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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Please prove that last assertion with a credible source, if such exists. If not your post is just another typical conspiracy theory.
  2. Sounds like they need to come up with new agreement then! Quite a strategic location.
  3. The Swedish army troop numbers are up to possibly 16.000 at the moment according to the alternate source I posted but that is very low too and numbers are being increased over the next 4 years. But the navy is quite strong and the air force is too, including about 70 of their own Gripen fighters.
  4. Gotland is a lot bigger and much better defended than Snake Island, which has caused the Russians so many losses and problems already.
  5. Not sure where this is from but Sweden has more active troops than that and more on the way. https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.php?country_id=sweden https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/15/sweden-to-increase-military-spending-by-40-as-tension-with-russia-grows
  6. Darwin.....hot and sticky......only good for crocs....not leopards.
  7. Glad you were OK. Maybe they need to add a couple of tubes of KY to the first aid kit?
  8. Apparently afloat no longer. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61114843
  9. But in your biased haste you omit to say that the British carriers were successfully protected in the Falklands. And it's Royal Navy ... not British navy.
  10. Probably detrain near the border and drive 'em across in small groups at night. There are quite a few road crossings.
  11. I thought it was like that expensive hi-tech dental flossing technique. Oh well.
  12. Oh please! A bit late for kangaroo courts without any recognized jurisdiction. The small Baltic states are already in NATO anyway.
  13. Western governments will pay. It is in all their interests to pay and far cheaper than direct military conflict. Individual tax payers pay tax without ever knowing in advance what their money will eventually provide for.
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