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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Truly bipartisan hearings can and normally do include cross-examinations. But this one is not at all bipartisan or normal.
  2. But apparently even more heinous in the eyes of some attendees is that Crenshaw rejected former President Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen. One man wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat can be seen yelling in an online video, "Dan Crenshaw is a traitor!" and "He needs to be hung for treason!"" Apparently.....some attendees....one man.
  3. Oopsy! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61859881
  4. The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress. Not rebuffed from the White House though.
  5. There are already technologies like carbon capture but they are rather limited in capacity and success right now.
  6. So few samples for an internet-based survey and if 66% of the samples were not following the hearings closely, how can they have a considered opinion?
  7. First unreadable, second about WHO and third a book review. Thanks for trying anyway.
  8. The issue that I was referring to is that the earth's climate has been changing throughout its 4.5Ga history, sometimes with far higher maxima and minima than seen recently. To put things into perspective, bear in mind that the last ice age only ended only about 12,000 years ago - an almost invisible division of the geological clock. From reading all these posts it seems that there is regular confusion made between the phenomena of climate change and temperature variation. Temperature is just one aspect of climate, with large variations evident throughout earth history. But these questions should be asked: Can climate and climate change be affected by temperature variation? Yes. Can climate change and temperature variation be affected by CO2? Yes. Do greenhouse gases affect global temperatures? Yes. Is CO2 the most populous greenhouse gas in the atmosphere? No. That's water vapour. Are CO2 levels the highest ever? No. Would reforestation lower CO2 levels? Yes, a lot. Is carbon recycled naturally? Yes but very slowly - millions of years. Are there any other factors that cause both climate change and temperature variation? Yes, such as as but not limited to changes in: solar absorption, reflectivity, earth orbit and rotation, solar activity, volcanic processes and over a very long timescale, even tectonic effects on the carbon cycle. Back to topic: Have CO2 levels risen at the fastest rate in recent earth history (late Holocence)? Yes and the rapid rise in the last 200 years is indeed coincident with not only the Industrial Revolution and its resultant emissions but also large rises in the human (and other animal) populations, deforestation and construction. The last question is critical to this topic and as it is evident that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are responsible for at least part of today's climatic extremes (although I think the Carbon the sink factor is just as important), then they need to be reduced. That said, this world has never had to deal with so many of us making a mess of it. Mother earth will be OK but I'm not sure about us.
  9. Not enough absolute data for that but, yes, mother earth's climate has been changing since she was a baby.
  10. Can you add some completely unbiased links to your claims of failed negotiations please?
  11. You can nominate your own 'facts' but don't expect anyone to just accept them as such.
  12. Could be: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1627585/joe-biden-potus-collapse-bike-video-delaware-white-house-latest-vn
  13. Looks like you've noted a lot of stuff that 'people like me' take no notice of but with such condescending tripe, is it really any wonder?
  14. Talking rubbish like Spidey. The inflation of today goes back at least as far as the 2008 GFC, after which the Fed ran successive rounds of insane QE and asset purchases, printing trillions and enabling gross corporate share buybacks but only providing a superficial economic 'recovery' with this insanity. The Covid situation has made things worse at the end of Trump's term and at the start of Biden's. However Biden's reach for a quick green transformation has not helped anyone because the US and the world is not yet ready for it. Now he wants to build back better with trillions more of the magic dollars but begs for oil from the Saudis etc. If you're going to burn oil anyway, why not burn your own? That would bring down inflation and afford more funds for serious R&D for green tech. Bye.
  15. I sent you a perfectly good link with valid data. If you can't look at a simple chart and recognize a trend then not my problem.
  16. No. But by the topic line I assumed we were talking about the USA and Joe's approval rating there.
  17. I'm talking about the timing of availability - not any possible dangers from these vaccinations. 'Highly respected' websites deserve that label if they demonstrate who they are and what they do.
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