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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. ok fishhooks you raise a good point,but i read somewhere on this thread exactly that,but you would think going overseas during that period for a holiday would be reasonable enough,and maybe it is.An email to centrelink hobart should clear that up.I still think it unreasonable to expect someone in my position to have to upend my life here to return to australia for 2 years to re qualify even though i have worked/paid taxes for the qualifying time of 30+ years.that would mean going to have to look for work again and in part start a new life again.


    In the beginning God created day and night. He created day for footy matches, going to the beach, and BBQs. He created night for going prawning, sleeping and BBQ's, and God saw that it was good.

    On the Second Day, God created water - for surfing, - swimming and BBQs on the beach, and God saw that it was good.

    On the Third Day God created the Earth to bring forth plants - - to provide malt and yeast for beer and wood for BBQs, and God saw that it was good.

    On the Fourth Day God created animals and crustaceans for chops, sausages, steak and prawns for BBQs, and God saw that it was good..

    On the Fifth day God created a Bloke - to go to the footy, enjoy the beach, drink the beer and eat the meat and prawns at BBQs, and God saw that it was good.

    On the Sixth Day God saw that the Bloke was lonely and needed someone to go to the footy, surf, drink beer, eat and stand around the Barbie with. So God created Mates, and God saw that they were good Blokes, and God saw that it was good.

    On the Seventh Day God looked around at the twinkling Barbie fires, heard the hiss of opening beer cans and the raucous laughter of all the Blokes. He smelled the aroma of grilled chops and sizzling prawns and God Saw that it was good ..... Well. . almost good. He saw that the Blokes were too tired to clean up and needed a rest. So God created Sheilas - to clean the house, to bear children, to wash, to cook and to clean the Barbie, and then God saw that it was not just good. It was better than that, it was Bloody Awesome!


    very good,especially true going back to 70's,alas no more,i think the ladies have wised up and would be more likely to say"shove it up your arse".

  3. history proves that any crisis provided excellent opportunities to increase ones wealth ...........

    ...... or excellent opportunities to lose even more of ones wealth. its up to you !

    it goes without saying that the opportunities to lose are exponentially higher and that does apply to the majority of people. and NO it's NOT up to everybody. unfortunately the majority does not have the means or the possibilities (even though they might have the knowledge) available to them to prepare for a crisis. it is absolute nonsense to advice a retiree who lives on a fixed pension and has no savings "go short on X, long on Y but don't forget Z and keep a considerable amount in gold".

    your spreading yourself thin here naam across these 'depressing topics" i think you would make an excellent counsellor for the "clinically depressed".I wont be your first patient,but who knows down the road,i might have to come a knocking :o

  4. I've seen Milk, Frost/Nixon, The Reader and Doggie and none bear a repeat viewing in my opinion.


    i could rewatch the reader,and liked reservation road especially the character of the son who was in the psychiatric hospital.

  5. Other options are available, take a look at Dream tv out of the philippines which is now legal for sale in Thailand. (taiwansat.com)

    I have two cable tv options here in Chonburi (it depends on which part of Chonburi you live in). Whilst the huge selection isn't there they do have enough to live with - BBC World, CNN, the hugely moronic Fox News, the exceedingly good though pro Arab Al Jazeera (biased almost as much as Fox News - so both ends of the spectrum), three or four sports channels, fashion channel, french, japanese, german tv programs, pop music and a couple of film programms that aren't censored to death to create massed pulp. all for the grand price of 300bt per month. We do have issues with ABC Australia Broadcasting Company as the picture sometimes freezes though the soundtrack continues. A quick telephone call to their staff fixes this in two mins flat!

    UBC/True Vision - waste of time and money!

    have to agree,if it was n't for the english premier league/champions league i'd ditch it too,but i prefer to watch at home rather than at a pub.

  6. He has been one of the most exemplar former presidents we've had in my lifetime, not that that's saying a lot. Even Clinton just seems to have been concerned with cleaning up on speaking fees and positioning to 'help' his wife.

    so true,with many its all about being seen,good on jimmy carter,every little bit helps.lets not forget too,how charites around the world help rebuild aceh.It would n't be hard to help africa,if it was n't for the despots running the countries.

    truly how much does it cost to ensure clean water,sanitation,a chance at a good education,teaching more efficent farming techniques,for everyone,instead of spending money on arms and ridiculous amounts on space probes when 2/3 of the world lives in poverty.ok another rant,i know,but it does make very angry at the selfishness of people in power who could do so much good.

  7. excellent job again Alex. spoiling a whole page of an interesting thread with shitty pictures and empty space. did your girlfriend refuse again to have sex with you?

    a better way to compensate frustration: place your pecker between doorframe and door. slam door shut, stand straight to show how brave you are and sing your home country's national anthem :o

    ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........................thats a severe remedy naam,have you had breakfast yet.of course you could go the michael hutchens route and really fix the problem.

    first breakfast 03.50

    second one 05.00

    third one 06.30

    fourth one 08.00

    would you also like to have the menue SBC? :D

    think i'll pass naam,too much information to deal with!

