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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. There are good historical reasons why driving on the left hand side of the road has been adopted in many countries. When mounting a horse it is always from the left and in doing so it leaves your sword hand (the right hand for most people) free. Assuming that you have had the good sense to mount from the pavement side, you are then pointing in the direction that you wish to go and do not have to cross against a stream of traffic.

    None of this applies of course to Thailand where so many do as they like without consideration for others - or safety.

    are you one of the four muskateers by any chance :o

  2. who has the two month deposit ?

    good question,presumably the management co.it could be a case of the tenant has not paid the rent to them and they've been slack in chasing it up.

    If it was me i'd be down to their office quick smart and from what their response is i would make a decision.

    If a landlord collects direct you save some money and are able to keep an eye on the property but would face the same problem as the management co. in trying to collect the rent.have had mates who collect direct and of course even farang try the sam scam re not paying.

  3. have not been to bali,but have heard good reports that it is cheaper than thailand but that the beaches are n't so good.

    your idea of sustainable development is of course good,but goes against the thai nature of greed.

    on second thoughts,is it really about sustainable development or more about infrastructure spending?there's plenty of space still on the island,is n't it more about how to get more people to visit which brings us back to costs,flights etc,second airport,other carriers allowed to compete.

  4. 2- why would you need a big one when most people use them for short travels and/or city travels and drive most of time at about 30 or 50 km/h ?

    Well, a friend of mine did Phuket-Bangkok-Ubon Ratchathani-Nong Khai-Chiang Rai-Mae Hong Son-Bangkok-Phuket on a ten years old Honda Dream (100 cc) in 3 weeks, so far about the city travels :o

    (Edit: Wrong value for cc corrected)

    his bum now would be like cow hide.

  5. thais are encouraged to do this by the hospitals in particular,its just money making on their part,have n't you noticed they'll do the same for farang if we let them.50 years ago in the west a patient would never dare question a doctors advice/opinion,its different now and western doctors have had to accept we are not doh doh's.in time i guess this might happen in thailand too,but for know ,yes,they love those pills,infact the pills the doctor gives them,the more the merrier.

  6. One way to change all that(living in NK area)would be to change visa,get a non immigration O multy entry,or 60 day one,not far to go to vientiane,then you wont have to go to NK immigration for any 90 day report................thats if the guy is that bad.I remember going there myself on an immigration question and coming across this guy and yes he was n't particularly pleasant,and remember at the time thinking i was glad i did n't have to deal with him for 90 day reporting or visa extention.

  7. interesting article,as the economic situation deteriorates and more return to their families will life get tougher in the villages too.Idle(no work)men drinking thai whisky could mean more violence,robbery etc,am not sure i'd like to be a farang with thai family in these villages without any security as i think they will be a target for their money and possessions.

  8. as i understand it from this thread,if you left australia prior to being at the pensionable age of 65 to live in thailand you do not automatically become elligible for the state pension.To receive or qualify for the pension you would be required to return to australia 2 years before age 65 and take up permanent residence again.then at age 65 apply at local centre link office.

    After that i think you just let centrelink know you will be going overseas to live in thailand and they will continue to pay into your aussie account.there will be strings attached to you still receiving the pension but i think it can be done.if you look back to the early postings in this thread,an aussie guy posted that he was receving his pension while living in thailand and on eof the criteria was that he keep in touch with centrelink as to his whereabouts.

    It isnt a case of keeping in touch with C/L , the requirement is that you must notify C/L of any change in your adress within 14 days, because if they try to communicate with you and fail to get a reply within the 14 days your pension will cease until you make contact with them.

    This has happened to me several times owing to non arrival (thanks to the inefficient and light-fingered postal workers) of correspondence , and the only way you will know something is amiss is when you check your banking records and find your pension is unpaid , but thanks to the great staff at C/L International ,it only takes a phone call to rectify the situation..

