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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. You are replying to a 4 year old topic. However, @CharlieH it would be interesting to receive an update about your venture into chicken raising.
  2. Then the leak must be on your property. If your pump is cycling, the leak must be after the pump (maybe under the floor of the house. If the pump is not cycling, the leak must be somewhere between the tank and the pump (under the tiled patio?).
  3. When your tank is full, close the valve next to your water meter (so water can not flow back). If the water in your tank drains away, you have a leak somewhere on your property. It could even be underneath the house. If the water in your tank does not drain away, the problem is a backflow into the mains supply. This can be caused by someone upstream of your property using a pump to draw water from the mains supply. The solution would be to install a non-return valve between your water meter and your tank, as suggested by @worgeordie above.
  4. The way things are going this season, Max would have plenty of time to pick up a snack on his way to the checkered flag.
  5. I just realised that today is Hitler's birthday ...
  6. I'll just keep taking the soma.
  7. The guy got bitten by a snake in an unfortunate bodily part. His mate saved his life by sucking out the venom. He should be lauded as a hero. Not many of us have such steadfast friends.
  8. We have been in Chaniang, Mueang Surin since 7 April. Hardly a breath of wind here in that time. However, I have noticed that the weather can be very localised in these very flat areas.
  9. I've seen some of your super sharp photos here. If she really gets into the hobby I think she will need a camera. The iphone camera is good, but when on maximum zoom it's hard to get a sharp photo. Great for keeping a log though.
  10. She has been using her iphone to take pictures. If they are sharp enough, the phone automatically identifies the bird. It also logs the time, date and location (all this is new to me, as I only have a basic phone and hardly any apps). PS- thanks for the pm too.
  11. Great information in your posts, thanks a lot. I've ordered the FIELD GUIDE TO THE BIRDS OF THAILAND from Asia Books (1,550 inc postage). We will have a look at all the websites you suggest.
  12. My daughter (12) has started to become interested in birds, taking photos and searching google, etc. for identification. I know she would love to browse this thread but, obviously, I can't let her have access to Asean Now, with all its adult content. Can anyone recommend a Thailand birds website/chat group that might be suitable for someone of her age.
  13. Gorgeous bird. Google says 'Blue winged pitta'.
  14. Hope some of that heavy rain comes our way (about 15km south of Surin city) but not optimistic.
  15. The 'getting in the bath' move wouldn't work for me. Needing help to get out is not a good look.
  16. Henig was born female and transitioned to male. Thomas was born male and transitioned to female. How could they compete against each other? Unless one of them reverted to their original gender.
  17. There are no other posts regarding the sign. Just yours, mine, and @PoorSucker who posted the photo.
  18. You accused another poster of being a "drunk driver condoner", but all he did was post a picture of a roadside sign and its English translation.
  19. The sign in the photo says เมา ฃับ ซ้าๆ "Drunk drive slowly".
  20. Go to the post you want to reply to. Click on "quote" at the bottom left of the post. That post will appear in a "quotes box" and you can type your reply below it.
  21. Even Jesus couldn't stop the fighting ...
  22. In addition to the Green Elephant Sanctuary Park, Fehr also runs the Green Elephant Wildlife Foundation, which does collect donations. But I'm sure that everything is "above board". https://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/phuket-revokes-license-of-elephant-foundation-owned-by-swiss-expat-454791
  23. Seems like a very thorough PM (sarcasm). I would have thought it's important to find out whether the drowning was caused by sunstroke, excessive alcohol, a medical condition, or some other factor. RIP young man. 22 is way too early to die.
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