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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. Let’s face it. The casino operators will make a fortune. The punters will lose lots. The surrounding “entertainment “ will be sleazy. if that adds up to an economic boom then I guess a boom is on its way.
  2. Pretty much anywhere is more real world than Pattaya
  3. Looking at how many categories remained stable or declined and how few improved, it seems that Malaysia has slipped, rather than Thailand has improved.
  4. For as long as there is money to be skimmed off the top?
  5. Places like prachuaup and Chumphon are already there if you want a laid back Thai style holiday. There is also Trang and Surat Thani further down. Any time a place in Thailand undergoes development that brings mass tourism, in come the bars and bar girls.
  6. Wouldn’t have helped the American swept out to sea.
  7. The people that need training are those who go swimming at places like Nai Harn beach when red flags are flying and the waves are big. A heavy dose of common sense to follow the flag code by staying out of the water would work wonders.
  8. Targeting a Catholic Church because “foreigners” gather there sounds very much like targeting Philippine nationals. Its rank racial profiling but I guess that’s pretty much standard here.
  9. They have obviously seen what has happened in previous years events
  10. An online poll? Seriously? This is how the government proposes to govern the country? SMH
  11. The majority of public feedback? I would suggest that the answer you get is defined by whom you ask. To get a true voice of public opinion it would be necessary to hold a referendum. As in let the people speak. Except the last referendum results were ignored, weren’t they. Hence MFP is not in power. This nonsense about cannabis is going to go on and on ad infinitumand frankly, it’s boring. If it isn’t decriminalized then nothing will change, if it is recriminalised, even the PM suggests small amounts will be ignored so as to reduce arrests! In other words, no change. How many more articles will we read about a situation that isn’t going to change? Let me get back to watching my paint dry.
  12. I don’t believe he is blind. Sarcastic maybe, but not blind. You on the other hand are blind enough not to be able to see obvious sarcasm.
  13. Sooo, when they say no illegal activities, what they actually meant to say was that other than flouting licensing hours there was no illegal activity. well I guess you have to be allowed one mulligan.
  14. “chinese punters thought that money can buy everything suggesting their morals are questionable. “ Ya think?
  15. I don’t think their visas have been revoked. Probably because they didn’t kick anyone in the back.
  16. Don’t think anything on the machine failed. He failed to push a button. Can’t see what the bank can do to stop that happening
  17. You didn’t pay 800k baht for your visa. That money is still in your bank account and you can withdraw it if you want…….if you don’t want another visa next year. The cardboard box idea is new though 🤔
  18. 8000 arrested over ten years. In other words, and average of 800 per year. Hardly streets teeming with beggars stuff. I’m not sure I have ever seen beggars in Phuket tbh. Maybe in Patong, but I don’t go there. In Udon there are always a few dotted around Tong Si Meung, normally outside 7-11’s. In Bangkok Sunhamvit area, sure. There are beggars on and under pedestrian bridges across major intersections, but again, a few. Nothing like Siem Reep for instance. I dunno, the stats just don’t stack up from what I see with my own eyes. But who are you going to believe, the stats or your own eyes?
  19. Every penny that comes from government coffers sourced from tax, is an extra penny in their own profits. Put another way, why invest your own capital to develop a tourist attraction, if the government will do it for you?
  20. “But for more critical problems related to Thai tourism, such as inferior supply development, we’re not able to give them any score as nothing has been done to help resolve the problem.” if they have done nothing, then that is a zero score, not a no score.
  21. Not a hassle at all. But in Thailand? Would last a week and then be forgotten. Maybe also so in many countries. cant say that I have ever been in a sauna where it was checked by staff. Guess England, Austria and Finland just aren’t safety conscious jurisdictions, damn them. RIP poor lady.
  22. “Thailand offers numerous free public restrooms“ Really? Gas stations, yes. Other than that? Very few and far between.
  23. Best make sure it’s not as long as 6 months in the future. That 12k might be treated as income and taxed. with all the tax rolling in from foreign remittances to Thailand, there’s no need to tax tourists another 300 baht per visit now.
  24. Clearly this guy is no tourist. If he were, he would have gone home and forgotten the incident. The fact he has a lawyer in Phuket and intends to return in September indicates he has business and/or family here. Investigative journalism this isn’t.
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