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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. No chance. Too expensive for most to own a private car. Now empty car parks becoming farms.
  2. Yes. It was just another question. You should be a politician on telly.
  3. Most credible economists seem content with the two quarter down rule. And they still are. Spin it as you like. We can see next year. Like all the Democrat spending it will end up costing more than it saves. Spending is still spending and with this high amount of debt and inflation its wrong right now.
  4. Do that mean you concede that he used the peaceful word?
  5. How many instances like this have you seen? I was being truthful. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 - more spending - expected to pass next week. The U.S. is in a technical recession using the commonly accepted parameters used historically. It's only the Democrats and the Fed that have suddenly decided they want to change them - LOL.
  6. And as several here have stated before, Trump asked the crowd at the rally to go to the Capitol to protest "peacefully and patriotically". These words are well known by everyone who has followed this event at all closely but they are repeatedly ignored or blatantly omitted by this most recent kangaroo court, casting doubt on any shred of credibility of this hearing, that might gave existed otherwise.
  7. Having trouble looking past your nose? My comment referred to the line "any president will be able to get away with anything" and I was applying that line to Biden, who seems to be willfully destroying the USA right now - with impunity. I don't do cults - sorry. I actually never liked Trump much but looking at the US decline over the last 18 months and what Trump did achieve (especially w.r.t. no new wars while building up the military to handle the possibility of one of these), then, yes, I think he was a far better president but you don't have to be in a cult for that. Or do you?? Biden is a disaster - across the board - and this is well reflected in his approval numbers. Now the latest tax and spend bill has passed, while the economy is hit by 9% inflation (at least) and technical recession that will deepen more now. Amazingly dumb. I think that Trump will not run again. For that to happen successfully, then he would have had to heed the advice given to him after November 2020 and accepted his loss, done a handover with Biden and then started working on 2024, after a few rounds of golf. Whatever these recent sham hearings come up with, there really isn't anything much new that anyone with open eyes hasn't seen already. Trump's biggest problem was not letting go much sooner - whatever he thought about the election - and I think even he knows that now.
  8. How does this author expect anyone to believe his fact-starved opinion piece?
  9. Tut tut. You shouldn't be so mean about Joe and Nancy like that. Or is it the other way round?
  10. Well that's because there are some strange things said in some other people's posts.
  11. Most other passengers were likely to be US citizens, so stopping them from coming home would have been a bit much.
  12. Maybe they are not judging him the same way and with the same bias as Democrats? After all, they've been trying to see him off since before he even got into the WH.
  13. So any 'relevance' in your post is irrelevant to the relevance of the post that you responded to.
  14. Not many but good entertainment when he does.
  15. Sounds like a case of the blind leading the blind.
  16. Yeah. I saw it. The comment you replied to was relevant to Biden's new record low approval rating - today not 4 years ago.
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