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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. So is their theory that crowded beaches are more enticing for visitors and therefore it’s essential to deny that beaches are uncrowded. 🤷‍♂️ sounds like they are arguing against themselves to me.
  2. Any substantive facts to back that up or just your opinion?
  3. I hear what you say, but tbh, if that guy applied for a tourist visa, I’m pretty sure he would get one. And the educational visa requirement is full of holes, so I’m sure he would have that as an option as well. Point being, it’s easy to get a visa to visit Thailand so they aren’t a panacea to stopping criminals entering the country.
  4. Depends if it is accumulated overseas income from the 1st January this year. There is no tax on the transfer of capital into Thailand. I doubt many people have that much income in just 6 months.
  5. 15 students to a class is impractical. The U.K. doesn’t have that few students to a class. Even international schools usually cap them at 20.
  6. I’d probably take issue with that statement. Academically, you may be right. The whole Singapore system is geared to passing exams. And when Singapore sets out to design a system to achieve a specific result, it does it. Exceptionally well. But there are deficiencies in such a system, more than a couple of which are recognized by the government and they have taken or are taking steps to correct. First of all, the system is set in place to derive a specific answer to a specific question, in order to achieve test marks. That is rote learning and stifles innovation and abstract thinking. The government put in place a specific innovation program to try and change things. It pretty much hasn’t worked. secondly, the drive for high test marks makes for a brutal educational process where any child who isn’t academically minded, is branded a loser. To try and ensure no Singaporean is left behind (government words) a lot more emphasis has in recent years been placed on vocational colleges. Nevertheless the in built bias in the system for rote learning in order to achieve high exam results, is very hard to correct. Yup. I’m Singaporean.
  7. Wasn’ t there a political party promising a tablet for every student a few years back? During election season of course. Bet there aren’t many of those tablets around now, if indeed there ever was. The issue with Thai schools is rote learning. Until they change that, students may or may not pass exams, but they won’t be intelligent, logical, science based, problem solvers who have a global perspective. How could they be with all the garbage and propaganda that they are fed on a daily basis.
  8. I don’t think it’s a one off taxi driver. I bet this is the prevailing rip off price by all drivers. It’s a mafia, not just individual guys. In their own way, they are pretty organized.
  9. He would have been forced to pay it if he didn’t have relatives in the area who could pick him up. Not every tourist has local contacts to help them avoid being fleeced.
  10. Not if they didn’t accept payment for a ride, no.
  11. Because then locals couldn’t fleece foreigners with rip off prices?
  12. “Collaboration with relevant agencies will aim to ensure fair treatment of service users and prevent similar incidents from tarnishing the province's image” For the next week maybe. After that tourists are on their own!
  13. Have to say that I think this guy is digging his own grave.
  14. Same guy, same kind of stupid stunt. Same kind of story. No one hurt on his second stunt, what about the 3rd?
  15. Not really. Responders will have to clean up the mess he makes on the pavement. He is just being selfish, getting his kicks and not considering others, least of all elderly people passing underneath his stunts.
  16. It’s great to see someone doing something to improve motorbike riding skills on the island. Even better that people actually are willing to pay money to do so. Shame he didn’t get the required permit first.
  17. Bolt, in driver and grab are in Phuket. The only issue is that certain pick up areas are no go areas. The airport for instance, plus anywhere else that the tuk tuk mafia claim first dibs on. But in general, they are widely available.
  18. Weren’t his activities near a mosque? which is another of Thailands religions. Very popular in the South.
  19. Pick is the word. He certainly wasn’t who the people voted for
  20. Because everyone within the current 49% maximum decision has one vote. Thais are supposedly 51% , also one vote. but now 75% could be foreign owned, and since the stated intention is that Thai control will be maintained, not everyone in the 75% foreign category can have one vote. If they did, they could out vote the Thai’s and control the building. 😱
  21. Possibly the first 50% of foreign owned units sold come with a vote, the other 50% don’t. If someone sells a voting unit then the new buyer goes to the back of the voting queue and the first in line in the 25% non voting unit, becomes a voter. who will actually keep track of this method, or your method, I have no idea.
  22. Your position is currently clear. I think the question being asked is: if the foreigner limit goes to 75%, who decides whether it is your vote that counts, or the guy who last purchased his condo to take it over 50% foreign owned? if there is 75% foreigner owned, 2/3 of those people will have a vote. 1/3 or 25% of total ownership, will not. So your AGM majority voting, irrespective of their nationality would appear to be out of the window once foreign ownership goes above 50%. Isn’t that so?
  23. Totally irresponsible to leave a handbag unattended. Whether Thai or foreign, it’s an easy target for a thief. And hardly front page news.
  24. How can the whereabouts of the German guy be unknown? Doesn’t he have to report his address every 90 days? seriously, the German is known to the police, how can they not track him down?
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