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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. The EU seems to be using the FOM pillar as a means to pressure members to share the burden of the larger number of non-EU migrants coming to Europe after 2015. Yes - I missed the data of this article from 'The Independent - not sure why it has been used. But the problems remain and are ongoing with these demonstrations now.
  2. Beat me to it. Check/test again. Many people have (mild)fatty livers. Try more garlic, Omega-3, citrus. green veggies, turmeric and coffee.
  3. Freedom of movement was not much of an issue when the EEC was up to 12 countries of similar status and culture. The article concerns burden sharing and in it Varadkar says about it: “an EU problem…that we all need to work together on”. Varadkar continued by saying that Ireland would play its role in the EU “burden sharing” of migrant arrival and transfer. The link site is St Antony’s College, Oxford; nothing to do with The Independent. That said, surprisingly, the date is not clear but the text and references indicate at least 2019.
  4. It looks like the French waves are bigger, as they bid adieu and cheer off the rubber duck taxis leaving the beach at Plage de Strouanne. Bon Voyage! For RNLI call 999 or 112.
  5. Brilliant! At the same time Ireland expects migrants to be a large percentage of an expected population jump of one million by 2040 (20%), (Project Ireland 2040), the Irish are already asking natives to leave! Many Irish citizens oppose this much migration and there have been several demonstrations already. The EU freedom of movement pillar is past its sell-by date. https://www.sant.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/dahrendorf_essay_maeve_moynihan.pdf
  6. Hey, I was laughing! You are a funny guy! But seriously folks, this frivolity is way off topic.
  7. Why and how? Already explained - if you don't accept it ... up to you. Moreover, unless this 'fast track' procedure has compromised security what's the problem? Security is part of the problem with any accelerated vetting. The graph shows the rising trend in recent years. Is the cause of that not and human trafficking assisted by free movement within the Schengen Zone? If a border is open it is, by definition, easier to cross than one where controls operate. However, Germany has had an open border with all its' neighbours since 2007 - and to the West long before that - which predates Merkel's relaxing of restrictions. Again the numbers in recent years, especially since 2015, are far higher than in 2007. No real comparison. I strongly suspect that those attempting to reach the UK do so simply because it is the only country - for whatever reason - where they want to settle. To that end, for these people, what measures are taken in France, Germany or elsewhere is largely irrelevant; they will continue to try to reach the UK. Yes, especially while traffickers are allowed to operate in the EU.
  8. Any fast-track from migrant to citizen status within the EU entirely relevant to the Brexit issue. Of course Merkel's measures encouraged people smugglers' to take advantage of the German/EU welcome mat and Schengen - it is one cause of the rising problem - Illegal economic migrants may have been arriving in the UK via the EU for "many years" but that number is now increasing exponentially, as these Channel crossing numbers show (below): https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-53699511
  9. If your quote comes from the link then it is just an extract, nothing to do with Farage, and the article is from 2007. After 2015, a year before the referendum, Merkel actually helped us out of the EU.
  10. I don't remember Farage or anyone else saying exactly that but there was a concern that refugees granted EU passports in other EU countries might then use those passports to later access the UK while it was still part of the EU. Since 2015, after Merkel opened doors to Germany, and so, through Schengen, to the EU, the people smugglers have organized much larger numbers of paying migrants from all over Asia and Africa into the refugee mix, and into the EU. Many of these people seem to be set on making it to the UK; the people waiting in the sand dunes near Dunkirk reached there easily because of Schengen, which enables unchecked travel across continental Europe. This freedom of movement within the EU makes like too easy for the smugglers and appears to not help genuine refugees so much.
  11. You clearly are unclear on what I've said, which was that anyone guilty on J6 should expect and receive punishment to fit their crimes.
  12. The never before seen footage showed little happening of a violent nature in side the Capitol and little evidence of a sustained insurrection of enough force to be able to bring down any government. Of course the TC footage was selected, just as the J6 committee selected what they wanted people to see. Manipulation is the wrong word. Why would I know if any juries are corrupt?
  13. This was obviously my opinion. I was not offering evidence. Your horse is tall, don't fall off.
  14. It doesn't prove that someone didn't commit a crime. I didn't say it did.
  15. It is relevant and also a question nobody here seems to be able to answer.
  16. I saw the breech by a mob but I didn't see any clips of him actually smashing stuff.
  17. Well I'm no fundamentalist Christian but if Jesus is truly on his way then that's fine by me.
  18. So in Shaman Man's case did you see the moments where he was engaged in violence?
  19. I did look. Quite a list. I've not said that I think I know what really happened but the extra VDO releases have filled a few gaps. There's a lot more unknown information out here somewhere, I'm sure.
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