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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Well I flew back last week on a Thai Airways flight, fully booked and it was the most expensive flight I have ever taken.

    Also the biggest queues I have ever seen at immigration. So it all depends on when you arrive


    Same here, a couple of weeks back flew Seoul - Bangkok - London and back. All the planes were as close to 100% as I could tell and immigration at Suvarnabhumi whilst not the biggest queues I've seen were close.

    Currently I am working out of Seoul but due to cutbacks will not be transferring to site as planned so will be out of work come end April. If I get a new contract by then I'll go where ever that work is (but not UK for tax reasons) if not I'll return to Thailand. My money will go a whole lot further there than virtually anyplace else, I am comfortable there, I can still be available for work via the internet and I can fly direct BKK to virtually anyplace I will need to.

    do you think the planes are full because the airlines cut back the number of flights?as i posted before,someone had remarked that phuket was very busy now.

  2. Why don't you lot RACK OFF.....This is Dear Mr Neverdie...what part of that are you missing, huh :o

    sometimes i think ND is a grumpy old man with either too much testosterone or maybe too little and thats why he's grumpy,nothing personal ND you understand :D

    The thread is Dear Mr Neverdie......not dear pammy or dead dribbledik, crikey!

    Grumpy old man ---- HEY I RESEMBLE THAT COMMENT, WHATS UR <deleted> POINT SBC? :D:D

    exactly my point(your reply)felt like turning the thread around,but hey it was meant to be just a rise ok.

    But he is a grumpy old bastard......Oh wait,he isn't that old... :D

    ND's reply did have a smiley,i know he can take it!
  3. On the Thai Grapevine a Thai Girl was kidnapped from outside Karon Temple yesterday morning at 10.30.

    Eye whitness's saw a girl being dragged into the back of a pick up truck but did nothing about it, thinking it was just a domestic.

    The girl was raped and robbed and released about 8pm the same evening.

    A second report of a Burmeese Girl was taken later that same day in Karon but has still not been released by her captives.

    Update to follow.

    There are times i think Thailand needs to follow Saudi Arabias lead...And behead the bastards! :o

    yes tritex i agree,in the end people will take out their frustration with the justice system(particularly in the west)and exact their own vengence.chilling times.

  4. The media are attributing the Dow's drop last night to things like Obama's policies and

    Citigroup and Bank of America possibly needing to be nationalised...but this is another

    angle and this sounds even more serious....................?

    Dow sinks to 12-year low on fears for AIG

    Wall Street lurches downwards again amid more financial turmoil

    AIG's collapse last September had threatened to bring down the global financial system..................

    The $60bn loss, due to be announced next Monday, could force the company into bankruptcy unless new financing is arranged before then, analysts said. A board meeting is believed to have been set for Sunday. The company itself issued a statement saying it was not considering a legal filing for bankruptcy, although sources confirmed it has hired the law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges.


    if they say their not then you can bank on it happening.

  5. The robot says we're all in big trouble in the coming age as we're about to witness the greatest collapse in the history of the world. This means no stable career, no retirement, and facing challenging negative changes. Expect to be behind the 8 ball for quite some time if you haven't yet secured your fortune. How will the next generation of Americans deal with China wanting those trillions of dollars returned? (huge national security issue) Even if you have a big nest egg or are inheriting one, when the dollar collapses shortly after China pulls the purse strings on lending to the USA, major currencies have a high probability of devaluing down to that of toilet tissue squares and many services may cease due to business failures and total economy/country system shut down.

    ok robot, yes it would be a disaster if China " pulls the purse strings " but they are joined

    at the hip to keep this situation going. If PRC stopped doing this , they would be shooting themselves

    in the foot............. so under what do you think would force them to do that?

    i see the same scenario as robot,america in hock to the chinese.they only have one thing left to their advantage(military power)and dont think they wont use it as a last resort.

  6. Why don't you lot RACK OFF.....This is Dear Mr Neverdie...what part of that are you missing, huh :o

    sometimes i think ND is a grumpy old man with either too much testosterone or maybe too little and thats why he's grumpy,nothing personal ND you understand :D

    The thread is Dear Mr Neverdie......not dear pammy or dead dribbledik, crikey!

    Grumpy old man ---- HEY I RESEMBLE THAT COMMENT, WHATS UR <deleted> POINT SBC? :D:D

    exactly my point(your reply)felt like turning the thread around,but hey it was meant to be just a rise ok.

  7. Why don't you lot RACK OFF.....This is Dear Mr Neverdie...what part of that are you missing, huh :o

    sometimes i think ND is a grumpy old man with either too much testosterone or maybe too little and thats why he's grumpy,nothing personal ND you understand :D

  8. either way transferring money from an overseas account is going to cost.

    (1)internet transfer fee bank to bank 20 aussie dollars

    (2) telegraphic transer bank to bank 35 dollars.

    (3) if you instruct your bank to send in aussie dollars you will probably lose less than sending in thai baht from australia.

    (4)the final suck is the exchange rate cos it depends on the thai banks exchange rate at the time they receive and convert.

