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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. am sure pattaya will be fine,the council want to make it more family friendly so maybe over time the beer bars between beach road and second road may be made to go and push back towards third road,leave walkin st. alone probably.but in my opinion these go go bars and bear bars should have better licencing hours and in return should be made to upgrade their facilities so that they do not remain a "hole in the wall"

  2. by doing this bailout,they are only postponing the day of reckoning,however if they had n't done the bailout and let these institutions go to the wall,then the vast majority would have lost their savings,i dont think the govt.could realistically guarantee every ones money held in bank accounts,although they could have put a ceiling in place to guarantee deposits,say up to 500,000 pounds.would have been cheaper than the bailout plus it would have had the advantages of making the bonuses and retirement ripp offs of the fraudently elite non and void.let them fight it in the courts,i think they would have lost their case.

    then the govt. could start again by putting tough regulations in place to the still solvent banks and for new once coming onto the scene.but then that may put UK banks at a disadvantage in the future when competing with foreign banks,hence the reason gordon brown keeps on about the need for a "global response"

    either way you look at whats happening with in these still crooked banks with the bailout money is still criminal in all but name.

  3. ok so it was thatcher who started the ball rolling re deregulation,but i'd give her more due in being able to fix the problem than the current lot.what we are seeing happening in the UK is nothing but day light robbery with the govt.being able to do little about it cos its all legal with the contracts having been agreed upon years ago.

    And anyway its my belief that the govt.are really "in bed" with these financial robbers,hence the bailout.they only appear to be reacting to press reports and the outrage by the public.

  4. ^I think the horsedoctor was trying to point out that in many of those arab countries there has been instances where a girl that has been raped, has later been killed by her family, once the rape is revealed. It is one of the reasons that the aweful crime of rape is not always reported, in those countries.

    It has happened & is awefully sad. :o

    I think we all know that,but one step at a time lets have some sympathy for these girls and hope the men when found will get whats coming to them.

  5. midas all the banks/financial institutions are doing the same thing in the USA and UK,and why would n't they?they were not made to account for any of it.the walls will come crumbling down,only a matter of time.

    But this is no different to theft. Then we may as well all go home and barricade

    ourselves in because if society is implying that just because no one is made to account for it

    they can assume they can get away with it -then all our moral values have just gone out the door.

    No amount of tax payers money is going to solve this problem because that is not

    the real problem - it is our own attitude to other people and society- Bernard Madoff,

    Alan Stanford ad the executive at Northern Trust essentially said the same thing

    -fukc my lifelong friends and fukc society -I don't care about them ?

    So if we can get away with it we can take anything from anyone-God help society

    exactly,its what we've all been saying on this thread for a long time now.there are no morals any longer,but what has really shaken both govts.is the level of distrust now towards elected politicians,i think the amount of outrage and anger,especially expressed on channels like FOX has taken them by surprise.they've been getting away with lying to the public for over 20 years,and now the truth is out.thats why it will be so difficult to restart the economy again,there is no trust anymore.

  6. the idea of any state pension particularly in australia and the UK is to pay you as little as they have to ,so you can just about survive at subsistence level in your home country.which is fine as it goes cos they are saving tax payer dollars,however it also appears mean because private and govt. super schemes have n't been running that long,only since the mid 90's i think,so most people have n't had a chance to build up separate retirement funds.

    It is equally a load of BS to expect people who have chosen to stop work and live overseas to have to return and complete a 2 year residency period before qualifying for a state pension.

  7. imho,the world needs to get rid of this globalisation crap(the cause of many of todays financial rip offs)and get back to doing things more simply,like village and small town communities(where local currencies could be used) people could be taught againto learn local crafts,things that are needed to sustain a good life,plumbers,welders,electricians,builders/carpenters etc,as a world we have been sucked in by all this rubbish that has made a few people wealthy beyond measure at the expense of us!

  8. I've been here since 2003 and haven't left the country, mostly because I'm guessing it's a pain in the backside to get a reentry forum.

