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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. The discrimination was there from the outset and was certainly not limited to jobs.
  2. Well we're all getting older but some songs remain the same. Never give up Chomper.
  3. Which would be money effectively from the UK in any case, like all the other money distributed by the EU, who don't really have any of their own. Just another EU tactic encourage the break up our union, which is what the EU wanted ultimately, and yet another solid reason to leave.
  4. But you are effectively calling a majority group of British voters idiots, which is about 17 million times worse. Sheesh....lol.... I'm not riled, I just think that your regular insults should be highlighted...regularly.
  5. Of course there are legitimate ways. The traffickers are themselves illegal and have no interest in them If the situation was reversed, I'm sure the gendarmes would suddenly find higher levels of efficiency. Non?
  6. Don't connect these two different posts to try and make a single argument. They concern different times and political/border arrangements of those times.
  7. Nothing to do with what I said but that's true, I suppose. The creation of the EU has resulted in an increased security threat to the UK, member or not. The Schengen system was both poorly designed and abused.
  8. Agree. And as it has become now, the EU is an unnecessary protection racket.
  9. Strange that the French didn't worry about stamping British passports before we joined the EEC/EU.
  10. 'From: https://obr.uk/about-the-obr/who-we-are/ The OBR is led by the three members of the Budget Responsibility Committee (BRC). They have executive responsibility for the core functions of the OBR, including the judgements reached in its forecasts. The BRC are supported in their work by the OBR’s permanent staff of 35 civil servants. Permanent staff of 35 civil servants. 555
  11. You made your particular point quite clearly - it was hard to miss - I just added others,
  12. Yes. Several politicians (leave and remain) said things that were allegedly taken as promises. I took no notice and many others must have done the same.
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