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  1. Your reply had me in stitches.
  2. He was heard to say "I don't believe it!" Yes, I know, that was Mr Meldrew.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 175 seconds  
  4. Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation under UK law - The Terrorism Act 2000. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn00815/
  5. Just last week it was reported that the crew, including 4 Thais and 27 Burmese, had been released. https://world.thaipbs.or.th/detail/myanmar-releases-thai-fishermen-and-seized-fishing-boat/55702
  6. IIRC Rooster is a Spurs supporter, so it's not surprising that he's keeping quiet. I did enjoy his weekly roundup of TVF (aka Aseannow) topics. Was it called This Week in Thailand (TWIT) ?
  7. According to comments on this thread he was a passenger on a motorcycle taxi.
  8. Yes, and the same applies to their entry to the Philippines, which is where they were bound.

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