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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. Good luck. And I hope you stick around long enough to attend her graduation.
  2. Did you get an email confirming that they received your application?
  3. Their leader lives in the Hundred Acre Wood.
  4. Some offices are better than others. I use Jomtien (Pattaya) and have never waited more than a couple of days for approval. On Monday I received a reminder by email. I submitted my application at 10.18am and received approval at 11.16am.
  5. What I gather from the linked article is that the husband stepped in to prevent his pregnant wife from being stabbed (possibly to death). He is dead, but his wife and child were saved. "Heroic" is a word often misused - but IMHO it is appropriate in this case.
  6. I have the opposite problem. I have been receiving my UK state pension for more than 1 year (my total income is quite a bit higher than the tax allowance) but my income tax has not increased. I informed HMRC online, who confirmed that I was not paying sufficient income tax, but they could not adjust my tax code without confirmation from DWP. I was told by HMRC that I need to request DWP to inform HMRC of my state pension income. I then contacted DWP but was told that HMRC already have access to my state pension information, and that I should contact HMRC myself. I then logged into my Government Gateway account and informed HMRC of my additional income. This was 6 weeks ago and I have not received a response. Meantime, I am expecting a tax bill of 2K GPB or more when they eventually get around to sorting things out. Lucky for me that I noticed the underpayment and set aside some money to pay the shortfall. But, what an absolute shambles!
  7. I am certain that some UK pensioners have been able to do so - and have posted here that they received refunds from HMRC. Unfortunately, the aseannow search facility is no help, but I'm pretty sure that @mikebellis one. IIRC he got a cheque for a few thousand quid. Maybe he will respond with a link to his thread. Edit: Found the thread ...
  8. Yes. I always do my report online as soon as I get the email reminder from Immigration (which, by the way, is a great service). My memory is so bad that I could easily forget if I didn't do so. I report at Jomtien and my latest online report took about 30 minutes to be approved. No complaints from me.
  9. Was there a choice, or was it a package deal?
  10. It's been a hundred years since I was in a Thai gogo or beer bar (well, it seems like that) but even I know that It's not just an extra 50 baht for a "lady drink". The "lady drink" is almost certainly just soda or similar, so the whole 200-250 baht is profit for the bar - and contributes to the lady's earnings. Edit to add: I always thought it was reasonable compensation for playing connect 4, or dominoes with me when they could have been earning big bucks for short times.
  11. I'm busy that day.
  12. Yes. Next working day for me, 7 seconds later for her (on a working day).
  13. Tagging works 100% for me too. Mine are always FTT. My wife's account isn't tagged and doesn't need to be, but all her transfers have also been FTT.
  14. Hi Owl. Any news about the leaning tree?
  15. Just to add my experience to the instant-v-next day discussion: My wife and I each have Wise accounts. My UK occupational pension is paid directly into my Wise account. My UK state pension is paid directly into my wife's Wise account. Any transfer from my Wise account to our joint BKK bank, regardless of the amount or option chosen, is received the next working day at 2.00pm local time (or a few minutes after). Any transfer from my wife's Wise account, regardless of the amount or option chosen, is received almost instantly into the same Joint BKK account. We have tried many variations of amount and "reason for payment" but all my transfers are received next working day, and all my wife's are received almost instantly. Some years ago I asked Wise to "tag" my account so that all my transfers would be shown as International (I use the monthly income for my extensions of stay). I can only conclude that this is the reason for the difference.
  16. Personally, I would cease buying the brand because they were willing to prosecute the woman for defamation just because of her review. Of course, that's assuming I knew the brand - and it was a brand I use.
  17. I heard that unused land is being taxed. Where I live quite a lot of undeveloped plots around Na Jomtien/Bang Saray have been cleared and planted with banana trees/coconut/cassava to avoid the tax. Is it possible that this is what's happening ?
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