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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. I have been buying cheese and other goods from 'Food Variety' on Lazada. They often have really good offers on items near to expiry. As far as I am concerned, cheese does not expire - it matures. I usually grate the cheese and freeze it, it keeps just fine for many months.
  2. I can't resist posting a link to Mr Wensleydale's most famous cheese shop ...
  3. Let's think. Does most fake news comes from qualified scientists, or from conspiracy theorists?
  4. If the police preserved the crime scene efficiently, the forensic investigators will be able to ascertain whether or not a third person was present and handled the murder weapon. It's a big "IF".
  5. Most western countries have a minimum age of criminal responsibility. In the UK it's 10, In the US it varies by state, but in federal cases it is 11. I don't know the age limit in Thailand. Children under that age are presumed to not fully understand the difference between right and wrong. Juvenile courts deal with juveniles who are above the minimum age.
  6. Post a photo please. If things proceed normally, the cross will fizzle out during the first rain shower and never be repaired. Or, if you are lucky, it will be struck by lightening.
  7. Quite a few of this type on Lazada ... Link here And doggy deodorant ... Link here or ...
  8. Unless we know what percentage of total m/c riders they comprise, it's not possible to draw that conclusion. For example, if delivery riders comprise 0.014% of total riders (I've no idea) then they would be 10x more likely to be killed than the average rider.
  9. Agreed. But she was not so young - 29yo when they met.
  10. From the linked article ... I think this is inevitable, and the only way that the establishment (including the Pheu Thai) can prevent MF from gaining power.
  11. They were pushing a food cart.
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