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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. There is no system or model. It’s one guy bending/breaking the rules to stay in power
  2. Why not detain them? Or jail them for that matter. Other people were on that plane you know. A holes who don’t follow the rules shouldn’t be on planes full stop
  3. I’m having a very good day actually. Just not sure what point you are trying to make in your original post, or the one I am answering now.
  4. I did read it. Having also viewed the video, I decided not to be pedantic about the words used in the article.
  5. It’s all very well having Embassy warnings to say be careful on Thai roads, but what can you do when you are sitting in a bus and a tree crashes onto it, ok ok, near it? Answer: go somewhere else on holiday.
  6. Let’s just say that it was close enough to cause damage to the bus and the people inside. Is that ok for you?
  7. And added to all that, the RTP are now turning into Giant Pandas! Gotta love the satire in choosing that method to blur out the face of the RTP officer
  8. If he has then he will probably reverse it next week 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Some thoughts: 1. lucky the bus driver was only armed with a bus rather than a machete, revolver or machine gun. 2. The bus company may be lamenting the damage to their bus. But it’s their own fault as a result of hiring a complete maniac 3. don’t see why anybody is paying anything in compensation. Surely both have insurance. 🤦‍♂️what am I saying, don’t I know where I am?
  10. Mr O is the grab driver? Not the driver of the bus
  11. I think your comment about reducing risk of the man doesn’t change partner all the time, misses the point. The prostitute IS changing partner all the time, so by definition, the man is changing partner every time, even though it’s with the same prostitute. if the man switches prostitute all the time, mathematically he is probably increasing his exposure both first and second hand, but sticking to one prostitute is no panecea for safe sex. Maybe you were just referring to mathematical odds rather than actual risk.
  12. It’s an urban myth debunked by Pattaya police several times. There is NO prostitution in Pattaya.
  13. Would eyewitnesses really describe her as erratic? Surely blind drunk is a more obvious description.
  14. Does it really matter? The subject is man threatened with a meat cleaver by another man. Their name, height, weight or ethnicity doesn’t really matter, unless there is a desire to escalate any offense committed, to a hate crime ( if Thailand even has that distinction in its laws)
  15. Unless of course he had been attacked by the grab rider or taxi driver, in which case we would be having exactly this discussion. Or maybe he might have had a motorbike crash or car crash. We know how safe Thai roads are. it should be safe to walk home minding your own business at midnight. The discussion should be on how to make it safe and the first step is catching these particular 6 thugs.
  16. I was waiting for the first post to say it was his fault for walking home. Congratulations!
  17. What is the encouragement to drive at 50, rather than the 60 speed limit in Royal areas, and where exactly are those areas? This part seems, mmmm, hazy. overall, people will drive at the speed which they are able, depending on traffic conditions. The particular speed limit is pretty much as irrelevant as the pedestrian crouch are routinely ignored.
  18. I’m sure I read an article on this very website a few days ago extolling Pattaya as a sleepy fishing village transformed into an idyllic paradise. Now it has a dark side? Both articles are hogwash when it comes to tracking Pattayas development and what it has become.
  19. There’s no money in maintenance, that’s why so little is done. The money is in ripping out something that is poorly maintained and starting from scratch.
  20. Having police on the streets stopping people for riding motorbikes without a helmet, fining them, and then allowing them to ride off again without a helmet, is also doing nothing. so it’s more than just getting them out on the streets, although I agree it would be a start
  21. The traffic will be chaos for more than a week. There is a lot of preparation pre race and dismantling of equipment (barriers, grandstands etc) post race. Plan on a month.
  22. Is that in every state? ie a federal law?
  23. Don’t they understand that alcohol laws don’t matter, without enforcement to go along with it and the fact of the matter is that there is little to no enforcement in Thailand.
  24. Maybe he expected that when asked politely to leave his car alone, they would move on? see, I can make stuff up too, just like you did when you said he was “sneering”. Fact is neither of us were there so don’t know. Another fact is that whatever verbals took place, a beat down is disproportionate and and illegal act.
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