  8. excellent job again Alex. spoiling a whole page of an interesting thread with shitty pictures and empty space. did your girlfriend refuse again to have sex with you?

    a better way to compensate frustration: place your pecker between doorframe and door. slam door shut, stand straight to show how brave you are and sing your home country's national anthem :o

    ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........................thats a severe remedy naam,have you had breakfast yet.of course you could go the michael hutchens route and really fix the problem.

  9. thats been a little bit deep i think.Movies are for enjoyment and yes you discuss with friends what you feel but to say slum porn thats very strange,unless you are one of those pc correct people then i could accept the strange comment.

    sure but i did n't make that comment but you included my post.anyway everyones gonna have different opinions.

  10. well its out on dvd,but if you like the movies have no idea.did it really win 8 oscars?i mean it was ok but not that good.

    Same. It was ok but not that great. I think it won so many because it's basically slum porn for white people.

    In this day and age cant people just watch the film and say good or bad without coming out with crap like that.

    <deleted> SLUM PORN----WHAT THE hel_l IS THAT

    pathetic drivel.

    but then some people like to discuss why they thought it was good or bad.have n't you ever been to a movie witha friend and discussed the film?or do you just say at the end "good" or "bad"maybe its beyond you to discuss things :o

  11. I know were talking about slum dog here,but someone mentioned gran torino,which i liked,but then there's not a film clint eastwood has made that i have not enjoyed....................the ending was unexpected.

    Regarding slum dog,i have travelled to india back in the seventies and seen much more horror than the film depicted,as well as blinding them they cut their arms off just below the elbow so they can beg with a bucket hanging from the elbow,have seen naked women sleeping under railway stairs with cockroackes and flees all over them,have seen farang on heroin begging for a fix from indians,by comparison the scenes in slum dog were tame.the top oscar winners in my opinion are fixed anyway,but hollywood just loves to go all gooie over themselves,with self congratulations,i find it a pathetic nights entertainment.

  12. Hello

    my wife have a 3 rai in samui lipa noi and i would like to build a 3 bedroom house good quality on 150 m2

    can you let me know how much it will cost

    also want to build 5 small room on the side for rent 25m2 per room with small terrace how much this will cost too

    can you recommend a builder and a designer who will not rip me off too much...........

    i am on small and tight budget maximum 1,5 to 2 million baht for house and 250,000 baht for the 5 bedroom to rent

    need you advise and help

    thank you


    If you would like to send a personal message to samuibeachcomber here on thai visa,i can put you in touch,re design options and builder contacts to consider.

  13. never one to be a party pooper that article is good news,if the figures are believable.

    China is the new super power,clinton went cap in hand begging them not to desert the USA re funding their debt,trying to convince the chinese they will need the USA to buy all their goods,trouble is most citizens in the usa dont have any money or jobs to buy these goods,and with chinese factories closing and massive unemployment beginning will there own population be able to support those growth figures.anyway since when did anyone believe what govts. forecast.

    there.ive told a lie,i am a party pooper.

    As an example of lies,look at the USA and UK govts. with their lies about unemployment and cpi figures.

    no one imo believe what govts. tell them anymore.

    and there's a bigger picture here,not just a very bad recession,and finance sector rip offs.but i'll leave off there.

  14. one problem you have of course is that your not in thailand,but it sounds from your reply the management co. are in difficulties.

    the problem with thailand is that unlike back in our home countries,we dont have a good legal system to back wrong doing.

    Yes that is part of the problem, less law and who will enforce what law there is, The boys in brown? they are not trustworthy either.

    I think you need someone here to sort it out for you if you cant come here yourself.take the property out of their hands and asign it to someone else.

    Samui, yes I have done that, one is out of their hands the other will be or should be on 3-7-09. There is a tenant that is going to move on that date, if all go well.

    good to hear although you may have to write the 54000 baht off,as it may cost more to recover it,good luck anyway.

  15. firstly must say am very sorry for this man and his family.

    The biggest problem here is that in many cases,the owner of the offending vehicle will not have any insurance,or not the appropriate insurance,plus he will be piss poor.

    thais never stop if they have caused an accident and i would suggest many farang who have lived here a long time would n't either(there will happily be exceptions)

    other than the above i have no idea why they dont,except to say life is cheap here,whether it has anything to do with religious beliefs re reincarnation i dont know.

    on a lighter note some bugger(thai) clipped the back of my supped up honda wave causing me to crash my bike,and fall flat on the road side.

    I was turning into the front of my local bar,and nonchalantly brushed myself down and ordered a singh,and a lovely bar came over and cleaned me up.

  16. one problem you have of course is that your not in thailand,but it sounds from your reply the management co. are in difficulties.

    the problem with thailand is that unlike back in our home countries,we dont have a good legal system to back wrong doing.

    Yes that is part of the problem, less law and who will enforce what law there is, The boys in brown? they are not trustworthy either.

    I think you need someone here to sort it out for you if you cant come here yourself.take the property out of their hands and asign it to someone else.

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