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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Recent polls do not agree with your claim. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-02-05/poll-shows-slump-in-support-for-snp-and-scottish-independence And it looks like she believed the polls.
  2. And here's the usual boo crowd complaining about Trump interfering. Boo back.
  3. From the previous reports, if the thing was launched in China, then that must be what happened. From January to March, whenever there is a La Niña system dominating in the Pacific, then the polar jet stream is almost identical to the balloon track. The likelihood of the balloon passing along this track would be well known and. therefore, quite predictable. Map from NOAA: https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/elnino/lanina-faq
  4. I've said what I mean. If you can't understand I can't help you anymore.
  5. The worst period of panic buying was March 2020. So my "empty again under Biden nearly 2 years later" means early 2022. See what happens when you don't pay attention?
  6. At the start of the year. Are you playing that mad Lt Colonel again?
  7. The article does, Biden doesn't! His tweet: We have now created nearly 10 million new jobs since I took office—the fastest growth in American history. 6:54 AM · Sep 3, 2022
  8. I didn't add anything. Just answered your question. And your so-called "perspective" does not allow for the remnants of rebound growth post Covid. Just like the 10 million jobs claim, most were revived jobs, technically (but temporarily) during the pandemic.
  9. Nothing, as long as you accept that GDP under Biden is half of what he inherited and that inflation is up at least 4-fold.
  10. What evidence do you have that this was just about bribes about visa requirements? There are new accusations of corruption against Kaili regarding separate alleged misuse of funds assigned to MEPs to pay their assistants. "There is a suspicion of fraud detrimental to the EU budget, in relation to the management of the parliamentary allowance," a press release said. https://www.dw.com/en/amid-qatar-scandal-european-parliament-pledges-reform/a-64115509 And from the OP story, the German minister of foreign affairs, said the crisis had put the “credibility” and legitimacy of the EU on the line, and called for meaningful reform. Michiel van Hulten, director of Transparency International EU, blames a “culture of impunity”, with which he has been familiar ever since his own days as an MEP in the 1990s. So, for many, this culture of impunity within the EU, is not new, nor the outcome unexpected. It is the issue of trust that is a danger for the EU. This time, so far, the commission has not been implicated, but if it were to be, as under Santer, then that might be a serious threat for the EU. In 1999, the EP facilitated the mass resignation of Santer's commission but if the EP is now sufficiently corrupt, then it might try to protect an equally corrupt commission. Whatever, I'm sure the truth will take ages to come out - if it ever makes it that far.
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