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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Cake and eat it. You can fund your own army, just like the good old days.
  2. Well, at least you agree about the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels bit. The EU issues directives on nitrate use. The Euro currency has never suited the Italian economy. I'll have to give you the Germans.
  3. So many quotes. I wonder who said all that? The EU is not doing fine - check the news - there'll be more on the way soon. GERMANY - ENERGY https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62234188 ITALY - DEBT https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/debt-laden-italy-looks-no-less-vulnerable-rates-shoot-higher-2022-07-20/ HOLLAND - AGRICULTURE https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/21/emotion-and-pain-as-dutch-farmers-fight-back-against-huge-cuts-to-livestock These are all going on now and the EU seems to be silent, as usual. proving again how useless it is as a leader in tough times. An unnecessary and very costly huge extra layer of government, more interested in its symbolism and the political control of a bloc of countries, than the actual well being of its members. Union my toot.
  4. I remember but 1988 I think - UK seamen? But recently more events due to French strikes.
  5. We shall see - the IMF are not very good at this - the US has just entered a recession (technically) and many countries are likely to follow, including the UK.
  6. All down to the EU whichever way you cut it. No EU > no Brexit > no problem..
  7. There is nothing to show that the UK could not have 'boomed' better alone. EU growth is fading fast now.
  8. The single most grievous act of self harm was joining the EEC mutating Ponzi Scheme in the first place.
  9. That he is still there is certainly amazing. Somehow I don't think impeachment will be necessary.
  10. That branding happens both ways. But Americans are becoming aware of their current 'radical' problem.
  11. Yes. A plus was that the casks travelled well. The minus was the taste, home or away. They dropped the price but still lost market. Popular with teenagers - cheap as chips - remember the Party 4's and 7's in tin casks?
  12. It's high season in the Ballyarics and of course Spain is aware of that. Sounds like an EU directive to me, Anyway, let me gets this right, so, as the saying goes: The queues in Spain Are mainly from the plane?
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