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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. The war could have been a lot worse? Tell that to the innocent injured and dead.
  2. Of course we didn't hear anything about that in the western media - only from you...you big bottom.
  3. Save your breath. This was 7 years ago. It's far worse now after just a few days of much tougher sanctions.
  4. Well like a lot of people, I hadn't even seen it before. So if that is propaganda, it is not very powerful! This kindergarten congressman seems to be a bit of a loon. But while I'm here I will condemn it. Now everyone has the chance to know how I feel, at least.
  5. Talk about propaganda! Every group has its wild outliers. From The Daily Mail: Cawthorn's comments not only fly in the face of those made by global leaders but also the majority of his fellow elected Republicans in Congress. I don't see many that are buying it, especially off a phone video. But you go ahead and seize your moment. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10599763/GOP-Rep-Madison-Cawthorn-calls-Zelensky-THUG-says-Ukrainian-government-incredibly-evil.html
  6. The Russian side certainly seems offensive. I do not see laughter here at any Russian soldiers suffering! The topic concerns the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Stop being so self-righteous.
  7. Not the issues. The US could easily source the F16s to replace only 23 Polish Migs - the Poles already have F16s. The issue is US concern and worry about more Russian reaction if it is seen that the US is effectively sending the Ukraine more fighters. This might have been done a lot more quietly but far too late now.
  8. Hey up! Looks like adequately addressing a golf ball would be quite a challenge for you. Better not mention the war, your comparison just damages your weak and lop-sided argument even more.
  9. Most people in this forum are siding with Ukraine now because of what is happening today and the fact that they are not Russian. A far as the Donbass region goes, it depends what you read. It seems that some wrong-doing may have come from both sides. But as there has been fighting there, it is obvious that there is no majority desire for independence. Any "Russian-majority" in these provinces is only marginal and not total because it seems there are large groups of Ukrainians and Slavs who do not want Russian control and together they are the majority. Thousands have died since 2014 but that is a result of some Ukrainian action but also direct Russian interference and assistance, which is also anti-democratic and also illegal - there has been little reference to it in this thread, either. Information about the Donbass conflict is not really suppressed in the west but it is certainly different to that available from pro Russian sources. However, at the moment, Russia has lost any moral high ground it may have had as far as the west is concerned, due to the scale and violence of this invasion. I agree that NATO and the EU should have played the Ukrainian membership possibilities down (at lest delayed them) but to say that Russia has been terrorized seems so ironic and ridiculous after these last two weeks. Who has vilified and threatened Russia before this brutal invasion?? Your appeal is not appealing.
  10. You asked me what I thought so I replied. My opinion is not necessarily the correct "answer".
  11. You said you cannot answer the question then gave your own answer of "I know both governments would have fled the country, and I guess they would have capulated copulated capitulated quite fast at once their government was safe" in the next sentence! If Russia goes for Sweden and Finland I think that's enough for NATO to go to war with Putin, as Norway would be immediately and unavoidably threatened by this, geographically. I didn't realize you were such a greenie.
  12. Are they accurate enough or can someone cheat and get a shorter table in overnight and hope he doesn't notice?
  13. That balo post did not say really imply your take but in any case I don't think the Ukrainians care much how many Russians can go on holiday right now, so yes, it is insignificant to them at least.
  14. Off topic. Let me get a drink while I contemplate filing a rare report. ????
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