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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Depends where you get your numbers. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/05/us-covid-coronavirus-death-toll Guardian suggests February 4th.
  2. You want to talk about one day when I want to talk about two years. Anyway your highlight looks to be peakiest after Biden arrived. Here's some spares in case you want another go.
  3. If you want to credit this Vanity Fair rubbish that's up to you. https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2021-03-17/trump-tells-followers-to-get-vaccinated-against-coronavirus
  4. Full blown like your story? Already by April 2020 there were already 2.5k deaths/day in the US. Not peaky enough? There were several other similar peaks/waves post Biden's arrival at the high 20/21 winter peak, all the way onto 2022. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ Biden still lost more people in '21 than Trump lost in '20, despite new availability of vaccines, PPE, treatment techniques and information.
  5. Lots of variables in there that are not accounted for but which the article itself acknowledges. However, the trend is there, indicating that Republicans who chose not to vaccinate but who contracted Covid were more likely to die. But that was their choice and Trump allowed that, although he received the vaccine in early 2021 and everyone knew it. There was no mandate and people were free to be free and tribal. I think that it has to be that way.
  6. So how come Biden lost more people in his first year than Trump did? Even with vaccines rolling out by then?
  7. And I am saying that most governments mismanaged the epidemic. There may have been many "additional" deaths however it was handled. There was very little information available early on.
  8. I know that is supposed to be the case but sometimes I do wonder. Inflation just picked up again a bit last month so we'll have to wait and see, I suppose.
  9. No joke. I was being serious that time. You have insulted me and I'm angry. Yes, I don't accept your so-called and irrelevant 7-point "fact" list.
  10. I made a poor joke but never mind - it was nothing to do with anything anyone else wrote. But what was your point? I know that you think you have one. Redfin, or anything else, can be used to justify attacking "Bidenomics". It's easy. It is comical for someone to say that a link to support a post is biased - it has to be - if you really want to look at it like that. A better word would be relevant, even of you don't like it. The reality is that it is still difficult for house buyers in the US to afford a change of home or start into the market. Even if interest rates fall there will be quite a lag before borrowers see much relief. The relief in mortgage rates is only minimal so far. There have been actual no rate cuts from the Fed yet. Too much speculation, as ever. My biased link is below: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/real-estate/housing-market-predictions/ All that said, housing market difficulties are only one aspect to do with Bidenomics, whatever that's supposed to mean. Rates finally went up after years in the supernatural world of zero interest. Debt and inflation are the two biggest threats and Biden is making both worse.
  11. I think just about everybody, everywhere, was wrong about Covid. But that does not make Covid Trump's fault.
  12. It is 2024. Yield curve analysis generally uses 2 year and 10 year bonds.
  13. So unfair. Similar problems in many counties at the same time. Something to do with a deadly virus, I think.
  14. Not in reality. Some operators starting to conform recently. https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/greek-group-owners-and-shipowners-transport-20-or-more-of-russian-crude-oil-flows-says-sp-global-market-intelligence-report/
  15. Oops! We are having trouble finding your page.
  16. Don't worry Walker. You're always going to keep everyone informed and up-to-date with your pet topics.
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