspect you're much younger. So go to Sisaket with her and enjoy yourself.

    I'm 22

    bar girls are clever,just like a fisherman catching a fish the bait is added(short time),no mention of money after,she may even buy you little inexpensive things to dull your senses.Beware the "hit" will come later.

    You can do better,university girls,girls working in shops,girls that have real jobs still want to be taken care of with someone that has some money to support them.Going to sisaket is a bad idea in my opinion.Just keep shagging and smiling,by all means pay your dues and move on to the next one.You will soon understand everything because it will all be repeated to you over and over again like a broken record.

  7. Hard to watch to goings on in Greece and not get the feeling that it is all a scripted drama for media consumption.

    Either way, like so many countries, the rich robbed the place blind and have handed the bill to the masses. They voted no deals on the debt yet the government is now dealing, regardless whether right or wrong shows what a fraud democracy has become.

    Democracy as we used to know it is dead.No one listens to the people anymore.Even a free vote means very little when its "first past the post" Referendums are only as good as the questions you are expected to answer.

  8. wonder how long it will take for ISIS to gather in western china?and russia too.Neither of these countries will tolerant them and will be merciless in their eradication...i cant wait for this to happen.

    I have no doubt the uigars are persecuted in western china and did flee to thailand.If they are muslims and are under the chinese spotlight they could very easily solve the problem by quietly going about practicing their religion behind closed doors inside each others houses.This way they can remain true to their beliefs without pissing on everybody else.

  9. The germans could veto the greeks proposal,there are many countries want them out including finland and the baltic states pus slovenia.Keep bailing out greece keep losing money,its a no brainer that greece will never pay anything back thats why tsipras put forward these latest proposals knowing its money for jam as they will not implement them.

    If i was the germans i would make the loan conditional on euro technocrats coming to greece to implement these new proposals.

    Greece should be cut loose.

  10. Tesco lotus problem is their distribution...either that or they a have run out of cash/credit to buy.

    For me macro is the best place to shop,even their staff are friendly which is more than can be said for tesco.

    Tesco are rubbish,and here on Samui never have enough fresh stock.

  11. When I came back to my country (Europe) after several years I thought all these Farangs are strange......That I could understand the nonsense they talk made it worse......I felt they are all so narrow minded.

    yes if you've lived in S/E asia for a long time, we change dramatically, and when going back to our former country its difficult to find common ground with friends there.i mean you cant possibly talk to them about our lives here,they wont understand and usually are not a bit interested.

  12. Sad to say.....but I guess your "so-called" friends weren't really your friends then whistling.gif

    I went back to australia 3 years ago,i asked my oldest son if i could possibly stay with him and his wife.Was asked for "how long"...i said 1 week.The response i got was 3 days would be ok!bah.gif

    sorry to hear......Guess we know who's the boss in that familyblink.png

    thanks but i think it really came from my son,and it hurt at the time.Am going back shortly and am wondering where i will stay....too long for hotels(cost wise).Life goes on and i will work it out.

  13. Sad to say.....but I guess your "so-called" friends weren't really your friends then whistling.gif

    I went back to australia 3 years ago,i asked my oldest son if i could possibly stay with him and his wife.Was asked for "how long"...i said 1 week.The response i got was 3 days would be ok!bah.gif

  14. What happens if the church, which refuses to marry a gay couple, is then taken to court by the couple under discrimination laws?

    Is church forced to conduct a ceremony?

    Whenever people take umbrage these days they throw the discrimination card around like the f word,really tires me out just thinking about it.Just because a vocal minority want something they cant have out they come with "discrimination or the racist card.Time to realise you can always get what you want.

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