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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Yes, I read about her. Media Matters!! Right. This constant political bias does not constitute true journalism.
  2. When I read lines like this: 'Sources indicated to Mediaite that no one at the network “has control” over Carlson' I just stop right there. This writer just churns out similar garbage all the time.
  3. Another one-track minded, so-called journalist. Vice baha!
  4. National Debt up 6.7T under Trump with 4.2T of that in Covid year 1 (2020). https://www.statista.com/statistics/187867/public-debt-of-the-united-states-since-1990/ At least try and post the truth.
  5. Can you tell me if he has at least a little bit of money to afford a professional opinion?
  6. Scampton had been planned to be both preserved and developed, so the local community now feels both robbed and worried. There have been protests about this all over the country. Hotels are filling up and costing a lot of money, while most of these so-called "refugees" are just opportunistic migrants who have been able to afford to pay people smugglers. To assist genuine refugees is noble but this continuous accommodation of migrants in not sustainable in many different ways.
  7. Good point. However, although some of the staff may be 'clever', this outsourcing often meant lower quality customer service and satisfaction, resulting in considerable loss of business for some major companies.
  8. Nah. Not me. You all know I like to stick to the topic.
  9. That tells me you prefer to deflect and talk about another case.
  10. And I don't think he means Wimbledon, folks! ????
  11. Yes. It certainly appears that this case has failed. Shock horror! Who knew? Don't forget to watch Desperate Overreach (Series 45) again next week.
  12. I don't think it was much of a priority to them. The British weren't expecting to convert the religious followings of entire populations.
  13. Agree. That would average about 250,000 dollars per victim. Not credible. But I'm sure the G-men enjoyed getting the attention from the press. Not.
  14. Looking at that excellent map in the sub link the strictest places are mostly grouped adjacent and mostly in the same two main regions of the world: https://ilga.org/ilga-world-releases-state-sponsored-homophobia-December-2020-update By that map, I would not factor in British (or any other) colonial influence too much but rather examine the most popular religions in those regions. I suppose just stating the bleedin' obvious is far too politically incorrect and taboo so just blame the British then. Good old Auntie Beeb.
  15. The "opinions" of this clod seem to be all rather single-minded. Look at the menu.
  16. You don't seem to be able to differentiate between a question and an objection. There is no need for these Biblical evolutionary references as far as I am concerned. The earth is about 4.6 billion years old, so the geological consensus goes. What has happened since then has been well researched, with the data and earth history theory accepted by most geologists. Anyway, your link: https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2021/10/more-999-studies-agree-humans-caused-climate-change Contains this link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac2966 - which contains the term "modern climate change", which is much more sensible to use, in this context. Recent temperature increases correlate well with the higher post industrial revolution anthropogenic activity, especially industrial emissions, deforestation and population growth. However, saying that earth systems and their natural processes do not affect climate is just wrong - these processes don't just stop - they just occur at a far slower rate but continue to affect the climate and have produced large-scale extremes of climate, sea-levels and ice cover etc. in the past.
  17. Anyone who credits Credo's first post here is denying major events of earth (climate) history - some of them not so long ago - particularly these lines " Climate Change is not caused by natural events. It's not associated with any natural event, like the sun cycle or volcanic eruptions." But the climate has been changed by natural events before and far more significantly than it is changing now. I think Credo actually means Milankovitch cycles, which refer to the tilt of the earth (nothing to do with the sun) and which have a direct correlation with the arrival of past (and future) ice ages. There is plenty of evidence to show cooling events after large volcanic eruptions, even quite recently (e.g. Pinatubo). I am not a climate change denier, actually the opposite. I acknowledge the phenomenon of global temperature rise since 1850 industrial revolution and I support reduction of emissions in general. I also support reforestation even more. But I don't agree that all this science is settled, far from it.
  18. Required to doubly rebut your inane analogy. Now you can go look up your next word of the day. Make it a good one!
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