    I will state that any Australian Citizen who is entitled to the OAP and meets the criteria will receive the pension, the residential criteria has been well explained in this thread and it is up to you to meet said criteria, no good bitching that you cant milk the system .

    bit harsh ozzydom,no one is after milking the system,just being able to get some support after all the years of paying taxes,after all the system is saving with retirees being overseas........no health card,no medicare,no train/bus discounts..............a good deal for thegovt.

    My point about milking the system was a blanket statement to avoid getting into a slanging match with any particular member, a bit of a ' IF THE CAP FITS ,WEAR IT ' statement.

    Of course it was not aimed at the genuine retiree who meets the OAP criteria who make up the majority of claimants, they are generally satisfied with their lot and have no reason to bitch on TV.

    Your statement re Medicare and Healthcare is not quite true, because you receive a pension and choose to live in another country does not mean you are written off .

    Case in point, I had lived in S/E Asia for 8 years when I started having major heart seizures last year ,I could not afford the 1.8 mill baht they wanted here for the procedure so I flew to Oz , they arranged a new Medicare number and operated the same day I arrived and I flew back here 12 days later ,cost to me was my airfare. Cant get much fairer than that IMHO .

    well thats very good news,but my main beef was the requirement to return to OZ for a period of 2 years to re qualify because i had left the country before age 65,and during that 2 year period am not allowed to leave otherwise the 2 year period will begin again on my return,essentially i believe this not to be a reasonable requirement,specially as i already qualify having worked and paid tax for over 30 years.

  9. I have no idea what tourism was like before the tsunami,but i would guess visitors to samui post tsunami grew at the expense of phuket,so now the numbers have returned to phuket and consequently there are fewer visitors now coming to samui.am i right or wrong?

    If i'm right then the expectations have to be downgraded,and samui will have to go back and settle for a smaller size of the cake.

  10. it seems like the winters get colder and the summers hotter,maybe it will be a scorcher this year.on samui its very hot right now,but we have the sea breezes,and the air is clean.

    Look how australia had that heatwave this summer weeks of 45 plus degrees and UK and USA,so much snow and freezing temps.

  11. Suicide is normally a permanent answer to a temporary problem. :D

    sometimes,other times when reaching this crisis you cant see the wood from the trees.i think also "the thailand or asia factor"comes into play,like a sensual hypnotic women"you just cant bear to leave it.

    "you can check out anytime but you can never leave" hotel california",and we are in hotel CALIFORNIA ON A GRAND SCALE LIVING HERE IN THAILAND IMHO.

    Hey SBC, I've often thought to myself if I hear that song Murdered one more time in Thailand.....I will neck myself OR the pathetic muso playing it....if that counts :o

    Its my favourite song love the lyrics and it really relates to the thailand scene in places like pattaya,bangers etc.and thats the point i was trying to make when relating to the causes of many suicides in thailand by farang,the places gets into their blood,they just dont want to leave even when their time is up financially speaking.these places are just huge whorehouses and for some its like drawing a moth to a light.and i have had my wings singed,but managed to escape.so i checked out but i did n't leave.

  12. After the Tsunami, Samui had the upper hand regarding tropical beach tourism in the LOS and, in classic and completely predictable form, they dropped the ball. Big Time.

    There is simply no vision at any governmental level on the Island that does not involve lining one's pockets or bowing to the threat of some other authority -- legitimate or otherwise.

    Samui's saving grace is that it is a small island, and change can potentially come fast! But first and foremost, a comprehensive overall of the infrastructure MUST be installed. Without it, Samui will always be like the young, gifted athlete who'd rather drink, womanize and play the hot-shot role than get serious and have an enviable life.

    and maybe thats how she will be left,but i just cant see these big dollar resorts becoming full unless they do something themselves to intitiate it,the new hyatt just north of chaweng comes to mind.

  13. Suicide is normally a permanent answer to a temporary problem. :o

    sometimes,other times when reaching this crisis you cant see the wood from the trees.i think also "the thailand or asia factor"comes into play,like a sensual hypnotic women"you just cant bear to leave it.

    "you can check out anytime but you can never leave" hotel california",and we are in hotel CALIFORNIA ON A GRAND SCALE LIVING HERE IN THAILAND IMHO.

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