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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Quote: That's bullshit. There is no "Plan"

    Lana, we will see, so far I have been right when I mentioned Feb 9 and no I am not trying to be arrogant, I just look differently at events and I do see some kind of pattern. A lot of thing's that I said would happen did actually happen. E.g, the taking over of banks, 7 ate 9 and some others.

    Let's keep an open mind, stranger things have happened before.....

    You are here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it, it is like a whisper, you hear it, but you do not know where it is coming from. You have felt it your entire life, that there is something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.


    I can explain it Alex. It ain't rocket science. Here's the long version:


    you gotta say the fed.reserve is an evil institution,run by evil people,having glanced through the article i now see why things of a great magnitude happen in the fall.but also you gotta say the politicians around in 1913 when the fed reserve was created were a bunch of dumb clucks that ultimately are just as responsible.how could such a strong nation be so weak as to allow this to happen.

  2. heard on the news tonight Obama wants it to be the govt.that decides which charities will get monies,and that these donations can only through the govt.effectively stopping private donations perhaps.

    It is indeed scary stuff,everything happening so quickly under the guise of this financial crisis.am glad i dont live in america,but then as this all unfolds will every other country follow suite anyway.

  3. Why the hel_l are any ladies worried about his concerns? He has a decent girlfriend out there who has no idea that he's lusting after another woman!

    Let's worry about her - not him!

    The poster is looking for an excuse for his guilt.

    So the guy is a bit bored with his current relationship,and is thinking he's getting the attentions of a young thai co worker,and he does n't know where to take it.If he does go down this path he's gonna be in deap shit,firstly office liaisons usually end in disaster,double that cos she is thai,and after having begun another relationship and then wants to pull out after having some fun he will feel the full force of thai vengence,maybe these words will save him the cost of a few bears and keep his pecker attached.

  4. If the guy was 10years younger i could understand a little better,but this guy has an 8year relationship with a western lady and now he's all in a flutter over the supposed attentions of a thai co worker and wants to be told how to handle it.

    These sort of temptations are there everday for everybody and at 30 y.o. i just find it pathetic he cant just sit down in a bar over a few drinks and work it out himself.

  5. baring external factors re savings,income pensions that are off shore,i would say keep reminding oneself how lucky you are to be here,keep your hand in your pocket,be wary of any business ventures with thais or falang,never loan money out if you really need to have it paid back,and as the OP said,dont show or lose your temper.

  6. ok i misunderstood your thread.as for your last paragraph,all the bars i go to have pleasant friendly girls working there,otherwise i would n't frequent them and i have no complaints.I have been to other bars where the ladies are all stunners,but usually so "up themselves" so i dont bother to go to these places anymore.more often than not i'm only up for a friendly conversation and to buy a few drinks,get to know the staff and revisit when the mood takes.

    But trying to have an intelligent conversation with most farang that visit these bars is a battle up hill.

  7. The OP doesn't seem to fit with the title unless we take the inference that a couple of deaths of farang businessmen will deter the rest of farangs wanting their piece of their perception of paradise. I don't think these two events will have one iota of effect on the hordes that think they can make their fortune, or live their dream, in Thailand.

    The economic downturn? Now there's another question altogether but even that might have a reverse effect with people bailing out of the rat race and looking for nirvana on the beach.

    exactly,could pump the numbers up.

  8. you cant buy champagne on beer money right.so you have different establishments to fit different classes of people with diferent size wallets.

    What i find hard here(not talking about bangkok cos i've never lived there)is finding falangs to have a decent conversation with,mostly the people i come across i would n't want to associate with back home,so i dont here either.

  9. 45000km is alot for a 2 year old bike.and remember once these automatics deteriorate they start costing big baht to repair.

    for an extra 30,000 baht you can get a new one.alternatively look at a new honda wave 100 or 125,that has an automatic start as well as manuel,this kind of bike will last you many years,easy and cheap to maintain,cheaper on gas too.

  10. not a good idea Chaimai. the gloom&doomers provide thoughts. a lot of them are well founded and should be used to trigger some skeptical thinking of those who are too optimistic. as for the apocalyptic conclusions... they provide mild amusement which is quite valuable in these times :o

    Sagely comments, and I will try not to be too optimistic. But with the deluge of cutting and pasting from the latest financial journalist, predicting the end of the world, I feel I have to search out any crumbs of encouragement that suggest we may still be here after 12th March :D

    :D:D:D:wai::P :jerk: :burp::burp: i hope so too,ive got things to do,people to see and money to burn.

  11. At least one country is making an effort and trying to sort out the mess


    And I liked the final sentence

    "Obviously those who have done well through the good times will have to pay more," Cowen said in an interview with Irish state broadcaster RTE radio today. "Those who have to bear most are those who can bear it best."

    Fred the Shred, you selfish arrogant ba5tard, may you suffer more than the rest. When the Brothers unite on the streets I will be at YOUR door.

    where have you been 12,digging a big hole to put your money in?Re Ireland,at last someone talking sense.maybe canada could take over the USA and teach them some lessons.

  12. Big Damo Hi, The weather should be OK for you in May. Chawang is probably the most expensive place to stay, drink and eat as its about the biggest tourist area on the island.

    As for trips you have the Ang Thong marine park which is very nice for the day. Depending on the dates you are here you may want to go to the full moon party on Koh Panyang or if you want to do some good snorkelling or learn to dive then a trip to Koh Tao is ideal :o

    I thought, that Fisherman's Village would be the most expansive place for drink & eat without cheaper restaurants like Ninja or Khao San on Chaweng?

    thats pretty much right,you can eat cheap in chaweng but need a bike to get to the back streets.

  13. Mostly agree with Samui's post.

    Basically about half of Man U's side were reserves and thanks to Spurs inability to take penalties, the northern side got Ferguson out of jail for fielding 2nd raters. Well done the goallie, considering he is 3rd choice.

    Tottenham should be embarassed as they could not even beat a second string Manchester team.

    Second string? Ronaldo, Tevez, Scholes, Nani, Evra, Rio, Evans, Oshea, (simpson and foster), subs Vidic, Giggs

    Ok, no berba and rooney but spurs didnt / couldnt play keane, palacios also.

    And if I was paying to go to the game I would not be happy to basically see both teams treating the match as in effect unimportant which is an insult to paying customers.

    I think most fans go to these matches expecting less than full strength squads. Fergie stated he would stick with the kids for two weeks now.

    Foster only 3rd choice because of his injuries, as you can see last night, clearly not a 3rd stringer.

    still a piss poor game,2nd stringers utd.could n't even get a goal with that clown in spurs goal.maybe time to change this cup tied business too.just winding you up!

  14. watched it on channel 7.piss poor coverage,bad reception.lousy commentry,neither side fielding strongest team(i know some were cup tied on the spurs team)................total waste of time,was flicking backwards and forwards between carling cup and the aston villa/stoke game which villa happily threw away.

    Back to the carling cup,does anyone(maanagers)take it seriously,i think not,same as the UEFA cup,fielding 2nd. eleven teams,its all a joke.

    Only 2 things matter,the champions league,premiership title,and for the teams below no. 6 position,relegation,so thats three things.

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