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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Another headline aiming to trigger more keyboard combat! Why not wait to see who says yes before writing the party off?
  2. it always bugs me when people don't play cricket.
  3. The corruption of the EU came to light years ago. It draws in all kinds of insects.
  4. Maybe the promise of tasty EU gravy is enough to override the affiliations of all parties?
  5. If it is true that the Kremlin thought that the USA was weak and wouldn't push back, then the calamitous exit from Afghanistan would be far more likely to be the real reason.
  6. They'll probably spend what they have on beer first and then slip into something more comfortable before the cruise starts.
  7. When Putin sees Yellen, the scare factor will have more value than the loot she's got.
  8. From what you say it will be heat-related. Solution could be to replace the switch. Any warranty?
  9. Maybe they could arrange a transfer, a womb with a view, perhaps?
  10. I think both Trump and Biden wanted out of Afghanistan, which is understandable. It seems that they both wanted the job completed at dates to suit their own political preferences. I do think Trump should have got out of (or suspended) the deal, as I said (above) once it was clear that the deal was not being honoured but I also think thqt Biden must shoulder some responsibility.
  11. June. They were trying to rescue the deal but obviously wasting their time.
  12. It shows the Taliban did not honour the agreement. I agree that Trump should have withdrawn from the deal but after Trump did not, then Biden should have suspended the agreement and overseen an orderly withdrawal.
  13. And your goalposts are as shifty as ever. This started with your idea that Biden united NATO, then that he warned everybody, finally finishing with a testament to the Economist. Your "weeks before" invasion were mostly about 1-2 - not much of a warning - and by which time any intelligence Biden had would have been shared with NATO and probably leaked out to Ukraine as well. Zelensky would have had more inside track info than anyone and must have known enough to prepare for the worst as best he could, whatever he said. Most of us were hoping that this would not happen as was he, I'm sure.
  14. I'm not talking about assistance but rather obliteration. Would you be happy with that?
  15. Not worth complaining about really. You haven't provided any relevant "facts".
  16. By continuing its association with Al Qaeda and not allowing Afghan girls to attend school. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/taliban-has-kept-close-ties-al-qaeda-despite-promises-trump-n1221281
  17. Not worth mentioning, true. I don't know how Trudeau can criticize anyone, really.
  18. Or The President ran out of patience with the German Chancellor and other European leaders? Made war my a$$. From your link: “What good is NATO if Germany is paying Russia billions of dollars for gas and energy? The U.S. is paying for Europe’s protection, then loses billions on Trade. Must pay 2% of GDP IMMEDIATELY, not by 2025.” What's not fair about that? And where is the sucking up to Russia in there? And most of the European NATO members seem to be happy enough with their increased defence budgets now, don't they?
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