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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. IIRC, the total ban on importing used cars was intended to close a loophole whereby rich Thais working or attending university abroad were allowed to buy cheap (compared to Thai priced) Benz, BMW, etc. and import them to Thailand as personal possessions, without massive import duties and sell them at Thai prices - thus depriving Thailand of revenue. The knock-on effect was to prevent import of all cars, including classic and vintage cars, as no distinction was made between a 1 yr old Mercedes S-class and a 50 yr old MGB owned by the the same man for 20 years.
  2. You are new here, so you may not know that Bob has a huge safe full of cash and gold, and several luxury beach villas around Thailand.
  3. Homepro has good quality vinyl floor tiles - in long planks. Example: https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1183413
  4. British Chicken Tikka at the Indian restaurant in the Motorway 7 services, is the best I ever tasted.
  5. Thaksin accused Privy Council members (not the King) of conspiring with the army to oust PM Yingluck in a coup.
  6. I guess his antisemitism will guarantee a lot of votes from the 33% Muslim population of Rochdale.
  7. Personally, I can't make any sense of it.
  8. The LM case against the whole party is still pending. I'm sad to say that IMO he stands no chance of becoming PM - I hope I'm wrong.
  9. AFAIK his remarks were about the Privy Council colluding with the army to make a coup, not the King himself. I guess his defence will be that the Privy Council is not a member of the Royal Family.
  10. Boris Johnson, Piers Morgan, and the Reverent Spooner joined together to visit Oxford and write a book about the repair and maintenance of the city’s traditional water craft. Entitled: Care of Punts.
  11. A Welshman spots Eskimo's car broken down on the side of the road. The Welshman stops to help and pops the hood, looks at the engine and says "You've blown a seal." Eskimo replies back "So what, you bugger sheep."
  12. A man goes and sees the doctor as he is suffering from chest pains. The doctor prescribes some tablets, and says you take one on Monday, skip Tuesday, take one on Wednesday, skip Thursday, take one on Friday and skip the weekend and repeat. A couple of weeks later the doctor sees the man's wife in the street, "How is your husband getting on?" "He's dead, he had a massive heart attack", she replies. "Those tablets I prescribed should have prevented that." "The pills were fine, doctor. It was all that skipping that killed him!"
  13. Most people in the middle east don't like the Flintstones but the people in Abu Dhabi do.
  14. You didn't watch the body cam video in the OP.
  15. Would it be viable to let her buy your half of the land at a discounted price, or let her keep the land while you get to keep other assets (e.g.- cars, motorbikes, condo). Work out the total value of your joint assets and try to come up with a deal which does not require the quick sale of the land. Posted at the same time as Kinnock - saying the same thing.
  16. Want to do a deal? Release all hostages (and/or their dead bodies) immediately and unconditionally.
  17. Caught in the act! Didn't have a leg to stand on.
  18. Agree about the picture, and your heart attack/stroke guess too. Drowned bodies tend to sink to the bottom. If the unfortunate guy was floating, he had air in his lungs, not water.
  19. I have used SCG SmartWood Fence Plank for fence pickets. It comes in 2 thicknesses and IIRC 3 widths. It's made specifically for fencing and is much less prone to breaking, as it is a little more flexible than cement board. 10+ years and not a single break. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.581906425209084.1073741830.578526032213790&type=3&_rdr
  20. When I realised that I was 4 years short of my full pension contributions, I called DWP and asked if I was eligible for Class 2 AVCs, due to voluntary work in Thailand - No! I had to pay Class 3. I can't remember the different rates at the time, but right now Class 2 is 3.45 GBP per week and Class 3 is 17.45 GBP per week. Big difference, but still a good investment (IMO) I seem to recall that members @Neeranam and @simon43 have been able to pay Class 2 AVCs. Maybe they will answer your question.
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