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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. ^ In your dreams! Literally! :o

    edit: that was in response to neverdie's post!


    Motto of the day: Dont drop the soap?


    Ladies often don't understand 'communications' of their men. Here is a little example of men not understanding men either. Thought it might make you feel a little bit better.

    Construction worker on the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. So he spots another worker on the ground floor and yells down to him, but he can't hear him. So the worker on the 5th floor tries sign language. He pointed to his eye meaning "I", pointed to his knee meaning "need", then moved his hand back and forth in a hand saw motion. The man on the ground floor nods his head, pulls down his pants, whips out his chop and starts masturbating. The worker on 5th floor gets so pissed off he runs down to the ground floor and says, "What the fuc_k is your problem!!! I said I needed a hand saw!". The other guy says, "I knew that! I was just trying to tell you - I'm coming!"

    nice one,and thanks for the short memory,good clips i'd not seen before.alex lah might like to see the clips,if he's logged in

  2. neverdie thanks for the video flick of james reyne aka aussie crawl,as you know i'm a "do gooder" and as such am a "midnight oil " guy,i'm sure you know what i mean.'beds are burning"

  3. That is the problem - you men cannot take the fact that female brains function in all sorts of ways - I was cold and then i was warm and cuddly listening to Neverdie's twin brother. We are not blinkered like men.

    1. Get up

    2. Coffee

    3. Feed the dog

    4. Shower

    5. Go to work etc. etc.

    We women:

    1. Get up

    2. Coffee have a dance around the kitchen

    3. Feed the dog/cat/hamster/child have a dance around the kitchen/hall/living room

    4. Shower - singing Aretha at full blast

    5. Go to work and have a laugh


    My day actually goes like this:

    1. Wake up.

    2. Give little neverdie a rub

    3. Go back to sleep

    4. Wake up again (check to see if little neverdie is okay)

    5. Go shower, sometimes little neverdie gets another rub

    6. Ride down the road to the breakfast lady & coffee lady (they both want to give little neverdie a rub.

    7. Home again, check the news, emails, log on to thai visa (No need to rub little neverdie, one of the gf's will be around soon) :D

    8. Answer the door....ahhh wattaya know its little 'sai'from i cant remember...she wants to rub little neverdie.

    9. Sai leaves, time for another shower

    10. Log back onto thai visa to chat with eek.

    11. Lunch time, down to see the lunch lady (shes cute too, once rubbed little neverdie). Eat lunch & amuse lunch lady

    12. Back home, log onto thai visa & think about little neverdies next adventure.

    13. Door again - geeze, who could this be, ohhh little ning, from ahhh, I cant remember......

    14. Ning leaves, shower again - no wonder the dam_n water bill is so high.

    15. Time for a little kip, little neverdie is nearly worn out

    16. Wake up, check little neverdie

    17. log on to thai visa, speak with eek again

    18. Knock at the door again.....dam_n it, its little nong....naaa she was around last week, wont answer door, keep typing.

    19. Head out for afternoon jog, return home

    20. Shower, get ready to head out

    21. Eat dinner, check out the local sois for the next sai, ning or nong (thinking of little neverdie again).

    22. Arrive home

    23. Log onto thai visa

    23. Knock at the door again - YIKES....ahhh its lovely bing & ning2 (twins :o ) they're here to see little neverdie (no doubt)

    24. Fall asleep (little neverdie gets tired you know)

    25. Wake up, kick the twins out, check thai visa

    26. Goto sleep - no time to rub little neverdie, early start tommorrow busy day :D


    thats what you do back home,now tell us what you do in thailand :D

  4. I always advise men who have never been to Thailand before to Read "private dancer" if the OP had read this then maybe he would never have been screwed by men and women on his holiday

    unless i am mistaken i dont think the OP has been "screwed'yet(money wise that is)he's certainly had an adventure though and for now come out of it ok.Agree with you "private dancer"is a must read,i've read it three times just to make sure i have n't been done over by any of my thai ladies :o

  5. najman good post,very positive.I think though alot of the people worrying are people who live in thailand and maybe have lived here many years and maybe going through hard times business wise,or older people retired here on a fixed pension.people see problems through different eyes and sometimes age has a lot to do with it.but its nice to read positive thoughts such as the one you posted.