    (5) the most expensive way is using your atm card in thailand,i think minimum transaction fee is around 7 dollars for a withdrawal of only a few thousand baht,but it depends on how much you are converting.

  9. ... snip ... it was me, just a simple rug in the shade,with mossy repellant

    have you actually done this ? i have. have you ever had a poisonous millipede crawl on you while trying to meditate ? i have. have you ever had dengue fever ? i have. do i know that dengue is carried by day-flying elderly female Aedes Aegyptus mosquitoes, that there are four strains of it, and that having it once does not cross-immunize you from getting the other three strains : i do.

    anyway if your meditation techniques are succesful surely you would n't feel the mosie bits anyway.

    now that's entrancing ! :o

    thanks for the entertainment, ~o:37;

    ok here's another idea,go to a temple(nice place for peace and harmony)cover up like the monks do ,wear mossie repellant,as far as i know there's no immediate cure for dengue fever(everyone runs that risk,meditating or not)or are you going into business with a meditation kit home :D
  10. sorry everyone been away a couple of days with my girl in koh tao am keeping clear of lamai so thanks for the concern.

    this girl is amazing man im a lucky guy!


    happy to hear you have taken some advice from the replies to your initial post re your personal safety,now if i could offer some more advice,dont get carried away by your new found teerak,often its not all as it seems,i can hear stars in your eyes :o

  11. I'm thinking of putting in a fish pond on our land but unfortunately I know sod all about fish. Ideally, it'd provide 400-500(ish) fish a year to eat (not for commercial production). What sort of size pond am I looking at for that? And any recommendations for fish to raise? Thanks.

    800 sq met (1/2 rai ) x1.2 -1.5 met deep would be ideal.

    Initial stocking could be 500 mixed sex Tilapia (Pla Nin ) followed at 3 months by a few Snakehead catfish or Striped Giant Catfish and even a few Barramundi.

    The Tilapia will breed and provide natural food for the Catties and Barra,

    If you employ the green water method ,very little artificial food will be necessary as the Pla Nin are provided for by the Phyto-Plankton and and micro-organisms in the phosphate enriched water and their offspring provide food for the other varieties.

    If top up water source is available, this method will supply fish for several years before you need to pump down and start afresh.

    very interesting reply ozzydom,what if you wanted to breed to sell at the market,would you need a bigger pond.my wife keeps talking about moving back home and doing just this.

    Not sure whether you mean to breeding small fish to sell as fry or fingerlings or to grow on to eating size to sell at market.

    The former is not really practical as harvesting enough fry of uniform size from natural breeding is the problem.

    If the latter , you are better advised to purchase all male fry from somewhere like Nam Sai Farms at Prachinburi to grow on for market, as breeding does not interfere with their growth cycle ,marketable fish are quicker and cheaper to attain in feeding costs.

    I find 1 rai ponds to be easier to manage, and for some reason ,oblong ,rather than square dimensions seem to perform best . Personally I get better performance from 20m x 80 m ponds than 40m x 40m.

    Not being to greedy by overstocking initially is the secret, One thousand fry per rai using green water and a little supplementary feeding should give about 400g fish in 6 months ,rising to near 1 kg at 12 months. If liveability is good , up to 70k per rai per annum gross is achievable .

    thanks for the info,would it be best to apply top up water by drilling a well,or would the land need to be near a river location,as you can see i've no idea,but i like the idea of breeding fish to on sell at the market.

  12. Possibly an American or European who hasn't been in Phuket too long? When I first drove overseas, I occasionally found myself on the wrong side of the road - particularly after turning corners. My sympathy to the farang's family and wishing a speedy recovery to the Thai woman.


    your right it is easily done,did it myself while living in vancouver,had a few beers(before seat belt days and dui days)anyway i turned into a one way system only to be met by a transit bus,just managed to drag the car up on the curb in time,scared the sh-t out of me.and had done many times when turning right too.

  13. plus how many farangs own tippex.

    The tippex message points towards pre-meditated suicide. Just because it doesn't read well, only means English was his second language. I think most farangs who live in Thailand will have sellotape, a stapler. a hole punch and tippex.

    Sellotape. Check.


    Hole Punch.Check.

    Tippex. Check.

    Right, I'm going to top myself.

    I must just not fit the profile of most farangs in Thailand. Okay I'm not there right now but when I am there I do not own nor possess sellotape, stapler, hole punch or tippex. In fact even in the office here it is a struggle to locate correction fluid, there is no typewriter and if someone is hand writing something (a rare occurrence) and makes a cock up they either cross it out and correct or rewrite the whole thing. There probably is some somewhere but I'd have to ask the secretary where it would be found. I guess if the guy owned or ran a business he would be more likely to have access to such office supplies.

    Surely a hand written note sellotaped to the handrail would have been easier particularly if it was pre-meditated suicide - which it is looking more the likely verdict.

    Dam_n, just realised I've got no sellotape. Oh well I guess suicide just ain't for me.

    tippex,condoms are essential requirements for any farang in thailand and can be purchased at 711 am sure.

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