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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. From all the reports included in the link below, it looks like the Russians still occupy 50-70% of Severodonetsk. Maybe the Orcs lost concentration while they were blowing up wooden monasteries, with women and children inside? In the key city of Severodonetsk, Ukraine says it has recaptured part of the territory that was lost to Russian forces. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-61656289
  2. You linked an allegation but there was no proof. There are conspiracy stories, as ever, but none conclusively prove collusion, which is a word used rather carelessly here. Whitlam led a government that was effectively powerless, so Australia was rudderless until Whitlam went, which he wouldn't do voluntarily.
  3. I suppose as head of state, HM is entitled to be kept in the loop.
  4. But I thought they wanted privacy? Apart from the Netflix exposure, that is. ????
  5. Cesspool more like. A new line of whiners. At least they won't qualify as future monarchs.
  6. So it's OK to bring Trump in when it suits you?? I really don't think RT is the most dangerous weapon in the Russian propaganda arsenal. Do you?
  7. It was Jingthing who brought his name into it and you also used it.
  8. None of your links cover the issue. Covid, 5G and wiki generalizations are nothing to do with Trump.
  9. Well, although you don't prove it, I'm sure that is probably true. However, I'm also sure that the Russians are far from being the only ones guilty of this kind of thing, be it from outside or inside the "west".
  10. It doesn't mean they did, either. Maybe they just like interfering? But the important thing is that Trump did not collude or seek favour from Russia in 2016. He won but how did that benefit Russia? Really? If you want to refer to divisive politics then better take look at Biden, who, after touting "unity" in his inaugural address, now sees the USA more divided than ever and after a series of disasters, like Afghanistan and the Southern border, has earned a 56% rating of disapproval (and this has been one of hid better weeks). https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/biden_administration/biden_approval_index_history
  11. They have as far as Trump's alleged collusion with Russia is concerned. Now it seems more likely that if there were any shenanigans going on in 2016 then it was Hillary who was particularly active. We shall see. https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2019/03/mueller-concludes-investigation/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-20/clinton-approved-trump-russia-leak-her-campaign-manager-says
  12. No. Not now, This is from 2018 but the allegations of Russian manipulation of the American electorate in this weak piece of propaganda have already been disproved - so the rest is just as likely to be nonsense too.
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