  6. Ahhh Valentinob, my friend.

    You would have to be kidding. I have good news for you though, in several countries around the world the BUDGETS for correctional facilities are being slashed due to the economic crisis and with a bit of luck all the SCUMBAGS in jail will be suffering just a little bit more in the near future. Naturally its not going to be very well received in places like Thailand, Middle East, Indonesia and places like that where prisoners already do it tuff, BUT in some of the other countries it will be good to finally see the scum of society go without AS THEY SHOULD.

    No doubt it will keep your group of doo-gooders (sorry SBC) really busy.

    Sorry I don't think you want my type at your meeting, someone will definately get hurt & it probably wont be me :o

    I knew this topic would draw you in ND................right up your street,flame away and enjoy :D

  7. Greetings all. Yesterday I was on my veranda just having a surf when something on the ground caught my eye. Now I,ve always been a dog man but the Ex mrs H2o loved cats. Since she passed I seem to have suddenly acquired a couple of strays so have taken to feeding them. They get the odd tin of cat food, they love spare rib bones and the bones from chicken wings but their staple diet is the dry cat food / biscuits.

    So looking down I saw a couple of the cats biscuits slowly moving across the floor. Upon closer examination their was several small red ants heaving the biscuits back to their nest. All in all they moved 6 spilt biscuits over a distance of about 4-5 metres. The co operation and the sheer strength was amazing! Nature at its best :o

    i believe the pharoahs used to make the jewish people do the same thing until joseph sorted them out :D

  8. I have just returned to Sichon after a 3 day vacation in Phuket.

    Now my heart is crying!

    What has happened to the good, old, beautiful and wonderful Phuket I discovered on my very first trip to Thailand in 1997?

    OK….I know things changes in Thailand with the flourishing tourism in mind. But please correct me if I am wrong:

    The tourists mainly come to Thailand because of the beauty of the nature and the beaches, right? And because of the friendly and helpful Thai people and the good and cheap food no? And of course because Thailand in general is a cheap country!

    So why do they ruin Phuket like this?

    Because that's what they're doing…!

    Well then…who are "they"? Who am I talking about?

    I am talking about the Governor and the Thai Government in general.

    Those people who allow the overcrowded roads and traffic jams, those people who allow the overpopulation and those people who allow the never ending construction at green areas that will soon disappear from Phuket.

    Everybody know very well that Phuket and its infrastructure is NOT geared for a growth like this. But instead of construction and repair the roads before allowing new projects, they decide to allow the projects and then start constructing and repairing the roads when it is NECESSARY ….but then it's too late!

    When I first visited Phuket in 1997 it was a sleepy small town with a wonderful beach and only a few hotels. Bangla Road was a small soi with wooden houses that was used for the shops and bars.

    Later when I relocated to Phuket for good for working in 2003 I of course got surprised by the changes that had happened to the island.

    The whole Phuket Charm was almost gone….

    I had to settle in Chalong to find some of that old Phuket Charm.

    Patong, Kata and Karon was already somewhat ruined back in 2003.

    It was also on that time they started renovating the roads in Phuket.

    And they're still renovating!

    I lived 4 years in Phuket and every single day I felt like living on a construction site in the middle of Bangkok!

    Construction everywhere you went …dirt and noise everywhere….and the traffic and the pollution were terrible!

    At last I had ENOUGH…and I decided to relocate to Sichon, where I live now with my wife and son.

    This was the best decision I've ever made in my life….I was simply so terrible tired on Phuket!

    Now I am back in Sichon after a short 3 days vacation in Phuket.

    And my heart is still crying!

    It was actually my intention to stay with my wife and son at Phuket for 1 week, as I was still convinced that Phuket was a nice place to relax and enjoy some of the shopping possibilities that we lack here in Sichon.

    But after only 2 nights at our hotel both I and my wife were ready to leave Phuket for good! We had booked a hotel in Phuket Town to stay away from the overcrowded tourist areas. But I somehow forgot the terrible traffic that has been even worse since I left Phuket 2 years earlier. We visited some friends in Patong one day. It was a trip lasting 1 hour….each way….even it was only a stretch of 15 kilometers from Phuket Town. So we spent 2 hours in a weird traffic jam just to visit friends for 1 hour. That's crazy, no? We couldn't stand it…!!

