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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 201 seconds  
  2. That's confusing. The State Pension in 2006 was 84.25 per week. Did you have some extra entitlement to almost double it? Edit to add: Maybe you have an earnings related pension (SERPS) But that doesn't explain the difference between what you should get and what appears in your bank.
  3. Are you sure about that figure? That was the approximate rate in 2022/23 but you said you had been receiving your (frozen) pension for many years. Going by your latest 18,546.52 THB deposit -that would be around 430 GBP per 4 weeks. That was the approximate rate in 2013/14. https://adviser.royallondon.com/technical-central/rates-and-factors/state-pension/basic-state-pension-rates/
  4. I guess we will never find out whether the baby was stillborn, died from neglect, or was killed.
  5. Left out in the sun for a while, maybe.
  6. Best, and honest quote from that link ... George H. W. Bush – 41st President “It’s amazing how many people beat you at golf now that you’re no longer president”
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 181 seconds  
  8. Some people have a tradition of naming their children after the place of conception. Her other two kids are Bus Shelter and Ford Escort.
  9. I thought the initial take-down was well executed. Beating the guy while he was already under control was a bit OTT, but not unexpected when tempers are high. The final kick by the lovely lady in yellow was a pathetic attempt. Overall 8/10 for entertainment value IMO.
  10. How did she fund that awful cosmetic surgery?
  11. The way I read it is that Sean Tinsley was convicted of the lesser offence of assault, by the Thai court. Following the death of the victim, Adam Pickles, some years later, a British coroner has found sufficient grounds to allege that Mr Pickles was murdered. When a coroner's verdict is murder, the police are obligated to investigate. As for guilt or innocence, IIRC, Sean Tinsley pleaded guilty to assault.
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