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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Not what I meant of course. And you don't really know the colour of the bush that Q jumped out of either.
  2. I just input the statement made on behalf of Prince William. You interpret that yourself.
  3. It was a spokesperson : A spokesperson for Prince William said "racism has no place in our society".
  4. Your "surge" is a result of rate changes in US markets - not Thailand. Has the Baht "surged" against the Euro?
  5. Deflection? One of your pet words, no doubt. The effects of this complaint are important to some, so the detail is important.
  6. So would I. You're right, the tone is important. So is who actually started the conversation, as well as how that dialogue was recalled in such detail and then accepted without question?
  7. Hot - no. Wet - yes. One of the wettest years I can remember - at least some rain every month. The SW monsoon was weak but there was much more rain from the east, early and late in the "rainy" season. Average temperatures were cooler, with hardy a "hot" season in April/May. Some scientists say that this is due to a very rare ‘triple-dip’ La Nina, now in a third rear. Makes sense to me. See what happens next year before you all up and off to Malaga. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/un-weather-agency-predicts-rare-triple-dip-la-nina-in-2022/
  8. But while it’s true the US now exports more energy than it imports, the nation still relies on foreign oil to some degree for the energy it needs. https://usafacts.org/articles/is-the-us-energy-independent/
  9. LNG up yes, oil no (down). The Venezuelan route is a strange choice for a president who is supposed to be so caring about the environment. Heavy oil, expensive to refine and not as clean as the US options even then.
  10. The extremists are already there as a majority.
  11. How you know so? This was the time of the build up to the EU itself and hoped for adoption of the Euro. Jackals like Major were quick to form the pack that killed Maggie once it was clear she wanted no further UK integration with the EU. Far easier to stop Maggie than stop the EU train.
  12. The EU is no deterrent to Russia. NATO does not benefit from its members - it's actually the other way round.
  13. She wouldn't have signed Maastricht if she had stayed PM - that means pulling out.
  14. Not really highlighted by the media? How can that be? Oh, wait a minute. Thanks for the vid. Key word there accountability. Good man obviously not popular amongst his gravy-slurping colleagues.
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