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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. I don't know what he knew at that time but he should have tried to help stop the problem as soon as he did know. I've had to assume that his own security would have known by the end of the speech and whisked him of back to the WH for his own safety - he was still the President then. That said, the general security arrangements for that day seemed totally inadequate, especially if what Cheyney said is true and it was known in advance by FBI etc. this invasion of the Capitol was all pre-planned.
  2. I read these stories years ago but business failures don't all mean being "taken to the cleaners". Some of the best in business take quite a few hits but also make at least as many successful recoveries, before consolidating their wealth. If Trump is such a dunce how come he's ended up with billions, great real estate assets and that stunning wife?
  3. I get that you're distorting the fight like hell wording, quotation and context and invite you to listen to the speech again. When this phrase was used, Trump was near the end of his speech and the violent actors were already breeching the amazingly weak Capitol security.
  4. No. I mean fighting like hell for things like your own life in an ICU, or anything else that you value dearly. Fighting like hell does not necessarily have to mean or infer law-breaking, or physical violence. It's quite a commonly accepted figure of speech. You may have heard of it.
  5. If you can show me how this "fight like hell" reference was meant to be to taken in a violent and illegal way then fine.
  6. Yeah. They let millions fly out for Chinese New Year holidays - after the virus was already identified in China - very generous of them. A real rat of a year.
  7. Your links refer to individuals that have pleaded guilty to two different charges but neither of these is Trump. I think everyone knows that there was a radical minority making trouble on Jan 6th, some of it violent and much of it criminal. But is Trump himself guilty of sedition? As he was asking people to protest "patriotically and peacefully", then the answer is no.
  8. Lots of claims there in the first para but no proof re taken to the cleaners stuff.
  9. Well done Bill, me too. End of January 1998 - averaged 89 over three days, best day was 90. Then again, in parts of the 80's, a pound only got you 29 Baht!
  10. Fuel is up due to (1) US domestic production (down) policy, (2) consumption normalizing post Covid and now (3) the war in Europe. Oil was way up long before the US Fed put in this mammoth 0.5% rate rise! Rate rises are generally applied to fight inflation, which is at a 40 year high (and still rising),in the US but the Fed is way behind this sharp curve. It looks like an extended period stagflation will affect the US, with similar in Europe and maybe a bit less hitting much of the rest of the world.
  11. - if GDP level in value is above pre-Covid level, It's not due to the fact that growth rates are obviously high after a crisis Why not? That is the main reason. It's called a recovery. - if the number of jobs is higher than pre-covid, It's not because the occupation rate is lower than pre-Covid The number is still shy of pre covid by about a million: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/03/economy/may-jobs-report-final/index.html#:~:text=US employers added 390%2C000 jobs in May%2C representing a robust,2020%2C before the pandemic hit. Inflation, attempts to raise rates to combat same, will cause a lot more harm than just denting growth and the origins of this happened way before the war started.
  12. Your last para - disagree - the average yearly level of debt increase by Trump pre-Covid was about 1T due to corporate tax cuts, trade disputes, military spending (not wars) and Brexit. Any growth from 2008 has been encouraged and enhanced by Fed QE policy, which was notably briefly tightened up in 2017/8, after Trump got in, but reversed by late 2018, as the stock market had started to fall badly.
  13. If he doesn't run he can't lose. Innit?
  14. Sorry, I can't post to suit everyone's personal preferences and we are not even 1/2 way through 2022. GDP 'levels' will rise with increases in both population and free money but the key US economic and financial indicators by year end are likely to be very worrying. Not much point in having all those jobs around if people don't want to work - many of those people just create yet another drain on the economy.
  15. Maybe his leadership qualities were hidden? After all, Trump didn't start any wars and there were no invasions on his watch. NATO was ignored by Biden when the US did the moonlight flit out of Afghanistan and now, after Putin has invaded Ukraine, members suddenly see the value of investing the money in NATO that Trump was so miffed about them no doing for so long, especially the rich Germans! Trump sent weapons to the Ukraine way before Russia massed on the borders.
  16. You lecture about economics but miss out so much. Under Obama US debt immediately shot up by an extra 1T/year as the US started QE after the GFC. Nearly half of the 7T under Trump was in 2020 and directly to combat covid - nearly the same amount was added in 2021 under Biden. When people start to blame crypto and Russia invasions for the inflation that started kicking up over a year ago then I have wonder what you're really trying to say? Oh there it is, in the last paragraph.
  17. Recent GDP growth numbers are positive as the US emerges from the pandemic (low), the same as for the unemployment rate, which now is slightly above that with Trump pre-covid - the 50 years low was early 2020 - but these numbers appear good now due to a lower labour participation rate than in 2019/20, which is bad. The budget deficit has reduced for the same (covid recovery) reason but the US debt is still rising and at a record high. I don't think that Joe's plans to spend trillions are going to help that! International leadership and recognition? Well the Afghan exit debacle certainly got him recognized.
  18. Well Bojo is still there for now, at least, but with a poor level of confidence - 211 to 148.
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