    We left Phuket 2 years ago and settled in Sichon.

    Since then they are still not finished renovating and building the new roads! They're still working at it at this very moment! And they still construct new hotels, villas and shopping centers….all over the island. Today you can't see where Phuket Town is ending and where Chalong begins….it is just one big town now….same as Kata and Karon….and soon Karon and Patong.

    Soon there will be no green areas where you can build a small house. It will all look like Singapore and Hong Kong!

    But even new and wider roads will not help Phuket in the future….right now at the vey moment it will of course ease the traffic …but the growth of the island happens too quickly, so in a few years time Phuket will be back to its normal traffic jams…..

    I can see only one solution to the problems in Phuket:

    A total stop of constructing hotels, resorts and private villages so no more people will settle in Phuket and add to the overcrowding!

    I really don't understand why tourists keep coming to Phuket!

    I have heard from many people visiting Phuket. When they leave, they say: "Phuket….NEVER AGAIN!!!"

    And what about the kind and helpful Thai people at Phuket?

    Well…they are still here…but they don't speak English!

    Those Thais who speak English they are also kind and helpful...but just as far as they can earn money...they regard you as a walking wallet!

    Phuket has now converted into a huge money factory. Everything is about money here. And I am not just talking about the bar girls. I am talking about every single business and Thai person working on the island! Only money counts!

    Everything is more expensive in Phuket than in the rest of Thailand. And I mean EVERYTHING!

    The normal Thai price for a plate with rice and chicken in curry is 45 bath at a food stall in Phuket. This is around 100% more expensive than a similar plate in Bangkok….or Sichon.

    A beer at a Sichon restaurant costs 35 baht….compared to the prices in Phuket ranging from 65 to 90 baht.

    A taxi to the airport in Phuket will cost you some 2,000 baht….compared to the same 45 kilometer stretch from Sichon to our local airport at a cost of only 800 baht.

    If you want to take a taxi from Patong beach road to Rat U Thit Road, which is the parallel road to the beach road and hardly a stretch of 1 kilometer then the price is 200 baht. The same stretch would in Pattaya cost you 10 baht with a baht bus. So in this connection Phuket is 2,000% more expensive than Pattaya!!!

    Did anyone say mafia?

    Well…you're right…the mafia runs all the tuk tuk and taxis in Phuket!

    First time visitors to Thailand often chose to visit Phuket because they have a friend who says the island is a nice place. But after their visit many of them never return to Phuket!!!

    I think one of the reasons that so many tourists visit here is that the island is very famous around the globe, especially due to the many tour companies in Europe and USA that offers reasonable charter tours to Phuket showing wonderful brochures and tend to persuade their customers to chose Phuket, but of course the agents never tell the FULL story about Phuket…they don't tell about all the bad things! Else they would never be able to sell so many hotel rooms in Phuket!!!

    Those tourists who like Phuket must be because of the exiting night life, that is comparable of Pattaya and Bangkok. Or maybe they like to huge shopping centers where they can shop till they drop, without sweating like an elephant in a sauna?

    I mean, if the tourists come for the beaches then they will soon realize that the beaches are overcrowded and polluted ….and with beach vendors strolling around disturbing every minute. Not to mention the pollution and noise from the traffic and the shops and bars in the rear of the beaches…!!!

    I must say, I don't understand that any tourist will ever visit Phuket…at least not more than 1 time! I ask myself often…WHY???

    What do you think?

    My heart is still crying over Phuket!

    And I am happy as ever because I've made Sichon my home in Thailand!

    12 years mate what do you expect(never go back,the dreams are never the same)regarding the roads(luxury)come to samui i'll show you some bad roads.

  9. Poor woman and child, but I have no sympathy whatsoever for the murderer or the father, what a bunch of fuc_king idiots. Who gives their child their own firearm/weapon?

    As for firearms for children, if this is true, it's quite sick really isn't it? Dosen't say much for a country which allows/promotes this.

    "the right to bear arms'is written in the constitution"and that will never change(people have tried i'm sure),and look how these african idiots(lords army etc)recruit boys into their armies.how embarrasing to be killed by a warped twerp(generalising here ok)

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