    Im trying to work out what you are talking about Jungian? Is this a sexual thing? :D

    Huh? Sexual things are generally Freudian I am a Jungian. One needs a re-entry forum to leave Thailand and return. If you report to immigration every 90 days you will see a rather large sign that tells you so.

    re-entry permit,not forum,thats what we're on now,although by some posts some could be on yaaba :o

  9. volunteer farang "police farce"................this is such a misguided policy by the thais imo,i dont see this in any other country,why is it needed?and it can attract the wrong kind of person(someone who's always wanted to be a copper but never acheived it,now feels ever so important)recipe for disaster,this guy in the newspaper report should be minding his own business.

    Correction : There are Volunteers & 'Specials' in most other countries including England & USA , but there is :- Training, Background Certified Checks, Previous Experience , Integrity Tests, etc all taken into cosideration prior to appointments & usually an 'oversight' Officer who constantly revues performances .


    ok stand corrected,but why are they needed?i personally have only come across it here in thailand.

  10. Well here is what I talked about happened to me previously. This is expected in Pattaya, Chonburi, Bangkok and probably now also Phuket. Buy 100% legal bike and laugh about it. Now after the idea is there expect it to hit anywhere for a while, so have your shit in order or park the bike for a while.

    For the person who is commenting towards religion, I think that is completely off! live and let live man...

    Cheers Bard

    The problem is, what is a 100% legal bike ??

    One of the ironys of the moment is Phuket has its clamp down, the bike book has to state on page 18 the taxes paid on its import / registration etc.. This is for 2540 onwards to now according to customs.. But someone who bought thier bike brand new from BMW doesnt have a tax paid info in there on a 100% legit book ?!?! So customs / DMV / Etc demand something that a 100% legal bike doesnt have.. Its madness !!

    And bikes outside of the date range that this applies to, also has the same issues. It seems not only do they make up the rules as they go along, apply them inconsistently in different places, but they dont even know what those rules really are ?!?

    Well when I got my Kawa the bike and book went to the transportation office where the Kawa guys got it all stamped, Yamaha does the same. This is not the first time this have happened guys, I wrote about my experience with my CBR 600 RR. So it should be known, problem is people don't listen and these things does not happen often enough so people think, it's an urban myth or never saw it can't be happening. Last big bust was the last economic crash, we are into one now and the government will use all they can to chase down money believe me...

    From my experience I have gone legit and tried to bring over that point when it comes to bikes, best thing to do now if you don't know your bike is legit for sure, leave it and wait it out until they go for the next big thing, which as I remember last time was cracking down on expats with houses.

    Remember they did a clean up there with company with foreign owners which owned houses but no business running, or sleeping Thai partners, and other dodgy deals. Basically whatever you do have which is in a grey area is at risk when the machinery starts rolling. Remember one guy stood behind a bar and got done for working with no work permit, one guy caught drinking and driving had the choice 50k baht or else, he didn't have 50k so his work permit gone and expelled from Thailand.

    So guys be careful during the clamp downs they can go pretty wild. Follow the rules and be fine, stay in non-tourist provinces always protect you a lot to...

    Cheers Bard

    Cheers Bard

    interesting post bard,and a timely warning,there's always something around the corner here in thailand.

  11. Guys, a little healthy skepticism is a good thing when stories like this come out. There's no need to call anyone an idiot for questioning the official line, as there is plenty of precedent to inspire doubt.

    I'm just glad this is over now so we can put it behind us and let the poor man rest in peace.

    If only it was that simple my friend,,,,,,choosing suicide as a way out is not the answer or the end ,,,,,,,unfortunately now he will be confronting all his demons in a different scenario ,,,,,, and then he will be sent down here again on the same level to reset the same test,,,,,,lets hope he passes next time.

    I was only speaking about the discussion on this thread. I don't claim to know what will happen to this man's soul, or to him in his next life, or whatever you want to believe; it's not my place to say. As far as I am concerned, the issue is over.

    All I'm saying is, I don't think anybody meant any offense by speculating about what might have happened before the facts were known. Let's show some respect to this man, and to each other.

    am with you oevna,its what a forums for,to discuss,have different opinions,argue,but without abuse,to be funny,to be serious etc.

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