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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. Yes. Some animal rights organisations think it's cruel to send monkeys up trees.
  2. She appears to be quite happy at the prospect.????
  3. I agree 100%. Initially I assumed that this was a typical Daily Mail piece. But no, I'm sorry to say that it's a BBC article. How standards have fallen!
  4. 99 was the 2-number winner. And the jackpot winner was 1 3 2 9 0 3.
  5. The Earth will be (or already was) destroyed by the Vogons, to make way for a galactic highway. It will happen on a Thursday. The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy: A Trilogy in Five Parts Douglas Adams.
  6. Me: The answer is 593 Student: That was the wrong answer. Me: Yes, but it was quick!
  7. That's weekly. Poster said monthly, so around 40,700 THB is correct
  8. IIRC the people were given a choice: Vote to accept the new constitution, written by the military, and we can return to democracy or; remain under military rule for an indefinite period. Hobson's choice.
  9. Those senators do not represent anyone except the people who appointed them. I.e.- not the electorate.
  10. If 80 or so MPs from smaller parties were to accept the will of the people and vote accordingly, the votes of the senators would be irrelevant.
  11. If the senators have any honour at all, they should abstain from voting in the PM election and let the people's choice prevail.
  12. I recently helped my wife open a WISE account and I have my UK state pension paid into it, so that she can get used to using it. When I die her widows pension (from my private pension) will be paid into her WISE account.
  13. I am thinking that you expose your true nature with comments such as that above.
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